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1、The Danish Energy Transformation Roadmap4 |LOW-CARBON ECONOMIC GROWTH AND JOB CREATIONThe results of clear political direction ? ? ? ? ?The Danish experience shows that through persistent and active energy policy focused on enhanced energy ?renewables, it is possible to sustain ?simultaneously reduc

2、e fossil- fuel dependency while protecting the climate and environment. The Danish economys energy consumption is among the lowest in the world relative to gross output. Denmark has become one ?economies. Since 1990, Danish GDP has increased by nearly 40%. During this period, the domestic energy con

3、sumption has declined by 7% and the adjusted carbon emissions by more than 30%. This development has not only ?enterprises through lower energy costs and less exposure to highly volatile fossil fuel prices, but also fostered new products and industries. ?as products which reduce pressure on the envi

4、ronment, for example energy saving products and the service of installing renewable energy systems. In 2013 Denmark produced green products and services for EUR 22 billion, half of which is related to renewable energy and ?sector employs approximately 58,000 people in Denmark. As an example, the Dan

5、ish wind energy sector currently employs more than 28,000 workers1 and the Danish export of wind energy 1 The Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA)4050607080901001990199419982002200620102014*DANISH TRENDS - ENERGY AND CO2INTENSITY (1990=100)ENERGY INTENSITYCO2 INTENSITYSource: Danish Energy Agency

6、 *preliminary data TABLE OF CONTENTSLow-carbon economic growth and job creation 3 Setting the course 5 Scenarios 5 !?“ Renewable Energy 7 Synergies - energy system integration and development 11 Climate change Setting and achieving ambitious targets 12 Strong international ties and cooperation 14 Pu

7、blic engagement and acceptance 15 A roadmap for China 16 | 5Most of the 7% decline in the gross energy consumption in Denmark between 1990 and 2013 is due to a 24% drop in fossil fuel consumption relative to the gross energy con-sumption partly substituted by a 12% increase in contribution from the

8、use of biofuels and 5% from wind energy. In 2013 renewable energy sources accounted for 24% of the gross energy consumption of Denmark. In the same ?#?#?-cing conversion losses by 28% or 7% relative to gross energy consumption. The main reason for this improvement has been a massive increase in comb

9、i-ned power and heat generation (CHP) and wind energy capacity. These two energy sources have increased their overall contribution by 10% compared to the gross energy con-sumption in the period. With a 40% increase in real GDP from 1990 to $?plants. Goods manufacturing and household consumption cont

10、ributed with 36% and 53% emission reducti-ons, respectively. As for power genera-tion, reduction in fossil fuel based sources and power plant optimization has reduced Danish emissions by 22% compared to 1990 emissions.DECLINING ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND CARBON EMISSIONS01020304050607019902013Million to

11、nnesTOTAL CO2EMISSIONS RELATED TO ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN DENMARKHOUSEHOLDSSERVICESGOODSTRANSPORTATIONENERGY ?#?-ments do not come about automa-tically. Active efforts are needed to ?-vements and savings. Danish energy policy therefore contains a number of ?-cy improvements in order to minimize energy

12、 use and energy waste in all sectors.?production, a number of initiatives have been carried out to increase the ?Q?#?that is, consumption by consumers and enterprises. Danish environmen-tal- and energy taxes contribute to a ?+?costs of production, use and disposal in consumer prices on energy.By for

13、mulating schemes in close dialogue with industry, knowledge about challenges and possibilities are integrated in the measures.Initiatives include:?Energy labelling of buildings?Building codes focusing on energy consumption?Electricity saving trusts?Energy labelling of appliances?Energy savings in th

14、e public sector?!? obligation schemesSUPPORT FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES| 9installed wind energy capacity, of which 1,271 MW3 are offshore wind turbines (ultimo 2013). On windy days, wind turbines in Denmark produce more than the domestic demand.Changes in the Danish overall energy mix have resulted in a substantial reduction of emissions from energy production. CO2 emissions from electricity production have decreased by over 50%3 in the 3 Source: Energinet.dkperiod 1990 to 2013. Half the amount of CO2 is emitted when producing on



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