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1、18 8 下下 UnitsUnits 5-65-6 基础训练部分基础训练部分一、记忆训练部分一、记忆训练部分(一)重点词汇梳理(一)重点词汇梳理1把水龙头一直开着leave the tap running2主动攀谈,开始谈话start a conversation3挡住某人的路in ones way4参加讨论join the discussion5警告某人不要做某事warn sb. not to do sth.6冒险做某事risk doing sth.7到处乱扔垃圾drop litter everywhere8在公共场所举止有礼貌behave politely in public9压低声音ke

2、ep ones voice down10举行关于的讲座hold a talk on11包括许多赛事include many events12向某人提供支持provide support for sb.13实现他们的梦想achieve their dreams14在做某事方面有困难have trouble in doing sth.15伸出援助之手give a helping hand16向展示他们的技能show their skills to17与相似be similar to18来自不同背景from different backgrounds19和紧密合作work closely with2

3、0丧生lose ones life(二)重点句子梳理(二)重点句子梳理1活到老,学到老。Youre never too old to learn.2他们认为插队到别人前面是粗鲁无礼的。They think its rude to push in before others.3正如一句谚语所说, “入乡随俗” 。Just as the saying goes , “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”.24当我们来到一个陌生的地方,我们应当按照当地人的做法去做事情。When we are in a strange place, we should do as th

4、e local people do.5当大家都准备好了,你才能开始吃东西。Do not start eating until everyone is ready.6讲座目的是教学生用餐的规矩。The purpose of the talk is to teach students rules for eating.7为奥运会做点事情很有意义。Its meaningful to do something for the Olympics.8他们可以向无家可归者提供特别住处。They can provide special places for homeless people to stay.9这

5、些志愿者在执行任务前接受培训是必要的。It was necessary for these volunteers to receive training before doing the tasks.10对李海来说,最重要的事不是夺取金牌或银牌,而是参与。To Lihai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part.11我们可以把零花钱节省下来捐给那些贫穷的人。We can save our pocket money and donate it to these in need.12他

6、们没有足够的钱来做这样的手术。They do not have enough money for such an operation.二、基础练习部分二、基础练习部分(一)不定式专项训练(一)不定式专项训练-句型转换句型转换( (每空一词每空一词) )1The water was so dirty that we couldnt drink itThe water was _ dirty for us _ drink2The child is so young that he cant put on his clothesThe child isnt _ _ _ put on his clot

7、hes3The problem is too difficult for me to work outThe problem isnt _ _ _ for me to work out4.The box is so heavy that he cant lift itThe box is _ _ _ _35. Its very rude of her to say such words.She is _ _ _ _ _ _ _.(二)重点专题强化(书面表达)(二)重点专题强化(书面表达) 假设你是一名 18 岁的学生,参加了学校举办的 Walk for Children 募捐活动。你和你的队友

8、在两小时内完成了行走任务,获得了奖状和纪念品,共募集了 5000 元人民币,用以帮助中国因贫困不能上学的孩子。请根据以上内容和下表写一篇短文介绍这次活动。字数在 80 词左右。活动名称Walk for Children活动时间9.00a.m, Sunday, May 3, 活动地点South Hill路线from Sunny Street to South Hill活动目的帮助中国因贫困不能上学的孩子完成活动时间2 小时奖励证书、纪念品筹款数量至少 4000 元人民币8 8 下下 UnitsUnits 5-65-6 综合训练部分综合训练部分一、单项选择一、单项选择1.Thank you for

9、 your good service.-You are welcome. It is patient _ us to serve everyone.A. of B. for C. to D. with2. _ fun it is to ride on a camel in the desert! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a3. _ you the truth, she knows nothing about it.A. To tell B. Telling C. To tell D. Told4. The thief got in _ the windo

10、w, because my mum had forgotten to lock it before leaving the house.A .across B. cross C. though D. through5. _is impossible _him to come here tomorrow.4A. That; of B. That; for C. It; for D. It; of 6. I havent gone back to my hometown _I left it in 1993.A. when B. as C. till D. since二、词汇运用二、词汇运用1.

11、Dont (触摸) anything on show in the museum.2. As everyone knows, (练习) makes perfect.3. If nobody drops l , the park will be a clean and comfortable place.4. The s we are going to talk about is “Online Manners”.5. If you dont look after your pet bird in p ways, it will get ill easily.6.Dont (触摸) anythi

12、ng on show in the museum.7. As everyone knows, (练习) makes perfect.8. If nobody drops l , the park will be a clean and comfortable place.9. The s we are going to talk about is “Online Manners”.10. If you dont look after your pet bird in p ways, it will get ill easily.三、翻译句子三、翻译句子1.对我们来说,做好每一件事是很有必要的.

13、_.2.Tom 太小了不能照顾好他自己。_ _.3轻视残疾人是不礼貌的。_ _.4很多人过去常常住在旧房子里。_.四、语篇训练四、语篇训练 A.A. 完形填空完形填空This morning I got a funny feeling. Today I had to give a report in my _1_ , and I had been doing this for a long time!Mum came into the kitchen asking,” Are you ready,_2_ ?”“Yes,” I answered quietly. _3_ in fact I wa

14、snt ready, really!”On my way _4_ school, I could feel my heart beating fast. I hated this.I went into Mrs. Owens class. She is smiling, and saying _5_ to all her students as she did every morning .“Hi, Sam,” she said to me as I walked _6_ the classroom.“Hi,” I said and quickly sat in my _7_. I looked at the clock. The class was about to begin. Then Mrs. Owens started , “Sam, its time for you to give your speech.” 5_8_in front of everybody? Oh, no!I got up slowly, looking _9_ the ground as I walked to the front of the classroom. Then, I looked up , and everyone w



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