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1、334學生資訊科技能力Student IT CompetenceStudent IT Competence資訊科技的急速發展,引領我們進入資訊年代,改變了我們工作、溝通及遊樂的方式, 並且提高了我們的生產力。能夠利用電腦及其他科技增進學識,提高生產力和改良工 作表現,才算具備資訊科技的知識。而這些知識已成為教與學的基本技能。為幫助學 生學會這基本技能,大學為他們提供了一套基本資訊科技技能訓練及測試。學生如通 過測試,即表示他們已具備操作電腦的基本技巧,懂得使用電子通訊、數據管理及資 訊簡報等應用軟件,並能意識到資訊科技發展的社會涵義。 Rapid advances in information

2、 technology (IT) are leading us into the information age, changing the way we work, communicate and play, and increasing our productivity. IT literacy, the ability to use computers and other technologies to improve learning, productivity and performance, has become essential. To help students acquir

3、e this fundamental skill, the University provides a training and test package targeted at basic IT skills: the basic operation of a computer, skills in using application software in electronic communication, data management and information presentation, and an appreciation of the social implications

4、 of developments in IT.I. 資訊科技能力訓練 IT Proficiency Training大學設立資訊科技學習中心,為學生提供資訊科技能力訓練。學生可利用大學提供的 自學教材軟件以實習導修形式進行練習,以準備參加資訊科技能力測試。學生可於中 心內學習,亦可通過校園內數個侍服器使用該套軟件。學生可選擇是否接受訓練。詳 情載於學生資訊科技能力網頁。The University has set up an IT Learning Centre to cater for the training needs of the students. A self-learning c

5、ourseware in a hands-on tutorial mode is also available for use by those who wish to be trained before taking the IT Proficiency Test. Students may use the courseware at the Centre, or access the courseware through several servers on campus. Some Faculties and Departments have also set up self-learn

6、ing centres for their own students. The training is entirely voluntary. For details, please browse the Student IT Competence (SITC) homepage .II. 資訊科技能力測試 IT Proficiency Test(1) 全日制本科生學生須於第一修業年參加資訊科技能力測試。如已做好測試準備,須自行預約參加 於資訊科技學習中心舉行的測試。學生可重覆參加測試。 一年級生在第二學期完結前測試不及格者(不論參加次數)或未曾參加測試者,須335於五月下旬參加測試重考。在五

7、月的測試中成績不及格者或仍未參加測試者,須 修讀暑期資訊科技精修課程,並於第二修業年重考;二年級生在第二學期完結前仍 未能通過測試者,須依循上述一年級生適用的程序,於五月下旬參加測試重考。? 2003-2004 年度及以前入學之學生,若資訊科技能力測試不及格而又沒有修讀 暑期精修課程兩次者,將不能畢業。? 2004-2005 年度及以後入學之學生,若資訊科技能力測試不及格者,不論曾否 修讀暑期精修課程,將不能畢業。學生可重覆參加測試。? 2004-2005 年度及以後入學之學生,若已在 International Computer Driving License 測試中取得合格成績者,可申請豁

8、免參加資訊科技能力測試,申請豁免 表格載於資訊科技能力網頁。已通過測試的學生,其學業成績表上將顯示資訊科技能力及格 ;2003-2004 年 度及以前入學之學生,測試不合格但修畢暑期精修課程兩次者,其學業成績表上將 顯示已修讀資訊科技課程 。(2) 全日制及兼讀制研究生 (包括各項博士學位、碩士學位、學士後文憑課程之學員)在 2000-2001 年及以後入學之學生,必須參加資訊科技能力測試。如已做好測試準 備,須自行預約參加於資訊科技學習中心舉行的測試。學生可重覆參加測試。學生 可選擇在測試前修讀資訊科技精修課程。測試不及格者,可再行修讀精修課程,然 後重考測試。? 1999-2000 年度及

9、以前入學之學生,可自行決定是否參加測試。? 在 2000-2001 年度至 2003-2004 年度入學之學生,若資訊科技能力測試不及格 而又沒有修讀精修課程兩次者,將不能畢業。? 2004-2005 年度及以後入學之學生,若資訊科技能力測試不及格者,不論曾否 修讀精修課程,將不能畢業。學生可重覆參加測試。? 2004-2005 年度及以後入學之學生,若已在 International Computer Driving License 測試中取得合格成績者,可申請豁免參加資訊科技能力測試,申請豁免 表格載於資訊科技能力網頁。已通過測試的學生,其學業成績表上將顯示資訊科技能力及格 ;在 2000

10、-2001 年度至 2003-2004 年度入學之學生,測試不合格但修畢精修課程兩次者,其學業成 績表上將顯示已修讀資訊科技課程 。(3) 測試課程範圍:第一部電腦使用第四部電子通訊 第二部文字處理第五部圖文簡報軟件 第三部試算表第六部資訊科技德育及有關之香港法例有關學生資訊科技能力的規定及詳細的訓練和測試安排,請參閱學生資訊科技能力網336頁。查詢請瀏覽資訊科技服務處電子服務台網址http:/helpdesk.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk 。(1) For Full-time Undergraduate StudentsAll students are required to sit a

11、n IT Proficiency Test. They are required to make their own bookings for a test session at the IT Learning Centre when they are ready for the Test. Multiple attempts are allowed. First-year students who have failed the Test (irrespective of the number of attempts) or those who have yet to sit the Tes

12、t at the end of the second term are required to take/re-take the Test in late May. If they fail the Test or do not sit the Test in May, they will be required to attend a summer intensive IT proficiency course and sit the Test again in their second year of attendance. Any second-year students who hav

13、e yet to pass the Test by the end of the second term will, again, be required to take/re-take the Test in May, following the same procedures for first-year students.? Students admitted in 2003-2004 and before will be barred from graduation if they do not pass the IT Proficiency Test and yet have not

14、 attended the summer intensive course twice.? Students admitted in 2004-2005 and thereafter will be barred from graduation if they do not pass the IT Proficiency Test, irrespective of whether they have attended the summer intensive course. Multiple attempts are allowed.? Students admitted in 2004-20

15、05 and thereafter, who have passed the International Computer Driving License Test, may apply for exemption form the IT Proficiency Test. The application for exemption is available on the SITC homepage.Upon graduation, students having passed the Test will have “IT Proficiency Passed” recorded on the

16、 transcripts, and those (admitted in 2003-2004 and before) having failed the Test but attended the summer intensive course twice will have “IT Proficiency Course Attended” recorded.(2) For Full-time and Part-time Postgraduate Students (including students of different doctoral degree, masters degree, and postgraduate diploma programmes)All students admitted in 2000-2001 and thereafter are required to sit an IT Proficiency Test. They are required to make their own bookings



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