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2、换能使协会民主治理机制得到建构。此外,针对三种交换模式各自存在的风险,本文提出相关政策建议。在政府与协会的交换过程中,双方应注重服务购买流程及质量监督体系的完善;在企业与协会的交换过程中,协会应注重预防经营风险和营利性倾向;在企业家与协会的交换过程中,协会应注重民主治理机制的完善,从而规避内部人控制风险。关键词:关键词:行业协会;交换;资金The Exchange of Interests in the Fundraising Process ofTrade AssociationsBased on the Case of WenZhou Smoking Set Trade Associati

3、onAbstractThe research subject of this paper is the exchange of interests in the fundraising process of trade associations. Generalized from the case study of an exemplary trade association in China, Wenzhou Smoking Set Trade Association, there are three exchange behaviors involved in fundraising: e

4、xchange between the trade association and the government exchange of funds and self-determination; exchange between the trade association and enterprises exchange of funds and services; exchange between the trade association and entrepreneurs exchange of funds and self-needs satisfaction.This paper

5、elaborates on exchange reason,exchange model,exchange function turning solely on three exchange behavior. The following conclusions are made based on a comprehensive study. The ideal exchange between the trade association and the government can reinforce self-determination of trade association. The

6、ideal exchange between the trade association and enterprises can expand service function of trade association. The ideal exchange between the trade association and entrepreneurs can construct democratic mechanism of trade association. In other words, in relation to risks associated with the three ex

7、change patterns, this paper provides trade associations with some policy recommendations on avoiding risks in the fundraising exchange process. In the exchange process of trade association and the government, the two sides should lay special emphasis on improving the process of buying services and t

8、he system of quality superintendence. In the exchange process of trade association and enterprises, the trade association should lay special emphasis on preventing the operating risk and profitable orientation. In the exchange process of trade association and entrepreneurs, the trade association sho

9、uld lay special emphasis on improving democratic mechanism to avoid the risk of inner person control.Keywords: trade association; exchange; funds目录目录第 1 章 导论 .11.1 研究意义.11.2 文献回顾.21.2.1 国内外行业协会研究.21.2.2 非营利组织筹资研究.81.3 概念界定.121.3.1 行业协会.121.3.2 非营利组织.131.3.3 筹资.151.3.4 社会交换.161.4 理论与方法.181.4.1 社会交换理论

10、.181.4.2 研究方法及思路.21第 2 章 个案调查 .232.1 调查目的及意义.232.2 调查对象的背景.232.2.1 宏观环境市场环境、政府治理环境.232.2.2 中观环境温州市行业协会发展情况.262.2.3 微观环境温州市烟具产业发展情况.272.3 调查对象的基本情况.282.3.1 烟具行业协会发展历程.282.3.2 烟具行业协会经费筹集方式.29第 3 章 政府与行业协会的交换成因、模式与功能 .333.1 交换成因.333.1.1 政府:管理职能转变的需要.333.1.2 政府:经济管理失灵的选择.343.1.3 行业协会:获取协会的合法性.353.1.4 行业协会:获取行业管理权限.383.2 交换模式:资金和自主权的交换.393.3 交换的负功能:高投入低自主型.433.3.1 行政色彩浓重.433.3.2 公信度不够.433.3.3 对外交流功能受限.433.4 交换的正功能:低投入高自主型.



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