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1、义务教育阶段英语学业考试分析与建议 广东外语外贸大学 亓鲁霞提纲I.考试后效 II.小学六年级英语考试分析 III.初中毕业英语考试分析 IV.建议Justifying the Use of Language Justifying the Use of Language AssessmentsAssessmentsThe primary use of language assessment is to gather information to help us make decisions that will lead to beneficial consequences for stake

2、holders. Bachman (2009)Bachman & Palmer (2010)ASSESSMENT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENTASSESSMENT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENTAssessmentAssessment PerformancePerformanceAssessment Assessment Reports/ScoresReports/ScoresConsequences?Consequences?Interpretations Interpretations about about test takers language test

3、 takers language ability?ability?Decisions?Decisions?后效(后效(consequences): consequences): 考试及其结果的使考试及其结果的使 用给社会、教育系统、教学、个人等带来用给社会、教育系统、教学、个人等带来 的影响。的影响。反拨效应反拨效应(washback(washback,backwash): backwash): 考试对教考试对教 学造成的影响。学造成的影响。II.小学六年级英语考试分析根据:2001年教育部关于积极推进小学开 设英 语课程的指导意见教学评价主要目的是激励学生的学习兴趣和积极性。评 价形式应具有

4、多样性和可选择性。基本要求 重视激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养一 定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础 11份小学学业英语考试内容与题型考查内容l11份考卷以听、读、写为主,有利于提高 学生的兴趣和学习积极性。l语法词汇知识题K卷 20%C卷:25%D卷:32%l The phone rang when I _the dishes.A. wash B. washes C. washing D. was washinglTom is _ young _ go to school.A. totoo B. tootoo C. tooto D. to to找出下列句子中的错误,将编号写在题前的 括号内。

5、lThis work is very harder than that one. A B C D 题型l听做(标示、排序)l正误题l填空(单词、短语、完成句子)l匹配l问答(读后)l多项选择呈现形式l文字l图画、图表l色彩导致积极反拨效应的做法l突出意义l创造语境l增加趣味突出意义(B卷)五、Listen and judgelSarah病了,下面哪些建议是正确的呢?请听八条建议 ,从中选择六条正确的建议。在相应的题号前打“”。 ( )1 ( )2 ( )3 ( )4 ( )5 ( )6 ( )7 ( )81. Have some rest. 2. Take some medicine. 3.

6、See a doctor. 4. Go swimming. 5. Drink some water. 6. Read many books. 7. Stay in bed. 8. Dont play in the sun.创造语境、增加趣味lK卷同学们,暑假快到了,想不想去上海看世 博会?海宝俱乐部将海选一批小学毕业生 志愿者前往,你若能成功完成以下通关测 试,则可前来报名哦!I. 在世博会,你会遇见来自世界各地的朋友,要注意礼仪 ,仿照例句1,在右边A.B.C选项中找出与左边相关联的 内容,使其成为最佳搭配,将其编号写在相应括号内。( ) 4. Dont push or run ( ) 5.

7、 ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. You should say “Excuse me.” A.when you wantto go past someone. B. C . H. when you get on the bus. Ken is very excited to see Dada. He is asking Dada many questions.听录音,根据你所听到的对话勾出正确的信息。对话读两遍。1.Name: Dada2.Age: 213( ) 250( ) 233( )3.Home: Planet Mars ( ) Planet Luis ( ) Planet T

8、apas ( )4.Transport to the earth: plane ( ) ship ( ) spaceship ( )5.Brothers and sisters: 15 ( ) 16 ( ) 17 ( )6.Height: 55 cm ( ) 56 cm ( ) 36cm ( )7.Weigh 20 kg ( ) 30 kg ( ) 40 kg ( )8.Hobbies: eating ( ) sleeping ( ) flying ( )9.Favourite food: pork ( ) beef ( ) chicken ( )Hi, boys and girls. My

9、name is Dada. I am an alien (外星人) from the outer space. I want to make friends on the earth (地球).丰富语境、突出信息、增加趣味E卷题目改进 例1 Listen and choose你将听到一个句子,根据你所听到的内容, 选 择符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的 括号内,每小题读两遍。4. A. themB. thanC. then 4. I went to the library first. Then I went tothe supermarket.命题原则:选择重要信息作为考点命题原则:四

10、个选项看上去一致。33. Where are the children? They are in the playground playing _. A. happily B. happy C. happier D. quiet 例3 Listen and circle你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容, 在每小题的大 图中圈出相符的图片。 命题原则:指令语必须清楚无歧异男:Did you buy that beautiful dress for your mom on Mothers Day? 女:No, I bought her a pretty hat. Because the

11、 dress is too expensive. 73. 当你得知世界大学生运动会将在深圳举 办时,可以说:A. Thats bad!B. Thats great! C. I dont like it.命题原则:答案必须是最佳选项。西太平洋 帕劳的岩石岛III. 初中毕业生英语学科学业考试分析依据:考试大纲l性质:考试结果既是衡量学生是否达到 毕业标准的主要依据,也是高中阶段学校 招生的重要依据之一。学业考试+选拔考试l指导思想:注重能力考查,特别是语言综 合运用能力,确保对教学有良好的反拨作 用。学业考试与选拔考试的区别l不同的目的l不同的参照标准常模参照 Norm-referenced标准

12、参照 Criterion-referenced2010年广东省初中毕业学业考试(英语) 结果(某市)l考生人数:35034l全卷平均分:61.41l难度:0.51l标准差:29.21l区分度:? 九份考卷分析(2009,2008)l内容语法词汇知识、听、读、写题型l配对题l填空(听录音、首字母、词库、多项选择 )l多项选择l书面表达有利于考查能力,特别是语言综合运用能力的 题型l信息填空题l书面表达图画图表题目改进lWhich of the following is true.命题原则:避免把选择题变成正误题听短文答题 16. This story tells about a _.A. spe

13、cial class B. young teacher C. beautiful woman17. Tina was _ year old when she started teaching.A. 22B. 15C. 1018. Tina wanted to help children who cant _.A. hearB. seeC. play19. Tina learned to talk with the children by using _.A. hands B. mouthC. eyes20. Tina teaches the children _.A. on weekdaysB

14、. on weekendsC. every day51. The passage is about _.A. the smallest school that was closed downB. the only pupil in the smallest schoolC. the new teacher and her teachingD. the old teacher who just retired53. The passage tells us that the school _.A. is too far for the studentsB. C.D.54. Before the school was closed down _.A. the girls mother wanted to teach her daughter at homeB. C.D.命题原则:避免题目相互牵扯漏题38. Whats wrong with you? _.A. I dont like math. B. She is happy.C. He has a cold. D. My head hurts.命题原则:每个干扰项都起到干扰作用- Which would you like? - Either _ OK, but I prefer coffee _ milk



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