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1、- 1 -UnitUnit 3 3 WhatWhat colorcolor isis itit学习目标:学习目标: 1、熟练分辨本单元表示颜色的词汇;2、正确、规范地拼写新单词;学习重难点:学习重难点:1 1、词汇:词汇:black white blue green yellow red brown orange 2 2、句型:、句型: What color is it ? Its yellow . 课前预习课前预习 一、 写一写:1、请你把单词按规范的书写要求抄写在下列横线上并理解单词的意思。 bag bird black blue book brown cat desk dog flowe

2、r greenorange pen pencil red white yellow2、听写句子。 What color is the bag? Its yellow . 二、单词归类。二、单词归类。bag bird black blue book brown cat desk dog flower green- 2 -orange pen pencil red white yellow学习用品:学习用品:动物和植物:动物和植物:颜色:颜色: 自主探究自主探究 预习课本活动一的对话,找一找下列问题的答案。预习课本活动一的对话,找一找下列问题的答案。1、 课文中询问事物颜色的句型的是?怎样回答?_

3、1.如果物体有多种颜色时应该如何描述它?_2.听和说:和你的同伴练习课文第三部分内容。 我的教与学收获、疑问:我的教与学收获、疑问:课堂活动课堂活动 StepStep 1 1 1 1 )认知重点单词:)认知重点单词: bag bird black blue book brown cat desk - 3 -dog flower green orange pen pencil red white yellow2 2 ) 利用周边环境或实物操练句子利用周边环境或实物操练句子 :A : What colour is it?B: Its yellowStepStep 2 2 Listen and re

4、peat in Activity 2.StepStep 3 3 looklook , , ReadRead andand MatchMatch inin ActivityActivity 3 3 .(看一看, 连一连句子。 )1.1. What colour is the pen ?a)a) Its red .2.2. What colour is the cat ?b)b) Its yellow.3.3. What colour is the pencil ?c)c) Its white .4.4. What colour is the flower?d)d). Its red , gree

5、n and orange .5.5. What colour is the dog ?e)e) Its blue .6.6. What colour is the bird ?f f ) ). Its brown .StepStep 4 4 Work in pairs. answer (口语训练。小组合作,操练对话。 )A:A: What colour is the ? . B:B: Its.Its.Step 5 Write. (完成课本活动六的单词归类。 )StepStep 6 6 LookLook atat thethe picturespictures inin ActivityActi

6、vity 3 3 andand writewrite . . (完成课本活动七的书写练习。 ) 巩固练习巩固练习 TaskTask 1 1 : 根据提示填写单词,完成句子根据提示填写单词,完成句子。1. A: What c_ is it? B: Its o_.2. A: W_ colour is the _ (花)? B: Its y_.3. A: What colour is t_ _(鸟)? B: Its w_.4. A: What colour _ _ _(猫)? B: Its _(棕色的). TaskTask 2 2 挑战一下挑战一下1. The desk is orange. 改为复

7、数:The _ _ orange. - 4 -2. The classroom is white. 对划线部分提问:_ colour is the classroom? 3. 这个桌子时什么颜色的? What _ is the _?4. 它是绿色的。 It _ g_.5. 这本书是红白的。 The _ is _ and _.TaskTask 3 3 选择填空选择填空( ) 1. _ are those flowers? A. Whats colour B. What colour C. What colour( ) 2. What colour is _ pencil? A. a B. one

8、 C. the ( ) 3. What _ is the dog? Its black. A. colou B. corlour C. colour ( ) 4. What colour _ the birds? Theyre green. A. is B. am C. areTaskTask 4 4 从方框中选出正确的答语从方框中选出正确的答语( ) 1. Good morning, boys and girls! ( ) 2. What colour are these apples? ( ) 3. Whats this in English? ( ) 4. How are you, Eric? ( ) 5. Thank you. 我的教与学收获、疑问:我的教与学收获、疑问:A. Im fine, thank you. B. Good morning, Miss Liu. C. They are red and green. D. Its a map. E.Youre welcome.



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