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1、浅析操作性“顺其自然法” 道家思想与强迫症患者的对话 Analysis of Operant Natural Therapy Dialogue Between Taoism and Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder杜胜胜祥 Du Shengxiang作者简介 北京胜胜祥之道咨询询有限责责任公司董事长长 首席咨询师询师 国家二级级心理咨询师询师 (职业证书编职业证书编 号:06010000008300686) 中国心理卫卫生协协会会员员(会员员号M1501190861M) 揭开爱爱情的面纱纱作者(大陆简陆简 体版和台湾繁体版) 中国第一个恋爱

2、艺术爱艺术 培训训班创创始人Introduction of the author Chief Consultant And CEO Of Beijing Shengxiangzhidao Co. Ltd. National second-level Psychiatrist (06010000008300686 ) Member of Chinese Mental Health Association (M1501190861M) The writer of Reveal the secret of love The founder of Chinas first training cours

3、e about the art of love 摘 要Abstract 1.强迫症-强迫思维维和强迫动动作2. OCDcompulsive thought and compulsive act3.2.操作性顺顺其自然法:4. Operant natural therapy5.3.现现代心理治疗疗与传统传统 道家思想相结结合6. Combination of modern psychotherapy and Taoism报告内容强迫症概述操作性顺其自然法原理 运用“操作性顺其自然法”治疗强迫症案例分析Contents Summary of OCD Theory of operant natura

4、l therapy Using operant natural therapy to cure OCD Case analysis一、强迫症概述General Description of OCD强迫症:焦虑虑障碍, 重复思想、冲动动或意向,和意欲减 少不舒服感而进进行的重复行为为。强迫与反强迫目前临临床的心理疗疗法有很多: (1)认认知一行为疗为疗 法 (2)精神分析疗疗法(包括钟钟氏认认知领领悟疗疗法和森 田疗疗法)等。强迫症概念Concept of OCD A kind of anxiety disorder, a distressing repetitive thought, impu

5、lsion or intention, and a repetitive act of desiring to decrease symptoms but cause discomfort because of this impulsive thought. Obsessive and anti-obsessive At present, there are many clinical psychotherapies: Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Psychoanalytic therapy (including cognitive insight therapy o

6、f Chong, Maria therapy) etc. 二、操作性顺其自然法原理Theory of Operant Natural Therapy “顺顺其自然,忍受症状,为为所当为为”(1)不要把症状视为视为 异端,并欲除去而后快;(2) 要撤除抵抗,带带着症状工作、学习习,像正常人 那样样生活。森田疗法治疗的要点Key points of Maria therapy “Let nature take its course ; Tolerate the symptoms; Do what you should do” (1)Dont treat the symptom as abnorma

7、lity, persisting on to get rid of it. (2)Live with symptoms, as a normal people to work, study “操作性顺其自然法” 基石:“顺顺其自然、为为所当为为;自知者明,自胜胜 者强;将欲取之,必先予之”等思想,提出了有别别 于森田疗疗法的操作性顺顺其自然法。 咨询师询师 突破意识识禁锢锢,关注患者的当下体验验。强 调调直面体验验,不要有意识识地去回避或改变变所呈现现 的不舒服体验验,与体验验友好相处处,让让症状充分呈 现现。 以迎接的姿态态出现现,接受一切“有”和“无”,达到 深度共情。Operant Na

8、tural Therapy According to thoughts of “let nature take its course , do what you should do; The person who knows himself could know everything, who can conquer himself is powerful; If you want to get, give at first etc.”, I put forward a therapy different from Morita therapy, which is named “operant

9、 natural therapy” The consultants break through thinking barriers, concerning about the patients current feelings. Laying stress on facing inner feelings, dont try to avoid or change uncomfortable feelings consciously. Getting along well with experiences, letting symptoms present fully Accepting all

10、 the feelings of the patients, achieve the effect of in-depth empathy面对对症状所表现现出的自然退缩缩、自我保护护的意识识 ,对对他顺势顺势 相助,通过过内化他人和角色扮演等心 理咨询询方法,体验验患者的感受;与患者逐层层揭开 平素不曾觉觉察的自我保护护面纱纱,看到自我赤裸裸 的一面,见证见证 和体验验整个剥离过过程,从而帮助患 者唤唤醒自我觉觉察意识识,提高认认知水平,增强自我 保护护能力。该法主张“顺其自然,不争而争”Let nature take its course dont fight the fight In th

11、e face of the patients symptoms of flinching and self-protect awareness, helping them depending on the situation. According to psychological counseling methods such as internalizing others, role-playing etc., experience the patents feelings. Helping the patient unveil self -protect layers to see the

12、 naked inner. Participating in and experiencing the whole process to help the patient awaken self-awareness, improve cognitive level and enhance self-protected ability. 操作性顺其自然法与森田疗法的区别(一)操作性顺顺其自然法 森田疗疗法 理论论基础础 顺顺其自然、为为所当为为; 自知者明,自胜胜者强; 将欲取之,必先予之 顺顺其自然, 忍受症状, 为为所当为为 对顺对顺 其自 然的理解 深入探讨讨症状,咨询师询师 帮助来 访访

13、者真正面对对矛盾和痛苦 忽略症状,转转移注 意力 操作性 体验验当下情绪绪,直面内心冲 突(顺势顺势 而为为,牵牵牛技术术) 记记日记记、做事等 对对症状态态 度 不回避,充分呈现现 忍受对对痛苦的 处处理 (揭“伤伤疤”)把内心的痛苦 转转向意识识,使痛苦体验验在意 识识中转转化、升华华把对对痛苦的注意转转 向无意识识,使痛苦 体验验在意识识中消失 或减弱 Differences between Operant Natural Therapy and Morita Therapy (one)Operant natural therapy Morita therapy Theor y let

14、nature take its course , do what you should do; The person who knows himself could know everything, who can conquer himself is powerful; If you want to get, give at first;let nature take its course; tolerate symptoms; do what you should do;Means and waysDiscuss symptoms in depth, helping the client

15、face conflicts and suffering Ignoring symptoms; shifting attention Opera tion Experience emotions in the present, face inner conflictsWriting diaries, working etc. Attitud es Not avoidTolerating Treat ments to pains (expose scars) be conscious of inner pain, making pain change and sublimateTransfer the attention of suffering to unconscious 操作性顺其自然法与森田疗法的区别(二)操作性顺顺其自然法森田疗疗法 矛盾冲突的转转化 社会化、正常化、升华华压压抑咨询师询师 (治疗疗 师师)的压压力很大(突破意识识禁锢锢,着 重关注患者的当下体验验) (双人舞)不大(来访访者独舞)来访访者和咨询询 师师的关系平等教育、教化药药物治疗疗有药药物更好不一定咨询询、治疗过疗过 程灵活按部就班、程序化家庭治疗疗配合需要家庭参与不需要家庭参与Differences between Operant Natural Therapy and Morita T



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