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1、摘 要在新疆油田节能降耗、挖潜增效的工作背景下,对常规十型抽油机进行了系统的理论研究,提出了改造方案,并对方案进行对比分析,选取最优方案进行现场改造试验,最后大面积推广。具体内容如下:首先,对国内外抽油机的发展概况、常规抽油机的改造现状进行了论述,并提出了本论文的主要研究内容。其次,对常规游梁式抽油机的运动学、动力学、减速器扭矩特性进行了深入的研究,为抽油机改造方案优选提供了理论依据。再次,对抽油机采油系统效率进行了研究,指出了影响系统效率的因素以及提高效率的措施;对游梁式抽油机能耗、平衡理论进行了分析,从而对节能机理进行了研究,为抽油机改造方案设计提供了理论支持。第四,选取典型常规十型抽油机

2、、典型井况进行了理论计算,得到了抽油机悬点载荷、减速器净扭矩、均方根扭矩、周期载荷系数等参数。设计了三种抽油机改造方案,并逐一进行了理论计算,同时对三种方案进行对比分析,进行现场改造试验。第五,对现场应用效果、经济效益和社会效益进行总结,验证了改造方案的可行性,确定了一种改造方案进行大面积推广。最后对全文的研究内容进行了简要的总结。关键词:抽油机;效率分析;节能;改造关键词:抽油机;效率分析;节能;改造摘 要System efficiency analysis and energy conservation improvement for the 10-size conventional be

3、am pumping unitABSTRACTAt the background of energy-saving and improving efficiency of the Xinjiang Oilfield Company, systematically studied the 10-size conventional beam pumping unit, put forward reconstruction projects, selected the most excellent project to test by contrasting the projects, finall

4、y extended largely. Detailed content was followed:Firstly, the development overview of domestic and international pumping unit, the status quo of the reconstruction of conventional beam pumping unit were discussed, and put forward the main contents of this paper.Secondly, the kinematics, the dynamic

5、s and the reducers torque characteristics of the conventional beam pumping unit were studied deeply to provide a theoretical basis for optimization of reconstruction projects.Thirdly, system efficiency of the pumping unit was studied, the factors affecting the system efficiency, and the measures imp

6、roving the system efficiency were pointed out, the energy consumption and the equilibrium theories of the pumping unit were analyzed, and the energy-saving mechanism of the pumping unit was studied, which provided theoretical support for the design of the reconstruction projects.Fourthly, selected t

7、he typical pumping unit, the typical well conditions to calculate, got the parameters of the pumping unit, such as the horse-head load, the net torque of reduce ,the loop mean square torque ,the periodical load coefficient and so on. Designed three reconstruction projects, calculated and contrasted

8、them, and then to try out.Fifthly, summarized the effect of the application on the field, the economic and social benefits, verified the feasibility of reconstruction projects, and then selected one project to extend on a large scale.Finally, briefed the research contents of the paper.Key Words:beam

9、 pumping unit; efficiency analysis; energy- saving;reconstruction目 录目 录摘 要.IABSTRACT.II第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 研究的目的和意义 .11.2 国内外现状分析及发展趋势 .21.2.1 游梁式抽油机研究现状 .21.2.2 无游梁抽油机研究现状 .41.2.3 国内常规抽油机的改造现状 .41.2.4 国内抽油机发展趋势 .51.3 研究目标 .51.4 研究内容 .51.5 技术路线 .6第 2 章 游梁式抽油机基本理论 .72.1 游梁式抽油机运动学分析910.72.1.1 游梁式抽油机四杆机构的几何关系 .82.1.2 游梁式抽油机运动特性分析 .102.2 游梁式抽油机的悬点载荷910.122.2.1 悬点静载荷与静力示功图 .122.2.2 悬点动载荷与动力示功图 .152.2.3 悬点最大载荷与最小载荷 .172.3 游梁式抽油机减速器的扭矩计算910.172.4 游梁式抽油机的功



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