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1、摘摘 要要房地产业是投资大,风险高,回报显著的行业。但是,也存在着大量房地产项目因为各种原因而搁浅或者半途而废。其中不作市场调查,不作项目可行性研究,盲目上马,资金周转失灵成为主要的原因。项目可行性研究在我国房地产开发过程中作用愈加明显,其研究结果一定程度上决定了项目开发的成败。因此做好项目的可行性研究便成为项目顺利运行的基础。本设计通过深入细致的市场调研及数据测评,分析了项目建设区域的市场状况和前景,为项目开发提供了符合市场需求的产品设计建议、销售价格预测等项目市场定位。基于房地产建设项目济评价和投资评估的基础理论,利用项目经济评价和评估的一般方法与指标,结合房地产行业的基准参数,进行了各项


3、不确定性分析;经济效益;ABSTRACTABSTRACTReal estate industry is one with high investment, high risk and high return. But lots of real estate projects were suspended or stopped in many reasons, the most important reasons of which are having no market researches or feasibility studies and difficulties in the capi

4、tal turnover. Feasibility study is playing a larger part in the process of exploitation of real estate in China. It also determines failure or success of the project to a certain extent. So, a good feasibility study is the fundament of running the project without troubles. With deep and detailed mar

5、ket research and study on data, this paper analyzes the background and prospect of the region of the project. It provides suggestions on the design of products that fit the market demand, a price predicting and other market positioning on the project. Based on the basic theory of project economic ap

6、praisal and investment evaluation; using the general methods and evaluating indicators on project economic appraisal and evaluation, and normal parameters; with the estimation on the basic financial data and financial analysis, this paper makes a financial evaluation and analyzes the economic feasib

7、ility and risk from the analysis result. It shows that with a low risk this project has a considerable profitability and repayment ability, so its feasible. This project will promote the core competitiveness and the capacity to resist risks of the enterprise. It will also meet the housing needs in t

8、his area and make a contribution to the local economic development.The unique feature of this paper is that guided by the full and accurate market date, the conception in the product design becomes more original, more advanced, more distinctive and more practical. Having finished the feasibility stu

9、dy, author made an analysis, a summary and gave some solutions on problems of the current feasibility study on real estate projects in China, on the basis of searched information and knowledge from practical work.Keywords: Product Orientation; Financial Evaluation of Project; Financial Tables; Uncer

10、tainty Analysis; Economic Benefit;东湖康城国际I目目 录录第第 1 1 章章 绪论绪论1.1 项目背景.11.1.1 项目名称.11.1.2 承办单位概况.11.1.3 可行性研究报告编制依据.11.2 项目概况.11.2.1 选址位置.11.2.2 项目环境条件.21.2.3 开发地址的获取与开发.31.2.4 建设条件.31.2.5 环境保护.41.3 建设规模.4第第 2 2 章章 市场预测市场预测2.1 武汉市场概况.52.1.1 武汉总体经济状况.52.1.2 武汉市房地产市场概况.52.1.3 武汉商品住宅价格走势.62.2 武汉住宅市场需求分析.82.3 武汉住宅市场供应分析.82.3.1 投资仍将保持一定幅度的增长.82.3.2 市场需求将趋于平稳.82.3.3 市场竞争趋于激烈.92.3.4 中心区年规模化发展.9第第 3 3 章章 建设方案建设方案3.1 总体规划布局.103.1.1 片区规划.103.1.2 小区整体规划设计原则.103.1.3 总平面布局.103.1.4 交通组织.103.1.5 规划指标.103.2 建筑方案设计.113.2.1 建筑方案总体构思.113.2.2 平面设计.11


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