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1、Devious Maids Season 02 Scripts【蛇蝎女佣第二季】中英对照剧本 由 英语我帮您网站编辑整理Devious Maids S02E011-What kind of person are you?!怎么会有你这种人2-How could you want to keep this a secret?!这种事你怎么能保密呢 3-Keep your voice down! Think about the neighbors!小点声行吗 邻居会听到的 4-The neighbors?! I dont care about the freaking neighbors!邻居 我

2、才不管什么邻居 5-I cannot talk to you when youre like this!你这样让我怎么跟你说话 6-Youre out of your mind!你简直疯了 7-Youre a coward! Im gonna tell everyone!你是个懦夫 我要让所有人都知道 8-It happened! What do you want me to do about it now?!都已经发生了 你让我怎么办 9-Ethan, what are you doing?伊森 你干什么呢 10-I told you to go to bed an hour ago.一小时

3、前我就让你上床睡觉了 11-Mama, look.阿姨 你看 12-What are you gonna do?! Huh?! Im gonna tell everyone!你想干什么 我要让世人都知道 13- Im gonna tell everyone. - Give me those keys!-我要告诉所有人 -把钥匙给我 14-You cant drive right now!你现在这样不能开车 15-Stop it!别闹了 16-Opal!奥珀尔 17-Get out here!滚开 18-Dahlia!达利娅 19-Wait!等等 20-What are you doing?你要

4、干什么 21-Havent you heard?你不知道吗 22-Confession is good for the soul.忏悔有益于灵魂 23-Youve had too much to drink. Lets talk about this back home.你喝多了 我们回家说吧 24-No more talking!别跟我废话了 25-They need to know what happened.他们得知道发生了什么 26-If you say anything, Nick could go to jail -如果你说的话 尼克会进监狱的 . 27-Who cares?我不管

5、 28-I cant sleep. I cant eat.我现在吃不下饭睡不着觉 29-Why doesnt anyone understand what this has done to me?你们怎么就没人明白我的感受呢 30-Its been hard for all of us, Dahlia. Listen -我们都不好受 达利娅 听我说 31-Dont touch me!不要碰我 32-Hes only trying to help, Dahlia.他是想帮你 达利娅 33-The only way that you can help is to let me end this.唯

6、一能帮我的就是让我结束这件事 34-I will not let you do that. Do you understand me?我不会让你这么做的 明白吗 35-Let go! We have to tell them!放开我 我们必须告诉他们 36-Its not going down like that!不是那样的 37-You are hurting her!你弄疼她了 38-I knew she was struggling with mental illness, but.我知道她一直有精神疾病 但是 39-I had no idea my wife was suicidal.

7、我没想到她会自杀 40-We were begging her to come home, and she.我们求她回家来着 可她. 41-jumped off the bridge.突然就纵身跳桥了 42-Did she say anything beforehand?她跳桥前说过什么吗 43-No, nothing - nothing that made any sense.没有 没说什么重要的话1 / 234Devious Maids Season 02 Scripts【蛇蝎女佣第二季】中英对照剧本 由 英语我帮您网站编辑整理44-She just.jumped.她就 突然跳下去了 45

8、-What about you, son?你呢 孩子 46-Did you see what happened?你看到是怎么回事了吗 47-She jumped.她自己跳下去了 48-What is that?那是什么 49-2014 年 50-Im going to propose tonight.我今晚准备求婚 51-You barely know this woman.你都不了解那个女人 52-I know that I love her.我知道我爱她 53-Im moving on with my life. You should be happy for me.我准备重新开始了 你该

9、为我高兴 54-Well, when you put it like that.你要是要这么说的话 . 55-You two done?你们说完了吗 56-Shes here.她来了 57-Show her in.带她进来 58-Will she still love you when she finds out what you did?她发现你的所作所为后还会爱你吗 59-Shed better not.她最好别发现 60-Hey, there.你好 61-Hello, my darling.亲爱的 你来了 62-蛇蝎女佣 第二季 第一集 63-司法部移民审查办公室 64-Rosie Fa

10、lta, when you entered this country,罗西法尔塔 你进入美国时 65-you were not processed by an immigration officer.没有办理移民手续 66-You are thereby removable from the United States.因此我们有权将你驱逐出美国 67-However, I understand you are seeking asylum.但是 你申请了庇护 68-Yes, your honor.是的 法官大人 69-To go back to Mexico would put Ms. Fa

11、ltas life in danger.回墨西哥会让法尔塔女士有生命危险 70-She fears retaliation from the drug cartel 她害怕杀害她丈夫欧内斯托的 71-that killed her husband, Ernesto.贩毒集团会找她报仇 72-Hey. Hows it going?怎么样了 73-Were not sure. They just started.不知道呢 刚开始 74-Yeah.这样啊 75-So, what happened last night?话说昨晚怎么回事 76-Oh, nothing.没事 77-Nicholas pr

12、oposed last night.昨晚尼古拉斯向我求婚了 78-Thats not real.钻石不是真的吧 79-Yes, it is!当然是真的 80-So, how rich is this guy?那个家伙到底多有钱 81-Im not sure, but we had pheasant for dinner.不知道 但晚餐我们吃的是野鸡 82-So, are you gonna have kids, or would you like 那你想要孩子吗 还是想 83-to adopt a 40-year-old woman from Boyle Heights?收养一个博伊尔高地的

13、40 岁中年妇女 84-Is someone laughing in my courtroom?有人在法庭之上哄笑吗 85-Ms. Falta, we will hear your case for asylum in six months.法尔塔女士 我们六个月后审理你的庇护申请 案86-Until then, you are released in good faith.现在无罪释放87-Oh, my God!天哪2 / 234Devious Maids Season 02 Scripts【蛇蝎女佣第二季】中英对照剧本 由 英语我帮您网站编辑整理88-Come here!过来 89-Tha

14、nk you all so much.太谢谢你们了 . 90-for finding me this lawyer,谢谢你们给我找律师 91-for standing by me.谢谢你们帮我 92-Theres nothing we wouldnt do for our Rosie.为了我们的罗西 我们在所不辞 93-I have an idea -我有个主意 94-Why dont we all have dinner tonight to celebrate?我们今晚一吃吃饭庆祝吧 95-Yeah! Perfect.对 太好了 96-Actually, I cant tonight.可是

15、 我今晚不方便 97-There is someone I need to see.我得去见个人 98-Spence?斯宾思 99-I spoke to Braden - he got us an amazing deal 我刚跟布雷登通过电话 他说帮我们 100-on this hotel in Paris right on the Champs-Elysees.在巴黎香榭丽舍大街找到了家非常棒的酒店 101-Yeah, about that.对了 说到这个. 102-You know, I was thinking -我在想. 103-Paris is so far for a one-week vacation.一周的旅行去巴黎是不是太远了 104-What about Puerto Vallarta?要不去巴亚尔塔港怎么样 105- I guess we could do the tropical thing. - Yeah.-去热带应该不错 -是啊 106-Id get massages.我去做按摩 107-You can work on your tan.你去晒晒黑 108-



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