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1、Translation Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. 1) 中国菜通常由不止一种原料做成,这是因为用料单一菜就 会缺少对比,因而很难达到和谐。通过使用不同的食材、变化 的刀工、各种调料和烹饪方法,使不同颜色、香气、风味、形 状和口感的食物明显达到和谐的平衡和对比。阴阳原则支配着 中国人生活的方方面面,也是中国厨师做饭的指导性原则。所 有的食物也是药材,一个人吃的食物与其健康息息相关。当阴 阳的力量在体内不平衡时人就会生

2、病。现在越来越多的人人已 经认识到营养与健康之间的联系。Translation Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. 2)北京制作各种小吃有着悠久的历史。具有浓郁的地方风味, 北京小吃吸引了几乎所有的游客。豆汁(Mung Bean Milk) 是北京最著名的小吃之一。它尝起来酸中带甜,有种特殊的香 味。由于价格低廉,受到多数北京人的喜爱。另一种著名的小 吃糯米团(Sticky Rice Balls)(艾窝窝)是宫廷小吃。它是

3、由糯米作成的洁白如雪的美味。米先蒸再捣碎,做成球的形状。这种美味的小吃深受明朝皇室和贵族家庭的喜爱, 据说艾 窝窝曾是皇帝的特供。Key to Translation 1)Chinese dish is usually made up of more than one ingredient, this is because when a single item is cooked on its own, it lacks contrast and therefore lacks harmony. The harmonious balance and contrast of different

4、colors, aroma, flavors, shapes and textures are achieved by varying the ingredients, cutting techniques, seasonings and cooking methods. Yin-yang principle governs all aspects of Chinese life and it has also been the guiding principle for Chinese cooks. All foods are also medicines, the kind of food

5、 one eats is closely relevant to ones health. When the yin-yang forces in the body are not balanced, illness results. Now more and more people have recognized the link between nutrition and health.Key to Translation 2) Beijing has a time-honored history of producing various kinds of snacks. With str

6、ong local flavors, Beijings snacks attract almost all visitors. Mung Bean Milk (Dou Zhi) is one of the most famous Beijing snack. It tastes mostly sour with a flavor of sweetness, and has a peculiar odor. Because of low price, it is welcomed by the majority of Beijing people. Another famous snack, S

7、ticky Rice Balls (Ai Wo Wo), is a court snack. As white as snow, this delicacy is made of sticky rice. The rice is first steamed then pounded and shaped into a ball. This delicious snack became a favorite of imperial and noble families during the Ming Dynasty, it is said that Ai Wo Wo was once emperors special.



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