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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福阅读长难句精选400句(40)-智课教育旗下智课教育本文和大家分享的是托福阅读长难句精选400句(40),正在进行 托福阅读备考的学生可以一起来看看文中整理的句子,希望能给大家的 托福考试带来帮助。 历年托福阅读考试中的句子,不仅可以出现在托福阅读中,挑选些 有用的修改的书面化之后更可以出现于你的作文中为作文添彩,所以考 生们可以多注意这些,在平时进行积累,觉得用得到的可以记下来。这 次为大家整理了托福阅读长难句精选 400句(40),这些句子都出自OG和TPO,大家可以在备考中进行学习。 1. Democrats attracted farmers is

2、olated from the market or uncomfortable with it, workers alienated from the emerging industrial system, and rising entrepreneurs who wanted to break monopolies and open the economy to newcomers like themselves. 2. The Whigs were strongest in the towns, cities, and those rural areas that were fully i

3、ntegrated into the market economy, whereas Democrats dominated areas of semisubsistence farming that were more isolated and languishing economically.3. Causing participants in experiments to smile, for example, leads them to report more positive feelings and to rate cartoons (humorous drawings of pe

4、ople or situations) as being more humorous. 4. Ekman has found that the so-called Duchenne smile, which is characterized by crows feet“ wrinkles around the eyes and a subtle drop in the eye cover fold so that the skin above the eye moves down slightly toward the eyeball, can lead to pleasant feeling

5、s. 5. There are two principal influences that shape the terrain: constructive processes such as uplift, which create new landscape features, and destructive forces such as erosion, which graduallywear away exposed landforms. 6. Today, however, the relics of the Caledonian orogeny (mountain-building

6、period) exist as the comparatively low mountains of Greenland, the northern Appalachians in the United States, the Scottish Highlands, and the Norwegian coastal plateau. 7. The exposed rocks are attacked by the various weather processes and gradually broken down into fragments, which are then carrie

7、d away and later deposited as sediments. 8. Her dancing also attracted the attention of French poets and painters of the period, for it appealed to their liking for mystery, their belief in art for arts sake, a nineteenth-century idea that art is valuable in itself rather than because it may have so

8、me moral or educational benefit, and their efforts to synthesize form and content. 9. The forward movement, the melting at the base of the glacier where it meets the ocean, and waves and tidal action cause blocks of ice to break off and float out to sea.10. Once detached from the ice shelf, these bergs drift in the currents and wind systems surrounding Antarctica and can be found scattered among Antarcticas less colorful icebergs. 以上是本期为大家带来的托福阅读长难句精选400句(40),到此这 个系列的内容就全部为大家更新完了。希望这个系列的内容能够帮助大 家备考,更多托福考试 资讯请关注智课教育。



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