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1、2012 年中考真題2012 年高中招生考试试题卷年高中招生考试试题卷第二部分第二部分 英语知识运用(每小题一分,共英语知识运用(每小题一分,共 30 分)分)第第 1 节节 单项填空单项填空21. For a long time they walked without saying _. John was the first to break _ silence.A.a; theB.the; aC.a; /D.the; /22. Can you go and find out when the plane to New York _?A.puts off B.gets off C.puts

2、off D.breaks off23. Which of the following is a traffic sign?24. As for learning English, students who read a lot can do much better than _ who dont.A.thoseB.thatC.theseD.them25. Do you mind my turning on the TV?_ . Im doing my homework.A. No, of course not. B. Yes, please. C. Not at all. D. Better

3、not.26. It is our hope that we can live in a _ world and say goodbye to the wars for ever.A.similarB.peacefulC.familiarD.natural27. His grade in the exam put him _ the top students in his class.A.betweenB.overC.amongD.above28. You _ be excited that youre going back to your hometown soon.来源:学科网 Yes,

4、I cant wait any longer.A.shallB.canC.need D.must29. Do you know _ Amy came to school this morning?Her bike was broken, so she had to walk.A.whyB.howC.whenD.where30. Havent I told you that you should be home earlier?Yes, but I _ home earlier than I usually do.A.was comingB.will comeC.cameD.had come31

5、. _ energy, turn off the hot water after you take a shower.A. SaveB. SavingC. SavedD. To save32. A true friend can see the pain in your eyes _ everyone else believes the smile on your face.A.whileB.becauseC.beforeD.until33. Did you enjoy the party last night?Very much. _ wonderful the party was!A. W

6、hatB. HowC. What a D. How a 34. Its a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal _ .A.servesB.servedC.is served D.will be served35. I have heard Tom had an accident while he was riding to school yesterday.2012 年中考真題_? He is always careful when riding.A. How comeB. What forC. Wh

7、y notD. So what第第 2 节节 完形填空完形填空Driving home from work one evening in the heavy rain, I found a very wet, injured cat on the side of the road. He looked up at me pitifully. A car must have hit it, so it wasnt able to 36 . I stopped my car and carried the cat in and went on 37 .At the nearest vet(兽医)

8、clinic, the vet 38 checked it. “ He is about one year old and has two 39 legs, but I would need X-rays to know how 40 the damage is,“ he told me. “As he is not your cat, I dont know if you want to go on with this. It could be rather expensive.“I knew it would cost me hundreds of dollars, but I agree

9、d with his advice. The 41 morning rang to say the X-rays confirmed two breaks in his legs. “ I will 42 on his legs and put metal pins in them to keep them fixed,“ he told me.That afternoon I went to 43 my little friend. His dirty fur had become clean and shiny. He 44 there and looked at me happily.

10、Then I thanked the doctor and went out to pay the 45 . “ I think youve made a mistake.“ I said to the clerk. “ That is only 85 dollars. Hes had X-rays and an operation 46 his legs.“ “ No, thats right,“ She said. “ The vet has only charged you for medicine; the operation is free. Here is a 47 for you

11、 from the vet.“Written on a piece if paper were the words “ Special rate for adoption(收养).“ I was 48 at his 49 . I paid the account and under his message I wrote “ With 50 thanks, Cat and Mum.“36. A.jumpB.runC.moveD.cry37. A.drivingB.walkingC.workingD.shopping38. A.clearlyB.gentlyC.secretlyD.suddenl

12、y39. A.fallenB.drivingC.brokenD.missing40. A.heavyB.seriousC.painfulD.deep41. A.earlyB.wholeC.sunnyD.following42. A.operateB.putC.liveD.depend43. A.put upB.get upC.pick upD.set up44. A.livedB.jumpedC.layD.smiled45. A.operationB.billC.legD.medicine46. A.onB.inC.withD.for47. A.letterB.wordC.messageD.s

13、uggestion48. A.breathlessB.speechlessC.carelessD.helpless49. A.happinessB.businessC.lazinessD.kindness50. A.gratefulB.usefulC.hopefulD.skillful第三部分第三部分 阅读理解(每小题阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共分,共 40 分)分)2012 年中考真題ALive musicCome and enjoy the dongs by Qi Qin, one of the most famous singers in the past 20 years.Place:

14、 the stadium Date: June 26thPrice: 588-1288 Time: 7:00 p.m. Tel: 6935094 Spanish DancingSpanish Dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.Place: John Blacks Date: June 15th-July 14th Price: 500 Time: 7:30-9:30 p.m.Tel: 2711399Titania (3D)To know more about the

15、big ship that sank in the Atlantic 100 years ago, come and see Titanic(3D).Place: Wanda Plaza Date: June 1st-23rdPrice: 80 Time: 8:30-11:30 p.m.Tel: 3102768Country MusicEnjoy true country American music.Place: Rainbow Music Club Date: July 2nd Price: 300 Time: 7:30-11:30 p.m.Tel: 811560851. If you want to enjoy country music, you should call _ .A. 8115608B. 3102768C. 2711399D. 693509452. You can enjoy Qi Qins music at _ .A. Wanda PlazaB. John BlacksC. The StadiumD. Rainbow Music Club53. If you want to learn Spanish dancing with one of your fri



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