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1、历届高考试卷分析 及迎考复习建议二三年十月命 题 方 针能力应用型命题命出绝活、命出 新意绝活:不是“偏”、“难”、“怪”;而是“能力”难,是“入题容易、深入难”,绝不是简单的记忆题。1. Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning. Is it _ black one? I think I saw it somewhere. 1. (a, a / a, the) (NMET 97)命题方向2. Is _ here?-No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave. (1993-32)A. anybodyB. so

2、mebodyC. everybody D. nobody考语感由考查“语言形式”过 渡到考查“语言意识”命 题 目 的要拉开考生的区分度具体由“两点”来体现看谁:语言知识丰富;语言意识强3. Few pleasures can equal _ of a cool drink on a hot day.that学生没有语言经验怎么样才能培养学生的语言经验? 谈化课文,重视阅读教材是“药引子”:只要课文学过了,就不要再重复 ,教材上的东西不考!刘道义问:为什么高考命题离教材越来越远?命题组秘书:如果你看到了这点说明我们做对了。听 力 题高度重视 选取合适的训练材料 培养适应能力黄土地学外语,听的高

3、 分没把握变数的适应,时间的适应。单 项 填 空2001、2002、2003年高考单项填空 题的特点是:“新”、“活”、“用”建议:少做旧的套题,所选试题要有新意 词义辨析是单项填空与完形填空的“ 失分焦点”建议:少做分册补漏,(抛开课本)多两条线归纳词汇“词义线” “语境线”besidesexceptexcept forexcept thatapart frombesideexpectbut精讲完后,一定 要Practiseas soon asthe momentHardlywhenNo sooner thanon + v.-ingonceseewatchnoticeobservestare

4、 atglance atmindinafterpastpassacrossthroughacrosscrosscanmaycanbe able towillshallshouldought to musthave toneeddaredontcantmustntneednt dont have tohave not toought tohave toused to情+have+p.p.happen1.(sth) happen2. (sth) happen to sb.3. (sb) happen to do 4. 习惯用语take placeholdtake the place ofin th

5、e place ofin place as: like: look like be like seem like 注意:1. 备课一定要注意“含金量”2. 破初中老师给学生立的规矩Shurly _ a book about China last year, but I dont know whether she has finished it. (wrote/ was writing)3. 以交际习惯为先Ill _ a bottle of ink for you. (go to buy/ go and buy)This story _ in 1919. (happened/ took plac

6、e)4. 培养“三个意识”:沟通意识(串)科学猜测意识(猜)知识迁移的意识(移)现在没有“超纲”一说,(考试中心不 断发出信息:考试要建立在篇章的意 识上)2001: work out是词典中第7个用法;Now that youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.(考试 中心说:这是“新包装”)2003年高考试卷分析权重年度客观性试题主观性试题听力英语知识运用阅读 理解写 作单项 填空完形填空短文改错书面表达20013015304010252002301530401025 2003301530401025 时时量2025

7、3540题型分析题型分析分类年份句 法 手 段 语用综合单句主从宾从表从定从状从1999171163212000242464212001121354120021211431220031315122单项填空交际复 合 句并 列 句二层 次 陈述“覆盖面+综合性+语境化 ”2001/ 0.51 2002/0.502003/ 0.52 2004/?完 形 填 空抓好词语辨析这个突破口 了解高考对完形填空的要求 把握命题的设置 一定量的训练1)词性一样;2)词义非常接近;3)与形式和结构关系不大;4)与语意关系重大。近几年的完形填空的体裁有 变成“夹叙夹议”的文章。阅 读 理 解每年的读速在逐年递增

8、选材要全面 培养良好的阅读习惯28456067不要忘了科普文章,增加时 事报道,广告说明文。培养“扫读”、“跳读”、“从后向 前读”、“不一句一句地读”等能 力。指导6点:topmain ideadetails(分析、深层化 )作者意图词语的正确理解 故事的发展、文章的推理能力如何形成?短 文 改 错 三种能力:发现错误的能力、分析判 断能力、纠正错误的能力 七个考点:冠词的使用名词复数 介词、连词的作用形容词、副词 的等级动词时态、形态、语态词 语的准确应用句子结构明白考什么?短 文 改 错 分类复习(发现能力); 对比指导(判断能力); 单句入手(练几百句差不多了,再上文章) 综合强化对策

9、:书 面 表 达 “必争不让”: “指导性作文”是教育部给这道题 的定性。 “中国式英语”失分最多的结症 要解决“输入量”的问题不要把重点放在批 改,要放在组织背 诵上,建议采用多“ 面批”的办法。1. (2001-21) Good morning, Grand Hotel. Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th. _.A. What can I do for you?B. Just a minute, please.C. Whats the matter?D. At your service.交际语

10、用型:2. (2002-23) You havent said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it? Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty on you.A. wasnt sayingB. dont sayC. wont say D. didnt say 对情景做出反应 (response),旨在 单纯检测考生的 语用能力。以对话为语境依 托,目的却在考 查语法、词法等 。0.46/ 0.39 (43.2% 选D:听候您的吩咐)交际综合

11、型:又如:(2003- 35)- I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.- _. It was her fault.A. No way B. Not possibleC. No chanceD. Not at all又如:(2003-32)- Theres coffee and tea: you can have _.- Thanks.A.either B. each C. one D. itsl esp. AmE (as an answer) no; certainly not: “Please do this for me.

12、”“No way, man: do it yourself!”Longman P.7483. (1998)They _ the train until it disappeared in the distance.A. sawB. watched C. noticedD. observed4. (2003-21)Dont be afraid of asking for help _ it is needed.A. unlessB. sinceC. although D. when5. (1996) Many people agree that _ knowledge of English is

13、 a must in _ international trade today.A. a; 不填 B. the; anC. the; theD. 不填; theC/ U? S!关键点:检测点:语境化:0.11/ 0.49S = nouns that are special singular nouns and can be used with a or an but not with one. They can not be counted, and have no plural form.eg. Have a think about it. have a swim/a talkmake an

14、answer From: LONGMAN DICTIONATY6. (2002-22)Excuse for breaking in, _ I have some news for you.A. so B. andC. butD. yet 7. (2002-31)We thought of selling this old furniture, but weve decided to _ it. (It might be valuable.)A. hold on toB. keep up withC. turn toD. look after并列句: 常用连词有:so, and, when, w

15、hile, or, but等, 其中but的使用频率最高 ,约占75%8. (2002-26)Jumping out of _ at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience.A. 不填,theB. 不填,anC. an, anD. the, the简单句: 两个特点:一是题干趋 于加长,以充分提供语 言环境,二是主要用来 检测非谓语动词。9. (2003-30)Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will _ fresh for several days.A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed 10. (1998-25)European football is played in 80 centuries, _ it the most popular sport in the world.A. makingB. makes C. madeD. to make 又如:_, Ang



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