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1、Natural Gas Facts Average emission factors for small and medium combustion installations without exhaust gas after treatment. Status: 2006, BGW; Source: www.asue.de 119Steps of the natural gas chain modeled1 MJ of distributed NG ProductionTreatmentTransport by LNG tankerTransmission by pipeline from

2、 producing countriesNational transmission (high pressure)StorageNational distribution (low pressure)LiquefactionGasificationwith the main trade movements in Europe1.7%120Results on the whole life cycle, including the final useFirst example :Electricity production: CCGT0%20%40%60%80%100%Global warmin

3、gAcidificationNon renewable energy depletionThe final use is not necessarily the only significant contributor to all the impacts ProductionPipeline transmissionLiquefactionExport by LNG tankerGasification in EUStorage in EUHP transmission in EULP distribution in EUUtilization121Results on the whole

4、life cycle, including the final useElectricity production: CCGTHeat : Domestic useElectricity/Heat: CHP, tertiaire use238 g CO2eq96 mg SO2 eq 1.12 kWh 232 g CO2eq140 mg SO2 eq 1.07 kWhDifferences observed between the 3 final uses :mainly linked to the efficiency of the conversion process and to the

5、type of combustionProductionPipeline transmissionLiquefactionExport by LNG tankerGasification in EUStorage in EUHP transmission in EULP distribution in EUUtilization0%20%40%60%80%100%Global warmingAcidificationNon renewable energy depletion393 g CO2eq180 mg SO2 eq1.9 kWh0%20%40%60%80%100%Global warm

6、ingAcidificationNon renewable energy depletion0%20%40%60%80%100%Global warmingAcidificationNon renewable energy depletion1220%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Climate changeAcidificationNon renewable energy depletionLow pressure distribution in EU-25 High pressure transmision in EU-25 Storage in Europ

7、eGasification in EuropeExport by LNG tankerLiquefactionTransmission by pipelineProduction/processingResults : focus on the upstream chainDifferent contributions of each step to the 3 impacts categories123GHG emissions ranging from 1 to 4 depending on the NG supply chain0%50%100%150%200%250%ReferenceEuropeLong distance transportLNGLow pressure distribution in EU-25 High pressure transmision in EU-25 Storage in EuropeGasification in EuropeExport by LNG tankerLiquefactionTransmission by pipelineProduction/processingComparison of the repartition of GHG emissions along the upstream chains124


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