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1、如何写好并列句由两个或两个以上的简单句并列连 接起来的句子叫并列句。 并列句的基本句型是简单句+并列连词/连接副词+简单句并列连词连词其他意思相似的并列连词连词 或 副词词表示句子间间的关系and 此外,而且also,besides,more over,furthermore, not only.but also并列或递进递进but 但是,然而Howver,yet,still,wh ile,nevertheless转转折,对对比for 因为为 /原因or 或者,否则则,otherwise选择选择So 因此,所以thus,therefore,con sequently, accordingly结

2、结果nor 也不neither否定选择选择and 的用法 琼非常有钱, 漂亮且庄重。 Joan was rich, beautiful and proud. 他身体虚弱, 因此更增加了他的困难 。 He lost his health, and his difficulties increased.not onlybut also 他不仅是个老师,而且还是个医生。 He is not only a teahcer but also (he is ) a doctor. 他不但能写字还能画画。 He can not only write but also paint. 我们不但做完了作业而且还背

3、诵了一篇 文章. We not only finished our homework but also (we)recited an article. 此短语放在BE动词,助动词之后, 实义动词之前.还可用于倒装句Not only is he a teacher, but also he is a doctor.Not only can he write, but also paint.Not only did he finish the homework, but also he recited an article. The usage of “but” 我们除了星期日每天都上学。(介词

4、prep.) We go to school every day but Sunday. 她除了唱歌之外, 什么都会做。 She can do anything but sing. 这块表虽然便宜, 但走得很好(连接词 conj). The watch was cheap, but it goes quite well.The usage of “however”可是, 后来他决定去了。 Later, however, he made up his mind to go. 虽然下着大雨, 我还是想去那儿。 Its raining hard. However, I still want to g

5、o there. 前后都有, 表示转折.While表示两种意思,一是在期 间, 然而 他在狱中写出了第一部小说。 While in prison, he wrote his first novel. 我喜欢学英语而我妹爱语文. I like English while my sister like Chinese. for前要有逗号,表示原因我们快回家吧,天快黑了. Let s go home, for the it is getting dark. or一个男孩或两个女孩在家。 A boy or two girls are at home. 那花是红的还是蓝的? Is the flower

6、red or blue? 他不会看书, 也不会写字。 He cannot read or write.So,therefore 狗饿了, 所以我们喂它。 The dog was hungry, so we fed it. 后有逗号用therefore,没有用so 1.He didnt finish his homework, and _ was punished by the teacher. 2.There was something wrong with his bike on the way to school,_ he was late for school. 3.It rained;

7、_,the match was put off. therefore so therefore Neither.nor(即不也不)你和他都不对。 Neither you nor he is right. 他既不进来, 也不出去。 He would neither come in nor go out. Nor,neither单独用于倒装你不去我也不去。 If you do not go, neither shall I. 你没有看见他, 我也没有。 You didnt see him, and neither did I. 用上面所提供的连词填空 1.Find out where they a

8、re going this evening_ ask if we may join them. 2. He is seriously ill, _the doctors have almost given up. 3. Ive never been to Itatly, _, I dont know much about it. and so therefore 4.They go to concerts of pop music,_they really like it. 5. You must work hard, _you will fail in the exam.6. Fluent

9、English can_help you communicate with foreigners_find a good job.7. He had failed many times, _he was confident that he would succeed in the end. foror not only but also but/yet 1.昨天是我的生日, 很多同学送礼物 给我.(so) 2. 过去, 我们既没有时间休息,也没 有时间做自己想做的事情.(nor) 3. 快点, 否则上课就要迟到了.(or) 4. 我很累,但很快乐.(but) 5. 我们待在家里,因为下雨了.

10、(for)The 2010 Shanghai World Expo began on May 1 and will end on October 31,2010, which will last for 184 days.Its theme is “Better City, Better Life”. It is the first World Expo held by China and the biggest exposition in world history. The expo offers a platform for countries to exhibit their adva

11、nced technologies and culture. In addition, the expo offers possible solutions to the various challenges of the City Age and focuses on the healthy development of cities. 基础写作要考生用5个句子表达 多于5个内容的要点,因此,如 果能很好的运用并列句,文章 就会流畅自然,可读性强,质 量也会提高。下面,请试用并 列句来写作基础写作,尽可能 使用并列句。 以“如何学好英语”为题 1.必须每天听英语材料; 2. 听力是英语学习中

12、最基本的一部分; 3.必须保证阅读练习,否则你在理解文 章时会很慢; 4. 每天早上背诵是很重要的,在课余大 声的读书也有好处; 5.写作很有必要.你不必写很多,但必须 学会 每一种写作类型的写作技巧; 6. 遇到困难时,要体质冷静, 不要放弃. 点提: 在写英语学习的听说读写四个 方面时, 为让表述清晰, 要加上表示 陈述顺序的词. Firstly, secondly, thirdly, fourthly, 或 first, second,third, fourthLearnig English is not an easy job at all. First, you must keep

13、on listening to English materials every day. _listening is the basic part of English learning. Second, you should practice reading_you wil get slow in the understanding of passages. for or Third, it is of great importance to recite English in the morning _its also good for you to read aloud in your spare time. Fourth, writing is necessary; _dont have to write a lot so long as you learn the skills of every kind of writing. _, you should keep calm when you meet with difficulties and never give up. You should always remember that “No Paina ,No Gains”. and however Finally


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