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1、备忘录一、关于备忘录 Memo是memorandum(备忘录)的缩写,是机 关或公司处理日常事务时广泛使用的一种形式 。其用途通常有:上传下达、提出意见或建议 反馈;各部门之间相互沟通、交流信息、公布 或通知事项;来函回复和成绩评估等。备忘录 可长可短,根据所需传递的信息量的多少而 定 。行文要简明扼要、重点突出、准确清晰,不 能引起歧义,切忌拖泥带水。许多公司都有自 己专用的备忘录信纸,上面印有诸如“致某某” 、“来自某某”、“主旨是什么”以及日期等项。 英文备忘录的写作要注意如下几点: (1)备忘录通常用来作为内部信息交流的手段; (2)备忘录上端应标明:To(收件人)From(寄件 人)

2、Subject (主题)Date(日期)等项; 3)文字简短,一般只涵盖相关的信息; 4)要点的排列顺序要合理,内容较多的备忘录 通常用数字编号; 5)行文有正式、非正式和中性三种; 6)结尾处多用姓名的词首大写字母,用签名的 情况比较少见。 二 范文举例 1范文一:通报信息 公司各办公室之间的信息传递通常采用备忘 录来进行,其长短依信息量的多少而定。此外 ,备忘录也是公司所有员工、同行或有业务往 来的人士之间进行联系的常用方式,具有“通知 ”的功能。当同一件事需要通知到几个甚至几十 个人时,就不必写几十封信,而只需发一个备 忘录即可。2009年5月15日,天河对外贸易学校 外事办主任宣告给本

3、部门所有员工发出一份备 忘录,就美国客人来访一事做了安排,要求他 们各司其职。 MEMORANDUM To: All staff members From: Director of Foreign Affairs Re: Visit of VIPs from U. S. A. Date: May 15, 2009 Please let me know your availability for meeting our U.S.A. group at the airport on the 18th. They will be arriving at 10:00 a.m. and will nee

4、d to be picked up, taken to their hotel, and helped with any transportation arrangements they may need. An interpreter will accompany them. Please make your calendar for that evening. We will be hosting an after-work cocktail party for them, and I expect all of you to attend. D.H. Extension 406 2范文二

5、:来访安排 美国大通机器制造公司的总经理帕特里夏华盛顿 女士,用备忘录的形式通知各部门经理有关德国市 场营销代理来公司总部参观的事宜及安排。这一备 忘录与“范文一”的格式和行文基本一致,但条理更 清楚。INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUMTo: All department headsFrom: Patricia Washington, General ManagerSubject: Visit of German AgentDate: April 16, 2009 Please note that Katy Schmidt, our German agent, will be vis

6、iting the company on Friday, April 26. There will be a meeting on that day at 11: 30 a.m. in the Boardroom, which you should all attend. Ms Schmidt will be presenting her marketing plan for expanding sales in the German market. If you wish to join us for lunch at a local restaurant, please let me kn

7、ow as soon as possible. P.W.3范文三:确认 泰达网络技术开发公司的销售培训部(the Sales Training Department)是一个很重要的部门,由市场营销部经理展宏 图直接领导。最近,培训部主任张洪向展经理汇报工作, 并与他商讨培训部机制改革的问题。展经理基本上同意他 提出的方案。张洪为了进一步确认销售培训部新的组织机 构,起草了下份备忘录A CONFIRMATION MEMORANDUMTo: Zhan HongtuFrom: Zhang HongSubject: Changes in the Sales Training DepartmentDat

8、e: July 7, 2009This will confirm our discussion in your office on Thursday in which we agreed on the following.1. I am authorized to hire two additional people: an instructor and an audiovisual specialist, effective August 1, at a total annual salary not to exceed ¥58,000. I may allocate this amount

9、 as I see fit, depending on the qualifications of the people hired. I am to talk with Liu Liying to discuss my needs and get information about her departments applications on file. 2. Two additional modular office units are to be installed on the fourth floor, and I am authorized to order these unit

10、s and the equipment that will be required by the two new employees. We agreed on a total expenditure of ¥12,600 for these units and equipment, and I am to prepare the purchase orders for your signature. 3. Hu Kai is to be promoted to the position of Coordinator of Training Materials, also effective

11、August 1, at a 15-percent increase over his present salary. I will prepare a memorandum for your signature, announcing Hu Kais promotion, which will be sent to Distribution Lists B and C. If you have any questions or reservations about these points, please let me know. Otherwise, I will assume that

12、we are in agreement on everything mentioned. 4范文四:业绩考评 梅里尔汽车保险公司(Merrill Car Insurance Company) 每年都要对每个员工的工作业绩进行评定(merit ratings), 为其晋级、加薪提供佐证。但主管和经理们在执行过程中 存在一些问题,引起了执行副总经理詹妮弗布什的不满。 为此,她给这些主管和经理发了一份备忘录。 REVIEWING THE IMPORTANCE OF MERIT RATINGS To: All Managers and Supervisors From: Jennifer Bush S

13、ubject: Merit Ratings Date: December 18, 2009 Each of you will receive this year merit rating forms for the employees under your supervision. I think it is appropriate to point out that these ratings should not be taken lightly. As you know, they play a major role in employee promotion, ,salary incr

14、eases, and opportunities for advancement. I am sure you know that you are expected to rate each employee with complete honesty; yet some people insist on giving an “outstanding“ rating in all categories. Its hard for me to believe that there are no average or below-average employees in this company.

15、 Certainly there are numerous employees who will be given the highest ratings possible, yet when someone puts all his or her ratings in this category, I suspect the rater is taking the easy way out. Remember, it is your obligation to discuss with each employee the rating you give her or him, pointing out tactfully what you consider to be strong and weak points and suggesting how the employee can improve attitudes, job performance, dependability, and so on. I intend to do a random sampling of the completed merit ratings each of y



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