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1、gkxx精品课件Unit16 Communication Workshopgkxx精品课件Use the following given words to make up a short storyWarm-upbus, wait, walk, hot, teacher, remind, competition, prepare, last, teargkxx精品课件ReadingRead the three drafts of a students composition on the topic A Day When Everything Went Wrong. Decide which

2、one is the most interesting. gkxx精品课件Think about how the writer:attracts the attention of the reader. shows the order of events. shares feelings with the reader. uses vivid language to make the writing more interesting.gkxx精品课件May 24th was a bad day. The day everything went wrong was may 24th. May 2

3、4th, 2005 will live in my mind forever.How the writer attracts the attention of the readergkxx精品课件How the writer shows the order of eventsBecause the school bus did not First, I had to wait 30 minutes for the school bus The day started to go wrong the instant I left home.gkxx精品课件At school, Mr. fan T

4、he next problem happened when I arrived at school. But the trouble was only just beginning.gkxx精品课件When I got into bed that night, I The last problem of this terrible day happened when I got into Even then, my troubles were not over. As I got into bed, gkxx精品课件This was a big mistake! and you can ima

5、gine how I felt by the time. What a clumsy end to an awful day!How the writer shares feelings with the readergkxx精品课件How the writer used vivid language to make the writing more interestingIt was hot and tiresome. The day was hot and tiring. The sun was already boiling hotgkxx精品课件Mr. fan, the English

6、 teacher reminded me of the This surprised me Mr. fan, the English teacher, a large but friendly man, gave me a nasty surprise. He reminded me in his loud voice that gkxx精品课件As I climbed up the stairs to the classroom, I heard a booming voice behind me. gkxx精品课件I felt awkward and had to look down at

7、 my book during the competition. There was only a little applause when I left the stage.gkxx精品课件There was no time to practice at lunch time and I read from my book instead of reciting the poems. As I left the stage, there was only some quiet applause. I was not surprised when I came last in the comp

8、etition.gkxx精品课件I tried, and failed to practice during the lunch break . The result? I couldnt remember any of the poems and had to keep looking down at my book. The more I looked down, the redder my face became. gkxx精品课件I felt tense and dizzy. When I left the stage people didnt applaud very loudly

9、and it came as no surprise that I was last in the competition.gkxx精品课件layoutintroductionbeginning of the narrativeconclusiondevelopment of the narrativegkxx精品课件Make draft A and B more interesting by replacing some phrases with more colorful language.1. really sleepy2. was a terrible shock 3. burning

10、 with shamegkxx精品课件4. The first sign of things to come was5. my troubles only got worse6. the final horror camegkxx精品课件Predict answers before listeninggkxx精品课件Eurydice and Orpheus loved each other. One day, they went out, and Eurydice fell asleep under an apple treeThe king of Fairies took her away, and Orpheus felt sad and left the palace with the harp.gkxx精品课件one day, he followed a group of people in the woods , and came to the palace of the king of Fairies.He played the harp and the king of Fairies promised him anything. He took Eurydice away and lived a happy life.


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