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1、华中科技大学博士学位论文电站设备维修管理信息平台建设的实践研究姓名:黄勇理申请学位级别:博士专业:控制理论与控制工程指导教师:瞿坦20051111I 摘 要 素以设备性著称的我国火电生产企业目前正处于燃料供应短缺电力能源需求不断增大的紧迫情势之下为了保障生产设备安全稳定可靠长期地正常运行势必加倍重视设备管理设备维修的重要性变得十分突出维修不再是一项辅助性的投入它和设备投资一样早已成为电厂建设和运营的重要组成部分维修的效益也不再是微不足道的或者是隐性的它已明显地反映到生产的安全性和适应性企业的总体盈利和运行损耗以及产品质量市场竞争力环境保护等诸多因素之中 因此不断改进企业设备维修管理体系将科学管

2、理和先进技术有效地结合起来及时准确地实现设备状态信息的监测和诊断高效合理地完成维修活动的组织策划和资源调配严格监督控制工程质量提高施工效率降低维修成本科学地预测评估和优化维修进程实施效果以及直接和间接的成本效益是现代设备管理的主要任务也是我国电力生产企业必须予以重视的具有现实意义的研究课题 信息化是现代企业提高设备管理水平的有效途径本篇学位论文围绕火力发电厂设备维修管理信息化平台建设和系统实现中的相关设备管理和维修技术等方面的问题进行了学习和研究文章系统地总结了设备管理及维修领域的发展和现状学习了维修基础理论和技术管理方法综述了典型维修策略及其模型优化的相关问题探讨了电厂多种维修方式并存下的维

3、修策略模型并对其性能参数进行了仿真研究介绍了电站大小修文件包质量管理体系的应用功能和设备状态点检实施的具体方法以及它们的工作流程提出了文件包的数字化及大小修过程信息监控的技术思想创建了严格遵循点检标准的设备点检计划自动生成和调整的程序机制 在网络化信息平台的基础上设计开发了 B/S 模式的文件包数字化管理及大小修过程质量监控以及标准化点检的计划管理与点检执行的信息支持等电站设备维修管理系统的两大实用功能巧妙地将企业贯标工作融入信息管理系统的应用之中为进一步实现基于设备状态的维修决策支持奠定了良好的信息基础 先进的设备管理很大程度上取决于维修观念的转变和发展随着维修形式从故障修复性事后维修和依据

4、运行时间的预防性计划维修逐渐向基于设备状态的预防性精确维修转变维修活动已成为包括电厂在内的连续过程工业必须从企业整体运营目标长期综合考虑和优化的系统工程 电站设备大修和小修是预防性计划维修的重要环节文件包系统是规范设备大小II 修活动过程的标准化作业指导和质量管理文件体系设备点检定修制是在许多企业得到成功运用的以状态监测为基础的预防性维修方式周期性的点检所记录的设备运行状况的定性或定量的多种信息是分析设备状态进行故障诊断推行状态维修体制的主要信息来源 充分利用信息技术手段其目的在于实现维修活动的科学组织和高效管理最大限度地将生产设备维持在良好的技术状态强化贯彻执行 ISO9001: 2000

5、质量管理标准的力度确保维修工艺和维修质量达到各项要求正确运用维修理论研究成果进行复杂的分析计算挖掘生产设备的运行潜力指导维修活动有效提高设备维护检修工作的效率和维修经济性然而设备管理涉及面广维修过程纷繁复杂信息类型多数据量大设备管理的信息化通常很难一步到位实际推广使用也有许多现实问题需要逐步解决 本文以开发设计一套实用的设备管理和维修决策支持信息系统为目标致力于从管理层面对电厂设备管理信息化以及维修活动的组织策略行为方式决策计划实施效率技术要求标准化质量管理设备点检及信息采集技术方法等方面的问题和工程实现进行研究探讨文章有针对性地选取大小修文件包的应用和设备点检信息支持系统这两大关键功能实现作

6、为前期工作并在它们的研发过程中成功地构建了一个结构合理性能优良扩充性强开放友好的维修管理数据库信息应用平台系统得到了粤电集团公司组织的评审验收专家组以及软件使用方沙角 C 电厂的一致好评 关键词设备维修 信息管理 决策支持 维修策略 标准化质量管理 数字化文件包 点检 电厂 III Abstract With the speedy development of economy in China, The energy shortage grows more seriously and the gap of electric power demand increases constantly.

7、The fast rising of coal price causes the production cost to run up; the increasing electric power demand requires equipments to run steadily at full capacity and beyond time limit; fuel suppliers market compels coal-fired power plant to endure a wide margin fluctuation for the nature of coal, even t

8、o use inferior coal, and deteriorating working condition makes a higher request for units-operating control and equipments maintenance. Under such situations, electric power enterprises must pay more attention for the management of production equipments, which makes the importance of equipment maint

9、enance more obvious. Maintenance is not a complementary action, but an important component as the equipment investment when a power plant builds and runs. Furthermore, the benefit of maintenance is not negligible or recessive and has been already reflected by a great deal of factors, such as total p

10、rofits and losses of enterprise, security and adaptability of production, product quality, market competitiveness, environmental protection, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a set of advanced support system for equipment maintenance, which can realize monitoring, analyzing of equipments

11、condition accurately and reliably; complete programming and organizing on maintenance activities, preparing maintenance resources scientifically and rationally; supervise its engineering quality of project, improve working efficiency, reduce maintenance cost; predict, evaluate and optimize effect, e

12、xpenses, direct or indirect economic benefits about maintenance effectively. It is not only a primary task in modernization equipment management, but also a realistic research subject which is electric power enterprises needs to solve urgently. Informationization is an effective approach to raise th

13、e level of equipment management in modern enterprise. In this dissertation, some problems are studied and researched which are about the equipment management, maintenance strategies and the informationization platform for equipment maintenance management used in thermal power plants. The dissertatio

14、n summarizes the development and the status quo in the field of equipment management and maintenance systematically, learns the basic theory on maintenance and the management method on technology; generalizes the typical maintenance policies and their model optimization, discusses the maintenance po

15、licy models with coexisting kinds of maintenance means, emulates their performance throughout correlative parameters; IV introduces the application functions of quality management system for major put forward the technology idea about document package digitization and information monitoring in the p

16、rocess of major and it can V implement complicated theory calculation and analyses to excavate operation potentiality of equipments, pilot maintenance processes, raise efficiency and economy of maintenance. However, equipment management involves a wide range of knowledge, maintenance process is very complicated, and there are many information types and a great deal of data. Such problems cause the informationization of equipment management difficult to put in right plac



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