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1、智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料解析GRE词汇中的那些“双子座”(3)-智课教育旗下智课教育为帮助大家记忆GRE词汇之黄金形近词,小编特意为考生分享一些 有关于GRE近义词的分析,解析GRE词汇中的那些“双子座”(3),希望 对考生有帮助。 星座中的双子座”就好比一个人具有不同的性格,与GRE词汇中那 些看似相似但是实际意思却有不同的单词有异曲同工之妙。所以今天小 编为考生分享解析GRE词汇中的那些“双子座”(3),希望对考生备考有 所帮助。 81. sage / saga sage: Sage means wise and knowledgeable, especially as th

2、e result of a lot of experience. (LITERARY) Or a person who is regarded as being very wise. saga - 传奇 82. whim / rim / brim whim: A whim is a wish to do or have something which seems to have no serious reason or purpose behind it, and often occurs suddenly.brim: If someone or something is brimming w

3、ith a particular quality, they are full of that quality. When your eyes are brimming with tears, they are full of fluid because you are upset, although you are not actually crying. rim -表边缘 83. flit / flip / fleet flit: If you flit around or flit between one place and another, you go to lots of plac

4、es without staying for very long in any of them. If an expression flits across your face or an idea flits through your mind, it is there for a short time and then goes again. flip: If you flip a device on or off, or if you flip a switch, you turn it on or off by pressing the switch quickly.(=flick)I

5、f you flip through the pages of a book, for example, you quickly turn over the pages in order to find a particular one or to get an idea of the contents. If you say that someone is being flip, you disapprove of them because you think that what they are saying shows they are not being serious enough

6、about something. fleet - 短暂的 84. lull / gull / dull lull: A lull is a period of quiet or calm in a longer period of activity or excitement. gull:考察的经常是gullible 表容易被骗的 85. rash / rehash rash: If someone is rash or does rash things, they act without thinking carefully first, and therefore make mistake

7、s or behave foolishly. rehash: If you describe something as a rehash, you are criticizing it because it repeats old ideas, facts, or themes, though some things have been changed to make it appear new. 86. grin / chagrin grin: A grin is a broad smile.If you grin and bear it, you accept a difficult or

8、 unpleasant situation without complaining because you know there is nothing you can do to make things better. chagrin: Chagrin is a feeling of disappointment, upset, or annoyance, perhaps because of your own failure. (FORMAL, WRITTEN) 87. voluble / voluminous voluble: If you say that someone is volu

9、ble, you mean that they talk a lot with great energy and enthusiasm. (FORMAL) voluminous: Something that is voluminous is very large or contains a lot of things. (FORMAL) 88. virtue / virtual / virus89. paean / panache / panacea paean: A paean is a piece of music, writing, or film that expresses pra

10、ise, admiration, or happiness. (LITERARY)(=eulogy)(赞歌,凯歌) panache: If you do something with panache, you do it in a confident, stylish, and elegant way. panacea - 万能灵药 90. premise / surmise / demise surmise: If you surmise that something is true, you guess it from the available evidence, although yo

11、u do not know for certain. (FORMAL) 91. employ / deploy / ploy deploy: To deploy troops or military resources means to organize or position them so that they are ready to be used. ploy: A ploy is a way of behaving that someone plans carefully and secretly in order to gain an advantage for themselves

12、.(策略) 92. apposite / opposite apposite: Something that is apposite is suitable for or appropriate to what is happening or being discussed. (FORMAL)93. object / objection / objective / objectivity objective: Objective information is based on facts. 94. lurid / lucid lurid: If you say that something i

13、s lurid, you are critical of it because it involves a lot of violence, sex, or shocking detail. 95. covet / covert / overt covet: If you covet something, you strongly want to have it for yourself.(FORMAL) covert: Covert activities or situations are secret or hidden. (FORMAL) overt: An overt action o

14、r attitude is done or shown in an open and obvious way.96. stationary / stationery stationary: Something that is stationary is not moving.(=static) 97. supple / supplement / supplicate supple: A supple object or material bends or changes shape easily without cracking or breaking. supplicate: A suppl

15、icant is a person who prays to God or respectfully asks an important person to help them or to give them something that they want very much. (FORMAL) 98. binge / hinge / fringe binge: If you go on a binge, you do too much of something, such as drinking alcohol, eating, or spending money. (INFORMAL)

16、hinge: A hinge is a piece of metal, wood, or plastic that is used to join a door to its frame or to join two things together so that one of them can swing freely. fringe: To be on the fringe or the fringes of a place means to be on the outside edge of it, or to be in one of the parts that are farthest from its centre. 99. thorough / through / though100. staple / stable staple: A staple food, product, or activity is one that is basic and important in peoples everyday lives. 101. dismiss / remi


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