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1、Chinas enduring growth: Capitalising on global trends47%of CEOs are very confident about their companys growth prospects See page 1 38%of CEOs recognise the need to change R 62% identified urbanisation and 55% say the shift in global economic power.TechnologyThe impact of technology is difficult to

2、underestimate. Already nearly one in three people in China have a 3G/4G mobile subscription. By 2020 there will be nearly 50 billion networked devices on the planet 7 times more than there are people. In 2014 Chinas government plans to speed up its 4G mobile network programme, build 100 million fibr

3、e optic networks in cities and extend broadband connectivity to villages.An example of the scale of the opportunity presented by the growth in technology uptake in China is Tencent, a home-grown tech company that has become the countrys most used internet portal, providing online games, search, inst

4、ant messaging, software development, and a host of other online offerings. Started only 15 years ago, it now boasts a market cap of US$120 billion, bigger than McDonalds or Boeing, and more users than Twitter.Technology is also changing the way enterprises operate, disrupting traditional business mo

5、dels and dis-intermediating established markets. Alibaba, Chinas biggest online retailer, has recently branched into online wealth management, and is on its way to overtaking China Asset Management to become the Chinas biggest mutual fund manager.CEOs need to think deeply about how they evolve their

6、 companies to compete in an increasingly digitally-enabled world. And not just about how technology changes their relationship to their increasingly mobile, digitally connected customer base, but how technology may impact their business model itself.UrbanisationUrbanisation is also having an ongoing

7、 and profound impact on the Chinese economy. For example, the chinese government will build 7 million units of subsidised housing this year, over half of which will be in run-down urban areas. It is also taking major steps to deal with pollution, improve health and education programmes and improve g

8、eneral well-being in what its calling a new form of “people-centred urbanism”. The hoped for result will be a more productive, and therefore a wealthier, urban population.And this impact is being felt beyond the major eastern cities. In 2013, per capita net income of rural residents grew by 9.3% in

9、real terms, and the income gap between urban and rural residents shrank. This ongoing trend signals an increasing easing of regional disparity as well as a maturing opportunity for growth in the vast hinterland areas in China.“The question of China really is will the country become wealthy before it

10、 becomes old? And thats a key economic issue that I know Chinas looking at and the rest of the world I guess looks at as well.”Mark Wilson, Group CEO, Aviva (UK)The trends transforming businessPwC 17th Annual Global CEO Survey10Shift in global economic powerThe ongoing shift in global economic power

11、 towards China is an important trend for both Chinas and global CEOs and will continue to be a major driver of reform and structural change in the Chinese economy.Figure 7 Which global trends do you believe will transform your business the most over the next five years?ChinaUrbanisationShift in glob

12、al economic powerTechnological advancesGlobalTechnological advancesDemographic shiftsShift in global economic power81%60%59%62%55%85%This is reflected in the governments major tasks for 2014, which in addition to making domestic demand the main engine for growth also includes to “usher in a new phas

13、e of Chinas opening to the outside world”. This increased interaction with the other economies will create many new opportunities and challenges for Chinas CEOs as they are exposed to not only new ideas and innovations but to competitive pressures as well. The demand for skills and services will con

14、tinue to increase as Chinas economy grows and matures at the centre of global economic power.Government prioritiesFigure 8 Which three areas should be government priorities, in the country in which you are based?Ensuring financial sector stability and access to affordable capitalGlobalDeveloping an

15、innovation ecosystem that supports growthChinaImproving the countrys infrastructureCreating a more internationally competitive and efficient tax system53%50%50%56%42%53%What do Chinas CEOs expect from their government? Its largely similar to CEOs everywhere: a stable financial system and a more comp

16、etitive and efficient tax system.But unlike many of their peers, however, Chinas CEOs are not overly concerned about improving the countrys infrastructure. This likely reflects the impact of the massive stimulus that the government has injected into the Chinese economy since the global financial crisis, much of which has been targeted at infrastructure projects. More than two-third



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