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1、1UnitUnit 2 2 TintinTintin hashas beenbeen popularpopular forfor overover eightyeighty years.years.单词拼写1 1.My brother and I live in the same bedroom.I hope to have my ownwn one to live in one day. 2 2.After a few months,the uglygly duck turned into a beautiful swan(天鹅). 3 3.Xu Beihong is one of the

2、most famous artistsrtists .He is famous for drawing horses. 4 4.Do you know who inventednvented the light bulb? Edison(爱迪生).5 5.Dont put your books everywhere.Put them in your schoolbagchoolbag after you finish your homework. .用所给词的适当形式填空1 1.The interesting story has won the heartshearts (heart) of

3、many children. 2 2.Since 1997,the young man hashas inventedinvented (invent) many useful things. 3 3.The toy tiger looks much uglieruglier (ugly) than that one. 4 4.Nothing is a waste if you have a creativecreative (create) mind. .完成句子,每空一词1 1.我们应该彼此相互学习。We should learn from eacheach otherother . 2

4、2.人们总是痛恨老鼠,但是米老鼠却赢得了全世界儿童的心。People always hate mice,but Mickey Mouse winswins thethe heartshearts ofof childrenchildren of the whole world. 3 3.皮特做饭时把厨房弄得一团糟。2Peter mademade a a messmess in the kitchen when he was cooking. 4 4.这首乐曲在 19 世纪 80 年代很流行。This piece of music was very popular inin thethe 188

5、0s1880s . 5 5.莫言擅长写作。他的很多小说已经出版了。Mo Yan is good at writing.Many of his novels have comecome outout . .单项选择1 1.导学号 82654084The TV program is really great.I think so.It C C the hearts of lots of fans since it started. A.lose and touch B.won and touchedC.has won and touchedD.has lost and hit2 2.Could y

6、ou take out the rubbish and do the dishes,Tony?Sure.Mom will be mad if she sees this B B ,I think. A.matterB.messC.troubleD.difficulty3 3.I C C scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old. A.will beB.wasC.have beenD.would4 4.导学号 82654085The 17-year-old high school student is tr

7、ying to C C a robot which can think like a human. A.discoverB.organizeC.invent D.achieve5 5.导学号 82654086Do you think our basketball team will win the match?Yes,we have better players.So I C C them to win. A.hope B.help C.expectD.think .选短语填空win the heart of,come out,more than,as well as,a group of1

8、1.Mike has worked for moremore thanthan four hours.He should have a rest. 2 2.They have visited some factories,schools asas wellwell asas hospitals. 3 3.This talk show is interesting and it has wonwon thethe heartshearts ofof old people all over China. 4 4.Suddenly the door opened and a a groupgroup ofof boys came in. 5 5.That famous writers new book will comecome outout soon.



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