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1、 四川龙泉一中20102011 学年度高三“二诊”模拟英 语 试 题注意事项:本卷考试时间 120 分钟,满分 150 分 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 1. Why did you arrive late? -The fog _ our air flight for about half an hour. A. held upB. turned downC. broke upD. pulled down 2. She was greatly shocked at the scene before her

2、eyes. Never did she expect that the local conditions _be so terrible. A. couldB. mightC. shouldD. would 3. Everybody has responsibility to save water, if future generations are to enjoy similar standard of living to the one we enjoy now. A. the; /B. a; aC. /; theD. a; the 4. It is said that about 60

3、% of housewives have a brand before entering the store. A. in mindB. on sale C. in possessionD. on purpose 5. I hate school; its not for me. I think Ill quit. You stupid! It takes effort now, but later you will benefit from it. A. will beB. are beingC. have beenD. were being 6.Only if you sleep, whi

4、ch is equal to turning the TV set off, kept away from the unending cry of “You Need It! Buy It Now!” A. you areB. ought you to beC. you will beD. can you be 7. All these documents must be the university you are applying for before December, 31. A. donated toB. sent in C. delivered toD. handed in 8.

5、A new survey shows that 54 percent of Americans do not take prescription medicines though they are important to their health. A. as they instructB. as were instructed C. as to be instructedD. as instructed 9. As is reported, a baby boy, dead at birth by the doctors, “came back to life” after spendin

6、g hours in the hospital refrigerator. A. pronouncingB. being pronounced C. pronouncedD. having pronounced 10. He is a very hard-working student. . As far as I know, he often burns the midnight oil. A. You can say that againB. Absolutely not C. Heaven knowsD. No way 11. He stared at the empty bottle

7、for a while, feeling happy that he had sent the butterfly back it belonged nature. A. whereB. thatC. whichD. to where 12. The cartoon “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” appeals so much to children it is well to their taste. A. thatB. whichC. becauseD. while13. My son, who is now studying at a universi

8、ty, uses more than 3,000 yuan a month. Well, tell him to be economical. After all, . A. money doesnt grow on trees B. the morning sun never lasts a day C. light come, light goD. penny wise, pound foolish 14. How was the weather then?-Hardly _ off the plane, when it started to rain. A. I had steppedB

9、. had I steppedC. I steppedD. did I step 15. It was the training _ he received as a young man _ made him such a famous writer. A. when; thatB. that; whenC. that; whoD. that; that 16. Tick bites(蜱虫叮咬)are reported _ in 12 provinces and claimed 31 lives since 2007. A. to break out B. to have broken out

10、 C. to be broken out D. to have been broken out 17. On March 14, violent crimes of beating, looting and burning in Lhasa of Tibet broke out, _ 13 innocent people and with more than 300 _. A. killed; injuredB. killing; injuredC. killed; injuringD. killing; injuring 18. How can you expect him to make

11、any improvement _ you never give him a chance to have a try? A. unlessB. whenC. untilD. while 19. My parents always remind me to work hard at my lessons and I am allowed to do _ except studying. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything 20. It is hoped that this project _ by the end of 2012 wil

12、l be a popular tourist attraction of the city. A. being accomplishedB. to be accomplished C. will be accomplishedD. accomplished 第二节:完形填空(共第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每题小题;每题 1 分,满分分,满分 20 分)分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和和 D)中,选出可以填入空)中,选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项。白处的最佳选项。 As a teenager, I felt I was

13、 always letting people down. I was rebellious(反叛的)on the outside, 21 on the inside I wanted people to 22 me. Once I left home to hitchhike (搭便车) to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasn t 23 , and there were many times I didnt feel safe. One situation in particular 24 me grateful to stil

14、l be alive. When I returned home, I was different not so outwardly sure of myself. I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope, who was 25 with us, was wearing my clothes. And my 26 seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be 27 if I werent there. I told my mom, and she

15、explained that 28 Penelope was a lovely girl, no one could 29 me. I pointed out, “She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been.“ My mom said these were wonderful 30 , but I was the only person who could fill my 31 . She made me realize that even with my 32 , and they were many I was a loved member of the family who couldnt be replaced. I became a searcher, wanting to 33 who I was and what made me unique(独特的). My 34 of myself was changing. I wanted a solid base to start from. I started to res



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