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1、Unit Unit Security Council Reform: Mission Impossible?8 8Section BSection BThe United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoti

2、ng social progress, better living standards and human rights The work of the United Nations reaches every corner of the globe. Although best known for peacekeeping, peacebuilding, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance, there are many other ways the United Nations and its System (specialize

3、d agencies,funds and programmes) affect our lives and make the world a better placeDue to its unique international character, and the powers vested in its founding Charter, the Organization can take action on a wide range of issues and provide a forum for its 192 Member States to express their views

4、, through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and other bodies and committees.Important words from glossary about 8B dent v. 使.凹下 envoy n. 外交使节;特使 status quo n. 现状 thuart v. 反对;阻碍 veto n. 否决权adj. 认真的、热心的、重要的 1、earnest n. 认真、定金、诚挚 in earnest 认真的,真挚的 2、council n

5、. 委员会,会议,理事会 n. 对手,竞争者 3、rival vt. 与.竞争,比得上某人vi. 竞争adj. 竞争的 a rival plan 一个竞争的方案New wordsNew words4 、frustrate vt. 挫败,阻挠,使感到灰心vi. 失败,受挫adj. 挫败的,无益的过去式frustrated 过去分词frustrated 现在分词frustrated5、pledge n. 保证,誓言,抵押vt. 保证,许诺,用抵押6、enlarge vi. 扩大,放大,详述vt. 扩大,使增大,扩展enlargement 放大的照片 7、spanner n. 扳手,测量,用手掌量的

6、人8、flaw n.瑕疵,裂纹,缺点vt. 使无效,是破裂vi.生裂缝,变得有缺陷9、divergent adj. 相异的,分歧的,散开的10 、regional adj. 地区的,局部的11、rivalry n.竞争,对手12、tragic adj.悲伤地(比较级 more tragic 最高级 most tragic)Rival African PlanRequirement The United Nations Africa assigned two permanent seats will be absolute veto The number of nonpermanent new

7、can be increased to sixThe leading candidate South Africa Nigeria EgyptThomas Steg The two plan to match each other, because G-4 has insisted on the need to give effect Africa countries greater Here on this problem in complete agreement, and I am sure we will be able to resolve details, in the near

8、futureOpposition The group of four faced from the America strong Russia and Chinese will be more willing to expand1. But a rival plan agreed on by African leaders at an African Union summit in Libya is likely to frustrate the G-4 bid(Para. 2) 译文:但是,在利比亚举行的非洲联盟峰会上,非洲领导人通过的 一项竞争性草案却有可能令四国集团的提案受挫. Note

9、:The original meaning of “bid” is offer of a price or statement of price for a piece of work. Here “bid” refers to the G-4 plan.2. The plan also includes a pledge by the new permanent members not to use veto rights in the council. (Para. 3) 译文:该方案还包括一个承诺,即新常任理事国在安理会中不 得使用否决权。 Note:take this ring as

10、a plege of our friendship. (信物)The government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims.(承诺)Language Points3. However, the hopes of G-4 have been dented by the African Union.(Para. 6)Note: dent: frustrate4. Throwing another spnner in the works for the G-4 is the plan put forward by Italy,

11、 Span ,Mexico and Pakistan. (Para. 11)Note: throwing another spnner in the works从中捣 乱,阻挠别人的计划。5. .Mexico is lobbying against Brazil.(Para.15) Note: lobby v. (try to ) influence the members of a law-making body; get (bill) passed or rejected in this way.lobby a bill through the Senate 1)The anti-nucl

12、ear lobby is becoming stronger. 向议员进行游说的反核群众声势渐强。2)Lobby n. I waited for her in the lobby of the theatre yesterday. 昨天我在戏院的大厅里等她。 Questions & Answers1. What is G-4 ? It refers to Group of Four countries, including Germany, Brazil, India and Japan. 2. How many new seats does the G-4 want?Ten. 3. Why

13、has the African Union put forward a rival plan?It aims to give Africa a greater say in the UN Security Council. 4. What is the plan put forward by Italy, Spain, Mexico and Pakistan?They want to expand the council, but only with non- permanent seats. 5. Could German and Italy reach an agreement?No, I

14、taly does not want Germany in a permanent chair.Yet Another PianThrowing another spanner in the works for the G-4 is the plan put for ward by Italy Spain Mexico and Pakistan.Members of the UN Security Council relationshipGerman and Italy andGerman Foreign Minister Joscher Fischer and Italian counter

15、part Gianfranco Fini couldnt come to an agreement on divergent.The regional rivalries of the Security Council againstPakistan dosent want India to get a permanent seat.andMexico lobby against Brazil.againstItaly dosent want Germany in a permanent chair.The status quo The competing plans could mean the G-4 fails in its goal to expand the council.It could be maintained and would be targic.The Indain Foreigne Minister Na


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