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1、 Self-mockery just goes viral 解读“屌丝”文化In just two months, the latest buzzword from the Internet, diaosi, has spread so much that it can be found everywherefrom online forums to micro blogs. Many people even call themselves diaosi. Its not the first time a term has gone viral on the Internet in China

2、. However, why is the word diaosi so popular that it has become a cultural phenomenon? Here, we tell you everything you want to know about it.buzzword:流行语 viral:病毒性的 VehementYangMi,25,ChinaEarlier this year, YangMi declared her love for the HongKong actor Hawick Lau(刘恺威). But rumors circulated about

3、 the pair. Last week, media speculation was rife that actress Yang had dropped Lau in a move to pursue actor Nicholas Tse. The love triangle caused quite a stir. Later, Yang posted vehement response on her micro blog: “lies. Ill see how long you can hold on.” She said that she only holds Tse as an i

4、dol. Tse also denied the rumor about Yang knocking on his door to confide her love while shooting Ghost Bullets in 2012.Vehement意为“感情强烈,猛烈的”,如:vehement criticism, vehement denial。 Ablaze表示“激昂的,热情的”,forceful为“强有力的,有效的”。Confide意为“倾诉” 被指甩掉刘恺威转恋谢霆锋,杨幂怒斥传闻。谣言到底能撑多久呢? 21st“屌丝”的起源The word originated in the

5、 Baidu. coms Tiebar (a top Chinese bulletin board system) of soccer player Li Yi. There, fans of Li, who are called in Chinese, not only talk about soccer but moan about their lives, work and relationships. 该词起源于足球运动员李毅的百度贴吧(国内知名的BBS)。李毅的球迷“毅丝”们 在贴吧里不仅谈论足球,还抱怨自己对生活、工作与感情的不满。21ST CENTURYMAY 16,2012bu

6、zz2Leather shoes are very busyThe messages, which were posted online on Monday morning, warned consumers that yogurt and jelly might contain industrial gelatin made from discarded leather shoes. China DailyToxic capsules reignite concerns over drug safety Rage and condemnation surged in China once m

7、ore after media reports revealed that some capsule medication contain excessive amount of chromium, which is hazardous to human health. China Daily21ST CENTURYMAY 16,2012Issue3Fifteen years after James Camerons Titanic sailed and didnt sink at the box office the film returns in another dimension. Th

8、e director, who set the standard for 3-D cinema with Avatar, retrofitted his old-Hollywood romance for a second voyage. “Are you ready to go back to Titanic?” Prepare to hear that famous line repeatedly as Titanic, the 1997 epic romance, is relaunched into theaters with a 3-D makeover. This time, th

9、e story remains the same, but the dizzying visuals are even more spectacular. Unlike many 3-D films that have a dark, muddy quality, Titanics images are sharper and the ships nearly vertical inundation and breaking in two after striking an iceberg are all the more gut- wrenching. GLOSSARY21ST CENTUR

10、YMAY 16,2012 Websites from Hell盘点全球最丑网站Websites from invites submissions from all over the world only with one condition - that the selection be truly dire. The site says: You can submit your own website, a website of your ex-client or the page of the rest home from your grandma who slaps you every

11、 time you visit her. The only requirement is: the website should be ugly! 4A website has pulled together some of the ugliest web pages on Earth and theyre all still going strong, despite having been designed in the good old days. Websites from harks back to the nightmarish days when capital letters

12、 and fluorescent letters ruled cyber space - often without a picture in sight. There is a heavy use of gif images, more frames than you can count, java applets used as navigations, rainbow backgrounds and so on? Yes, that would be a great candidate for hell! Use the submit form! Now! The 423 website

13、s include , which bills itself as the first dog matrimonial website in India. To a background of awful Indian rock music, its creators have arranged a garish visual assault of dog photos, animated pooches and neon colours. At the bottom of the homepage are two more pictures of dogs - with their eyes

14、 animated to look as if they are twinkling. W purports to be the homepage of a web designer who will build your own for $99, but the site itself it so bad that only the clueless would employ him. Aside from the photo of a man wearing a crown in the top corner, there is also an amateurish picture of

15、a castle and lurid bright text scattered throughout. Another website featured on Websites from is which purports to be links to the most beautiful pages on the web. Unfortunately it is so clogged with multicoloured, overlapping text of different colours that it ends up leaving you with a headache. In the middle there is even a bizarre section which orders the viewer in bright pink capitals: CLICK HERE FOR PUPPIES! Some of the websites have been changed since appearing on the website, such as Florida-based TNT Events. Before being named and shamed however it


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