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1、1 Adolf Hilter (18891945), 希特勒是 德 国国家社会主义工人党即纳粹党 的总裁 和德意志第三帝国 的元首,第三帝国元 首兼总理,第二次世界大战的头号战犯 founder and leader of National Socialism (Nazism), and German dictatorEarly Life The son of Alois Hitler (1837 1903), an Austrian customs official, Adolf Hitler dropped out of high school, and after his mothers

2、 death in 1907 moved to Vienna. He twice failed the admission examination for the academy of arts. His vicious anti-Semitism 反犹太主义and political harangues drove many acquaintances away. In 1913 he settled in Munich, and on the outbreak of World War I he joined the Bavarian 巴伐利亚的army. During the war h

3、e was wounded, a corporal, he received the Iron Cross 铁十字勋章for bravery. The war hardened his extreme 2 nationalism, and he blamed the German defeat on betrayal by Jews and Marxists 马 克思主义者 . Upon his return to Munich he joined a handful of other nationalistic veterans in the German Workers party 德 意

4、志工人党 . The Nazi Party In 1920 the German Workers party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers民族社会主义德意志工 人 党 , or Nazi party; in 1921 it was reorganized with Hitler as chairman. He made it a paramilitary organization and won the support of such prominent nationalists. On Nov. 8, 1923, Hitl

5、er attempted the “beer-hall putsch“啤酒店 暴 动 ”, intended to overthrowthe republican government. It failed at last. Hitler fled, but was soon arrested and sentenced to five years. He served nine months. 3 The putschmade Hitler known throughout Germany. In prison he dictated 口 述to Rudolf Hess the turgid

6、 Mein Kampfmy struggle, filled with anti-Semitic outpourings, worship of power, disdain for civil morality, and strategy for world domination. It became the bible of National Socialism. Under the tutelage of Hitler, the party grew slowly until the economic depression, beginning in 1929, brought it m

7、ass support. Hitlers Rise to Power To Germans burdened by reparations payments赔款条约 to the victors of World War I, and threatened by hyperinflation, political chaos, and a possible Communist takeover, Hitler, frenzied yet magnetic, offered scapegoatsand solutions. To the economically depressed he pro

8、mised to despoil “Jew financiers,“ to workers he promised security. He gained the financial support of bankers and industrialists with 4 his virulent anti-Communism and promises to control trade unionism工团主 义(即 syndicalism 工联主义。工团主义 学说从来不十分明晰或确切:强调的是 行动而不是理论。其基调是要求会员发 扬主动性;提倡战斗精神(包括怠工破 坏活动) ;通过纯粹的工业

9、组织和斗争来 推翻资本主义和国家。对意大利左翼有 影响,其中有些人,著名的有墨索里尼, 转向了法西斯主义。). Hitler had a keen and sinister insight into mass psychology, and he was a master of intrigue. After acquiring German citizenship , he ran in the presidential elections of 1932, losing to the popular war hero Paul von Hinderburg (兴登堡,:(1847-1934

10、) 德国元帅,政 治家,曾任魏玛共和国总统(1925 年 -1934 年),任命希特勒为总理 (1933 年) but strengthening his position When the Nazis were elected the largest party in the Reichstag 德国国民议 会 (July, 1932), Hindenburg offered Hitler 5 a subordinate position in the cabinet. Hitler held out for the chief post and for sweeping powers, i

11、n 1939, Hindenburg called Hitler to be chancellor of a coalition cabinet联合内阁大臣 . Hitler in Power Germanys new ruler was a master of Machiavellian politics权 谋 政 治 家 (Machiavellian adj. 1 马基雅弗利 的, 权谋术的 n. 1 权谋政治家 . 尼可罗马基 亚维利(公元1469-1527 年)意大利政 治思想家和历史学家。 1513年 12 月,他 的惊世之作君主论 The prince问世。 书中强调君主必须同人民

12、保持较好的关 系;必须重视军事;必须通权达变,灵 活机动,为达到目的可以不择手段;并 要真正了解国情,注意避开谄媚者。这 些原则后来成为一些人的治国原则,拿 破仑、希特勒、墨索里尼都曾把君主 论 作为案头书。)Hitler feared plots, and firmly believed in his mission to achieve 6 the supremacy of the so-called Aryan race 在纳粹用语中,指非犹太教徒的白种人 的 或 与 非 犹 太 教 徒 的 白 种 人 相 关 的 which he termed the “master race.“ H

13、aving legally come to power, he used brutality and subversion to transform the state into his dictatorship. He blamed the Communists for a fire in the Reichstag on Feb. 27, and by fanning anti-Communist hysteria the Nazis and Nationalists won a majority of Reichstag seats in the elections of Mar. 5.

14、 After the Communists had been barred, the Reichstag voted to give Hitler dictatorial powers. From the first days of Hitlers “Third Reich“ ,political opponents such as Gregor Strasser (who had resigned from the Nazis) were murdered or incarcerated , and some Nazis, were themselves purged. Jews, Soci

15、alists, Communists, and others were hounded, arrested, or assassinated. Government, law, and education became 7 appendagesof National Socialism. After Hindenburgs death in 1934 the chancellorship and presidency were united in the person of the F hrer leader. Heil Hitler!became the obligatoryform of

16、greeting, and a cult of Fhrer worship was propagated. In 1938, amid carefully scandal, Hitler dismissed top army commanders and divided their power between himself and faithful subordinates such as Wilhelm Keitel(凯特尔,威廉: (1882-1946) 德 国将军,二战中是纳粹武装力量的高级 统帅司令。他签署了德国对俄罗斯和盟 军的无条件投降条约 (1945年) ,并作为 战 犯 被 处 决 ) . Hitler bulliedsmaller nations into making territorial concessions and play


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