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1、备考CET4看图作文方法;技巧;策略Part I 看图作文的特点 Part II 撰写看图作文的步骤 Part III 各个步骤的方法和技巧 Part IV 总的应试策略 Part V 常用句型 Part VI 经典范文(另见附录)Part I 看图作文的特点1. 一幅漫画(生动、形象、幽默、讽刺) 2. 两种人事(关系不同;观点对立) 3. 一个道理(主题唯一;依从主流)Part II 撰写看图作文的步骤1. 描述漫画 2. 揭示主题 3. 论证主题 4. 给出看法Part III 方法和技巧1. 如何描述(漫画) (description) 2. 如何解析(漫画) (analysis) 3

2、. 如何陈述(看法) (presentation)1. 如何描述漫画 (1)列出要素 Who: 谁和谁?关系如何? What : 发生什么事?在干什么?在说什么?有些什么东西? When: 什么时候的事? Where: 哪儿发生的? (2)揭示主题 Why: 为什么会有(1)中的人和事? How: 我们该如何看待(1)中的人和事?(3)掌握技巧 (a)人称和时态:第三人称;一般现在时( do/does); 现在进行时 (b) 直接引语和间接引语的转换; (c) There be句型的灵活运用。2. 如何解析漫画 (1)二元分析法 现象与本质; 原因和结果; 内因和外因; 正方与反方; (2)对

3、比分析法 对(1)中出现的两种不懂的事物和观点进行 解释和说明:为什么会有这样的事情发生? 它们反映了什么样的社会问题?3. 如何陈述看法 (1)在第一段末尾处,即在描述完漫画之后 ,要鲜明指出漫画所反映的主题。 (2)在第二段对主题进行解释和说明后,第 三段就要写自己对该问题的看法。主要包括 : (a)对于漫画中所出现的不同事物和观点,自 己倾向于哪一种,并简要论证。 (b) 对如何解决漫画中所反映的问题提出合理 建议。Part IV 应试策略1. 建立意识 (熟悉社会热点)(awareness ) 2. 做好准备 (多看报纸杂志)(preparation ) 3. 经常练习 (用熟各种句型

4、)(practice) 4. 学习技巧 (如何描述漫画)(learning) 5. 缓和心态 (积极但不焦躁)(ease)1. awareness: 漫画是新的,但反映的问题应该是熟悉的。 2. preparation 看看别人是怎么评价社会问题的。 3. practice 熟能生巧;记住一些常用的句型和短语,然 后才能创新。 4. learning 多看英文范文;参考小学生看图作文也行。 5. ease 相信自己;相信常识;无须紧张和过度解读。Part V 常用句型 1. 第一段开头描述漫画: (1) There are two persons in the picture and they

5、 are doing sth. (2) There are two persons in the picture(who are) doing sth. (3) Talking in the picture are two men, a son and his father. (4) In the cartoon are two persons talking about sth. (5) In the picture we can see two persons (who are) doing sth. (6) As is vividly shown in the picture above

6、, A do B. (7) Recent years people in Guangzhou have witnessed the fact that A do B. And it is very common/usual to see that in recent years. 注意: (1)至(5) 常用于第一句具体描述。(6)(7) 两句用于概括总结性的描述。补充: 图表作文常用句型 1. As is shown in the graph 如图所示 2. The graph shows that 图表显示 3. As can be seen from the table, 从表格中可以看

7、出 4. From the chart, we know that 从这张 表 中,我们可知 5. All these data clearly prove the fact that 所有这些数据明显证 明这一事实,即 6. The increase of . in the city has reached to 20%. .在这个城市的增长已达到 20%. 7. In 1985, the number remained the same. 1985 年,这个数字保持不变. 8. There was a gradual decline in 1989. 1989 年,出现了逐渐下降的情况。2

8、. 第一段结尾处揭示主题 (1) The picture tells us that . (2) We can learn from the picture that (3) What we can learn from the picture is that . (4) The truth revealed in the picture is that (5) Clearly, the fact shown in the picture is that . (6) The philosophy hidden in the cartoon is that .3. 第二段:解释,说明和分析图片(

9、即揭示涵 义/原因/结果) (1) The implied meaning of the picture should be taken into account seriously. To begin with,. Whats more,. I do J. Finally, . And the social problem /phenomenon has arisen the great concern of our whole society/world/all the people.(2) There may be three factors which contribute to/ar

10、e responsible for the phenomenon shown in the picture. First of all, .And then the second reason is .The last reason,I think, is that. 注意: 以上(1)(2)两个句型中的省略号部分都 是起解释作用,要理清各种因果关系。所以 需要用到大量表因果关系的连词和介词,如 because, because of, due to , due to the fact that, as a result, therefore, consequently, resulting

11、from this, 等等。(3) Take the man in the cartoon, for example, he does sth, but he does not know that . (4) Just like the man in the cartoon, when he does sth, he does not realize that . (5) A good case in point is the man in the cartoon who does sth without an awareness that . 注意: 以上(3)(4)(5)的句型是在第二段中

12、间为了证明 某个观点时举例所用。建议就用漫画中现成 的例子,这样既能上下文呼应,又能证明你 看懂了漫画。4. 第三段:给出自己的看法和想法以及解决问题 的办法。 (1) In my view, we should take some measures as follows to deal with the problems followed in the picture. First, we should . And then we have to /must. Only in these ways, can we solve the problem of . (2) It is true that these unique/social points can together remind us that we should take some measures to solve it. 采取的措施1 和2. Only in this way can we实现的目标!


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