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1、英语教师听评课策略骆北刚 石河子大学外国语学院 2010年5月主要内容 一、英语教师为什么要听课? 二、英语教师如何听课? 三、英语教师听课记录案例展示 四、英语教师如何评课? 五、英语教师评课案例展示与分析 六、听课和评课练习 一、英语教师为什么要听课?课堂小讨论: 您认为英语教师为什么要听课? 1. 教师听课是教师专业能力发展的重要 途径(教师专业化过程图)教师专业化发展的过程(Wallace, 1991)专业知识别人的经验学习的教学知识自己的经验教学实践教学反思专业能力 2. 教师听课是教师教学认知能力发展的 重要途径课堂教学感知课堂教学信息辨认 课堂教学信息存储 课堂教学信息提取 课堂

2、教学信息比较 课堂教学信息确认 课堂教学信息整合课堂教学信息输出长时记忆注意 3. 教师听课是教师课堂教学问题发现和 诊断的重要途径教师学生教材 选择教学 活动教学 方法教学 评价教材 理解活动 参与学习 方法学习 效果 4. 教师听课是教师开展课堂教学改革的 重要实践方法(行动研究的流程)教师行动研究流程 感知问题 提出假设 调查研究 重新确认问题 制定行动计划或措施 实施计划 实施中根据实际情况调整计划 观察、收集数据 分析、反思和评价 撰写研究报告 二、英语教师如何听课? 2.1 听课的类型 课堂小讨论: 根据您个人的经验,您认为听课应该如何 分类呢? 按照听课的内容: 口语课 游戏课

3、阅读课 听力课 写作课 按照听课者的目的: 开放型听课 定向型听课 1. 开放型听课的特点 1)听课者不带问题听课; 2)听课者听课的目的在于获取其他教师 的教学经验; 3)听课者听课的目的在于发现其他教师 的教学问题; 3)听课者撰写听课记录比较全面; 2. 定向型听课的特点 1)听课者带着问题听课; 2)听课者听课的主要目的在于发现已有 问题的深层次原因,听课的针对性较强; 3)听课者听课记录会因关注点的不同而 有详有略; 2.2 听课记录撰写的原则 1. 关注授课内容,记录授课要点; 2. 关注授课过程,记录授课细节; 3. 关注授课方法,记录授课步骤; 4. 关注授课效果,记录学生学情

4、; 三、英语教师听课记录案例展示与分析 下面是某教师在石河子市第十中学进行教 学研讨会时撰写的一节口语课的听课记录, 请各位老师阅读并记录该教师记录的信息 点。(共17张)听课记录 Step 1. Greeting the Ss & stating the objectives (15:40-15:41) Step 2. New words learning (15:41-15:58) 2.1 bird 1. Picture guessing (T-Ss) 2. Mechanical practice ( TPR) bird-bird-bird 2.1 dog 1. Picture guess

5、ing (T-Ss) 2. Mechanical practice dog-dog-dog 3. Meaningful practice (T-Ss) The dogs are cute and clever. 2.3 elephant 1. Voice guessing (T-Ss) 2. Mechanical practice 3. Meaningful practice (T-S) T: I like elephant very much. Because elephants are very cute. Do you like elephants? S: T: Why do you l

6、ike elephant? S: 2.4 lion 1. Voice guessing (T-Ss) 2. Mechanical practice 3. Meaningful practice (T-S) T: I like lions very much. Because they are very happy. Do you like lions? S: T: Why do you like lions? S: 2.5 penguin 1. Voice guessing (T-Ss) 2. Mechanical practice 3. Meaningful practice (T-S) T

7、: I like penguins very much. Because they are very lovely. Do you like penguins? S: T: Why do you like penguins? S: Because they are very smart. T: Who is very smart in our class? S: T: I think she is very smart. Because she can sing, she can dance, she can draw, and she studies very well. Step 3. S

8、tructures learning (15:58-16:07) 3.1 Ask and answer (T-Ss) T: What animal do you want to see? Ss: T: It is very big. It is strong, and it is the king in the forest. What is it? S: tiger. T: Tiger-tiger-tiger Ss: Tiger-tiger-tiger 3.2 Ask and answer (T-Ss) T: What animal do you want to see? Ss: T: It

9、 is very famous in the world. It is black and white. It is from China. What is it? S: Panda. T: Panda-panda-panda Ss: Panda-panda-panda 3.3 Ask and answer (T-Ss) T: What animal do you want to see? Ss: T: It is very tall. It has long neck. It usually eats grass and leaves. What is it? S: Giraffe. T:

10、Giraffe-giraffe-giraffe Ss: Giraffe-giraffe-giraffe T: Now ,we have known so many animals. Next Lets play a game. Step 4. Game playing (16.07-16:12) 1. Demonstrate the pictures with PPT 2.Animal guessing (12 Ss are asked to guess the animals) T: What animal can you see in the picture? Can you guess?

11、 T: These animals are very cute. Animals are our friends. We should love these animals, do you agree? Ss: Yeah. T: Where can I see these animals? Ss: T: Next lets go to the zoo. Step 5. Structures learning (16:07-16:22) 5.1 Controlled practice (T-Ss T-S) 1. Teacher model T: What animals do you want

12、to see? S: I want to see panda. T: Why do you want to see panda? S: Because they are cute. 2. Pair work (S-S) 3. Check up (5 pairs) Pair 3. Teacher has interrupted the Ss dialogue. 5.2 Controlled practice 1. Teachers model T: What animal do you want to see? S1: I want to see giraffe. T: What animal

13、does he want to see? S2: He want to see panda. T: He wants to see a panda. 2. Read the dialogue after the teacher. 3. Group work (3Ss/g 4 groups) T: Dont be nervous. You can do it! T: All of you have done a good job. Step 6. Meaningful practice (Role playing)(16:22-16:27) 6.1 Teachers model (T-3Ss) T: What animals do you want to see? S1: I want to see tiger. T: Why do you want to see



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