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1、Unit one Task 1 A. unusual; whatever; escape; traditions; present; grey; moulded (shape or influence 塑造); shape; here B. 1209 Several hundred students and scholars arrived in Cambridge from Oxford 1284 Pererhouse, the oldest college in Cambridge, was founded 1440 King Henry VI founded Kings College

2、C. 1. Students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except sacred music), to hunt or fish or even to dance 2. When people went anywhere on a visit, the pretty english girls all kissed them. 3. Erasmus, Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, and Newton (or Wordswoth, Byron, Tennyson, etc). L3)Task 2 B. 1. They u

3、sually wear black gowns. Long gowns that hang down to the feet are for graduates, and shorter ones for undergraduates. 2. Women students do not play a very active part in university life at Cambridge, but they work harder than men. C. 1.meadows草地;green, peaceful; bending into.; intervals; deep color

4、ed; reflection; contrasts; lawns 2.scholarship;peace;suggest;stretches; charmingly cool; gracefulTask 3B. Secret 1: get free, accurate information by visiting the US Embassy website Secret 2: be thoroughly prepared Bring: I-20 form or IAP-66 form Diploma(s); Standardized test score reports (TOEFL, G

5、RE, FMAT, LAST, etc.) All letters and e-mails from the school, esp. those discussing financial aid; Evidence of funding for the applicants studies; Business cards; Any other documents that might be important. Secret 3: answer the questions that are asked. Dont give the visa officer a prepared speech

6、. Secret 4: tell the truth. Secret 5: come back to China in two ways: come back to see the family and maitian the ties to China come back to China after graduationTask 4 A. 1) You are not well suited for it./ you do not have the necessary qualities or abilities for it. 2).You cannot go back to the p

7、revious situation./you cannot change your mind. 3). You cant change halfway the subjects you choose to study.Task 5 domestic; diversity; flexibility; more than 3,600;campuses; enrolled students; industries; about 3 million Harvard ,Stanford; community colleges; state universities; faculties; ethnic

8、minorities; Subjects and course options; student; consumer; flexibility; specialize; elective courses; a higher education; postsecondary; a new career; retired peopleTask 6 B. 1. little use for the liberation of African people 2. to overcome the social and technological backwardness B. 1.formal educ

9、ation; society 2. catalyst; social change II. A. the worlds best ; the most appropriate B. integrate education and life, and education and production C. that we should judge a child or an adult by their academic ability III. the formal education system; society as a whole; cooperativeness; a desired

10、 to serveTask 7 For beauty and for romance the first place among all the cities of the United Kingdom must be given to Oxford. The impression that Oxford makes upon those who, familiar with her from early years, have learnt to know and love her in later life is remarkable. Teeming with much that is

11、ancient, she appears as the embodiment of youth and beauty. Exquisite in line, sparkling with light and color, she seems very bright and young, while her sons fall into decay and perish. “Alma Mater!” they cry, and love her for her loveliness, till their dim eyes can look on her no more.And this is

12、for the reason that the true livableness of Oxford cannot be learned at once. As her charms have grown from age to age, so their real appreciation is gradual. Not that she cannot catch the eye of one who sees her for the first time, and smiling, hold him captive. This she can do now and then; but ev

13、en so her new lover has yet to learn her preciousness. Text TwoActivity 2 Directions: Debate: Topic: Should age difference be a barrier?group 1-2 are affirmative side while group 3-4 are negative side discussing about the ground of arguments and counter arguments- choosing three debaters- setting fi

14、rst, second and third debater Group5 is the chairmen, hosts choosing the chairman and host(1-2 person)-the others are presidium(主席团)-determining the winning sides and choosing two best debatersText Two First of all, one identified by a square opening arguments, limit 3 minutes; then one identified b

15、y the anti-side opening arguments, limit 3 minutes. 首先,由正方一辨开篇立论,限时3 分钟;然后由反方一辨开篇立论,限时3分钟。2. After the opening remarks identified, both positive and negative sides of the two identified respectively to the free debate stage, starting from the square of free debate, the two sides take turns to speak every time a person can not speak straight from the same side, were a time 4 minutes each side. 开辨陈词后,正反方的二辨分别进入自由盘问(辩论)阶段,由正 方开始自由辩论,双方每次一人轮流发言,不可由同一方连续发言 ,每方分别计时4分钟。 Text TwoActivity 2 3. Three Arguments from both sides of the debate c


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