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1、初中英语初中英语“送课下乡送课下乡”课时教学计划课时教学计划组名:组名:课课 题题Unit 8 When is your birthday ? (1a-2c)课课 型型New lesson 课课 时时 The first period 知识与能力知识与能力1.Learn the new words of Unit8 and remember most of them.来源:学科网ZXXK来源:学#科#网2.Lead Ss to learn the names of months and numbers 3.Learn the expression of English dates.来源:Zxx

2、k.Com过程与方法过程与方法Students talk about dates and months .教教学学来源来源:学科网学科网 ZXXK目目来源来源:学学|科科|网网 Z|X|X|K标标 情感态度价情感态度价值观值观在互动的过程中理解生日的含义,并会制订作息表。在互动的过程中理解生日的含义,并会制订作息表。教学教学重点重点Learn the new words of Unit8 and remember most of them.教学教学难点难点.Learn the expression of English dates.教学方教学方法法Pairwork , listening 教具

3、教具Radio 教教 学学 过过 程程教学环节及教学教学环节及教学内容内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动备注备注(二次备课)(二次备课)Step1 GreetingHow are you? Nice to meet you! What is the date today ?It isSeptember 10th 教学环节及教学教学环节及教学内容内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动备注备注(二次备课)(二次备课)Step2: Lead in new lesson(1).Play a song about months, then ask:T: How many months are there

4、 in a year? T: What are they? (Show flash cards to study months)Ss: twelve Look at the pictures and read together and (Teacher check the pronunciation)Step3:Learn to read the new words of Unit 8(2 )Finish up 1a,1b Listen and repeat. Tell Ss to pay attention to ini(缩略)1. Ask Ss to read the new words

5、of Unit 8 with their partner . Then check the difficult words. 2. Let the students read the difficult words according to the phonetic symbols and deal with the problems they have in their pronunciation in pairs or groups.3. Get individual students to read the new words to the class, the others liste

6、n. If possible , the teacher gets the student to correct some pronunciationsSs listen and repeat ! Correct their pronunciations.Step 4:Study the ordinal numbers :Step5, listening practice 4. Play the tape ! 5. Get the students to read by themselves again, and then ask some students to read in front

7、of class. Make sure most students can read the words correctly. Show the cardina numbers,then ask Ss to tell their ordinal numbers1. Finish up 2a Listen and repeat 2 2 listenlisten andand CircleCircle thethe NumberNumber youyou hearhear InIn 2 2a a3 3 ListenListen ,match,match TheThe namesnames , ,

8、MonthsMonths , , andand DatesDates . .Listen and repeat Listen and circleFinish the task. 教学环节及教学内容教学环节及教学内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动备注备注(二次备课)(二次备课)Step 6 .Practice in pairs Step7.SummaryStep 8. Homework . Ask students to make conversations in pairs .Memorize the new words and some important sentences.Remem

9、ber all new words.Make conversations 板板书书设设计计Unit 8 When is your birthday ?When is sbs birthday ?Sbs birthday is ./It is . 教教学学反反思思月份和序数词新单词过多,而且刚开始学习,学生月份和序数词新单词过多,而且刚开始学习,学生很难一下子全部记住和掌握,最好下节课再进行复很难一下子全部记住和掌握,最好下节课再进行复习和巩固习和巩固 附件附件 1:律师事务所反盗版维权声明:律师事务所反盗版维权声明附件附件 2:独家资源交换签约学校名录(放大查看):独家资源交换签约学校名录(放大查看) 学校 名录参 见:h ttp:/w ww.zx aspx ? ClassID=3060


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