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1、1UnitUnit 2 2 WeWe havehave notnot foundfound lifelife onon anyany otherother planetsplanets yet.yet.单词拼写1 1.Noneone of the students in our class failed the exam.2 2.There are many galaxies in the universeniverse.3 3.We have only one earth.Everyone should protect our environmentnvironment.4 4.Its im

2、possiblempossible for me to finish so much work in such a short time.5 5.Now working in groupsroups is very popular in many schools.Its important to learn teamwork.用所给词的适当形式填空1 1.It is important toto rememberremember (remember)some new words every day. 2 2.Is this room large enough toto havehave (ha

3、ve)a meeting? 3 3.Linda cant go with us now.She hasnthasnt finishedfinished(not finish)the work yet. 4 4.About three millionmillion (million)people go to this little but beautiful village every year. 5 5.Im busy these days.Hanging out with friends is almost impossibleimpossible (possible) for me now

4、. .句型转换1 1.Some scientists think there is water on Mars.(改为否定句)Some scientists dontdont think there isis water on Mars. 2 2.The universe is very large.(改为感叹句)HowHow largelarge the universe is! 3 3.There will be many robots in the factory.(改为现在完成时)2There havehave beenbeen many robots in the factory.

5、4 4.They have already come back from Hong Kong.(改为否定句)They havehave notnot come back from Hong Kong yetyet . 5 5.The boy is so careful that he made few mistakes.(改为同义句)The boy is carefulcareful enoughenough toto make few mistakes. .单项选择1 1.Today Mr.Liu told us something about C C universe in class.

6、A.a B.anC.theD./2 2.导学号 82654043The dining hall is B B to hold 300 people. A.enough bigB.big enoughC.small enoughD.enough small3 3.导学号 82654044They are just little children.Its C C to finish the hard work. A.possibleB.importantC.impossibleD.enjoyable4 4.Who was hurt in the traffic accident? B B . A.

7、None B.No one C.Nothing5 5.导学号 82654045Today,WeChat(微信) becomes very popular,and more and more people like to use it to B B each other. A.depend onB.communicate withC.believe in.选词或短语填空possible,go round,none of,billions of,solar system1 1.Therere billionsbillions ofof stars in the universe. 2 2.Does

8、 Mars gogo roundround the sun? 3 3. NoneNone ofof us have been to Hangzhou. 4 4.Nothing is impossibleimpossible if you try hard. 5 5.The solarsolar systemsystem is only a small part of the Milky Way. .任务型阅读导学号 82654046When we talked about the space,we know the universe means the earth,the sun,the mo

9、on,the stars and so on in space.Many of the stars are so far away that we cant see them.3Through our geography lessons,we know the earth (1)goes around the sun,and the moon goes around the earth. We have day and night because the earth keeps moving all the time.Just because the moon is closer to the

10、 earth than the sun,it looks much bigger than the sun.(2)The sun is bright enough to give out very strong light. The moon cant give any light at all,but it looks quite bright,too.Why?In fact,the light from the moon comes from the sun.(3)But in fact the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moo

11、n. (4)在宇宙中仍然有许多其他的行星。But of all these planets,only on the earth there are living things.People on the earth have studied the space all the time.Theyve sent many spaceships into the space many times.On November 3 and 14,2011,Chinese scientists let Shenzhou successfully dock with(对接)the Tiangong twice

12、.This is one of the greatest events in the history of Chinas space.1 1.画线(1)处的汉语意思是 绕着转 。 2 2.Why do we have day and night?WeWe havehave dayday andand nightnight becausebecause thethe earthearth keepskeeps movingmoving allall thethe time.time. 3 3.写出画线(2)处的同义句。TheThe sunsun isis soso brightbright thatthat itit cancan givegive outout veryvery strongstrong light.light. 4 4.把画线(3)处的句子译成汉语。但是实际上恒星要比月亮大得多,明亮得多。5 5.把画线(4)处的句子译成英语。ThereThere areare stillstill manymany otherother planetsplanets inin thethe universe.universe.



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