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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料2015年9月12日托福真题预测2015.9.12托福预测口语部分 A girl was in bad mood because she made a vase in ceramic class and was supposed to hand in on Wednesday but unfortunately she broke it into pieces this morning. Solution 1: glue it together as the pieces are not tiny, but shes afraid that the profe

2、ssor will discover and give her a low score Solution 2: make a new one but she has a final test for another course which she really needs to prepare. Task 6 The professor talks about two ways how sea bottom dwellers feed themselves The first way is active method. For example, sea anemoneQ#) camoufla

3、ges into plant and parasite on other sea animals and the host will release poisonous chemicals, so sea anemone can prey easilyThe second way is passive method. For example, oysters dont move a lot but wait for tiny organism sent by sea water and waves. 2015.9.12托福预测写作部分: Writing Task 1 综合写作 【主题】关于EA

4、S项目,就是政府给那些居住在小城市的市民飞机 票补贴 Reading:(1)可以让所有人都有坐飞机的同等机会,因为乡下离机 场太远,赶过来太难;(2)可以促进当地经济,因为有补贴,所以有旅游 团和businessman过来考察,给当地带来生意;(3)因为从小城市飞大城 市的飞机都是那种小飞机,所以不贵,不会给政府造成负担,比较经济 实惠。Listening: (1)其实大部分机场都是很近的,一百公里以内,可以 坐车或大巴去最近的机场,很多城市里的人到机场也要花这么多时间;(2 )与其花钱在这个项目上,不如多花点钱在urban市区给那些来自rural area的市民提供一些帮助,比如帮他们找ho

5、using, 改善public transportation, 提供education;(3)小飞机又小又没什么经济效益,很 多制造商都不生产这种小飞机了,很难找,坏了又没办法修,公司买并 维持运营这种小飞机其实是很花钱的。 Task 2 社会类 独立写作 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more likely to give time and effort to improve the world than young people were in the past.

6、2015.9.12托福阅读预测 第一篇: GERMAN RAILWAY 第二篇讲的是近代德国基于铁路工业的发展。这篇结构为很简洁的三段。第一段总起说了下德国发展铁路后带动 了一系列的发展进步。第二段细说了下铁路引领了什么进步,主要是铁 、煤以及其他诸如化工产业之类的发展。然后作者列举了一个现象,通 过铁路带动化工产业这个例子来阐述。(这里考作者的阐述方法)之后还 强调了下铁路带动了一个P城市的兴旺,这个城市通过兴建各种配套设 施啥的,体现了铁路给城市带来的翻天覆地的变化。第三段主要还是围 绕P展开说了下,说由于铁路使得市场扩大了之类的。之后说了铁路还 帮助人们能够在更大范围找工作以及周边产业给

7、了更多的人就业机会。( 这里有双选题)最后还说铁路打通了德国东西的连接,(运河是南北的)标 志着德国工业的振兴blabla。 German Railways. As far as railway development is concerned, no corner of the world is making more rapid progress than Germany. A recent survey issued by the German railway authorities states that, during 1927, the German railways handle

8、d 1,909,000,000 passengers and 489,000,000 tons of merchandise. Steam locomotives number 24,575 and electric locomotives 316. TheGerman railways operate some 62,940 passenger carriages, and the stock of goods wagons totals 674,318. As a result of a consistent effort at standardization, the number of

9、 types of locomotives in service on the German lines has been reduced from 250 in 1920 to 40 at the present time. Despite this standardization, the door is being left open to experiment, and, at the moment, attention is being devoted to the development of high pressure locomotives, some of these exp

10、erimental machines having steam pressures as high as 880lbs. per square inch. German Railway history began with the opening of the steam-hauled Bavarian Ludwig Railway between Nuremberg and Frth on 7 December 1835. This had been preceded by the opening of the horse-hauled Prince William Railway on 2

11、0 September 1831. The first long distance railway was the Leipzig-Dresden railway, completed on 7 April 1839.German unification in 1871 stimulated consolidation, nationalization into state-owned companies, and further rapid growth. Unlike the situation in France, the goal was support of industrializ

12、ation, and so heavy lines crisscrossed the Ruhr and other industrial districts, and provided good connections to the major ports of Hamburg and Bremen. By 1880, Germany had 9,400 locomotives pulling 43,000 passengers and 30,000 tons of freight, and forged ahead of France Social and economic benefits

13、 【P的兴旺】Prussia nationalized its railways in an effort both to lower rates on freight service and to equalize those rates among shippers. Instead of lowering rates as far as possible, the government ran the railways as a profitmaking endeavor, and the railway profits became a major source of revenue

14、for the state. The nationalization of the railways slowed the economic development of Prussia because the state favoured the relativelybackward agricultural areas in its railway building. Moreover, the railway surpluses substituted for the development of an adequate tax system. In order to enable th

15、e free exchange of goods wagons between the different state railway administrations, the German State Railway Wagon Association (DeutscherStaatsbahnwagenverband or DSV) was formed in 1909. The standard wagons that resulted are often referred to as DSV wagons. The standardisation of goods wagons unde

16、r the German State Railway Wagon Association, that had produced the Verbandsbauart (Association design) wagons, continued as new designs using interchangeable components were introduced from about 1927. These were the Austauschbauart (interchangeable design) wagons. The 1930s saw the introduction of welded construction and solid wheels replacing spoked wheels on new goods wagons. As the Second World War loomed, production was geared towards the war effort. The focus was on fewer types b



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