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1、基于嵌入式基于嵌入式 Linux 的的 GPS 研究与设计研究与设计摘 要随着科技的迅速发展,以及人们出行的需要,GPS 的出现显得越来越重要。特别是对于那些出门在外,对路况又不熟悉的人们,显得尤为重要。GPS 是一种电子手持设备,它通过接受天上的卫星信号,将接受到的数据通过换算,从而得出此设备所在的经度和纬度等信息,并将其以图形界面的方式显示在地图中,使用户可以通过地图确认自己的位置。除此之外,一般的 GPS 数据中还包括 UTC 时间,对地速度,定位状态,日期,方位角,信噪比等等其他的常用数据。本文首先阐述课题研究的技术背景、现实意义和研究现状,对嵌入式系统和GPS 模块的功能作了分析。并

2、在此基础上给出基于 Linux 和 GPS 模块的总体设计方案。然后详细分析了 Linux 内核细节问题,包括 Linux 内核的架构,组成部分及相应的作用和设备驱动程序的分析。并在此基础上移植了所需用到的串口驱动,并完成 Linux 内核的定制,设计了一种基于嵌入式 Linux 的 GPS。该方案处理器选用 ARM9 系列中的 S3C2440 芯片,GPS 模块采用全新的 sirf 3 代芯片(REB3571),采用 Linux 作为嵌入式操作系统。在 S3C2440 处理器上运行 Linux操作系统和相应的应用软件,来控制 GPS 模块完成接受卫星信号,换算并传递到S3C2440 处理器。

3、该方案有效实现了定位功能,具有非常好的实时性,为后面实现 GPS 功能作了基础。最后,本文对所作的工作做了一个总结,指出存在的不足及改进方法,为后续的研究设计作了指导。图 26 表 11 参 63关键词:关键词:GPS;Linux;内核;嵌入式系统;ARM分类号:分类号:TP277; TP368AbstractAlong with the quick development of science and technology, and the needs of people trip, the emergence of the GPS is becoming more and more imp

4、ortant. Especially for those who go out in the outside, road conditions and to not familiar with the people, is particularly important. GPS is an electronic handheld devices, it by accepting the heaven of satellite signal, will accept to data through the conversion, and concluded that the equipment

5、the latitude and longitude of the site and the information and use it to a graphical interface in the way of displaying maps, users can through the map confirm your position. In addition, the general GPS data includes UTC time, ground speed of, positioning state, date, azimuth, signal-to-noise ratio

6、 and so on other commonly used data. This paper studies the design based on embedded Linux GPS. The scheme selection ARM9 processor in the series S3C2440 chip, GPS module selection in South Korea GPS module integration SIRF2e/LP chip, using Linux as embedded operating system. In S3C2440 processor to

7、 run on Linux operating system and the corresponding application software, to control GPS module complete accept satellite signal, conversion and passed to the S3C2440 processor. The scheme has effectively realized the function orientation, have the very good real-time. This paper expounds the techn

8、ical background, subject research of practical significance and research status of the embedded system and GPS module function was analyzed. And on this basis based on Linux and GPS module are the overall design scheme. Then detailed analysis of the Linux kernel details, including the structure of t

9、he Linux kernel, part and the corresponding function and the analysis of the device driver. And on this basis the transplant needed for the serial driver, and complete the Linux kernel custom, for behind the GPS function realization based. Finally, this paper work made a summary, points out the exis

10、ting problems and the improvement methods, for the follow-up study design for guidance.Figure 26 Table 11 Reference 63Keywords: GPS, Linux, kernel, embedded system, ARMChinese book catalog: TP277, TP36目目 录录摘 要.IAbstract.III符号与缩写含义清单.IX1 绪论.11.1 课题研究背景和意义.11.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势.11.3 课题研究目标和创新点.21.4 论文章节安排.32 嵌入式系统及技术.52.1 嵌入式系统简介.52.1.1 嵌入式系统特点与组成.52.1.2 嵌入式系统分类.52.2 嵌入式处理器.62.2.1 嵌入式处理器分类.62.2.2 ARM 处理器.72.3 嵌入式操作系统.72.3.1 Linux 操作系统的由来.82.3.2 Linux 操作系统的特点.92.4 小结.



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