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1、* 大学本科生毕业论文浅析商品房质量问题及对策姓名学号2专业工程管理指导教师2012 年 05 月 20 日I 摘 要改革开放以来, 我国国民经济迅猛发展, 我国的房地产市场正逐步进入“品牌”时代。人们对住房的需求不断增加,住房观念也发生了重大变化。随着生活水平的提高, 人们逐渐把注意力集中在居住环境和居住条件上,对商品房的质量要求越来越高, 对商品房使用功能也愈加重视。 商品房是供人们居住和从事各种活动的场所, 而且是一种供人们永久性使用的产品。商品房质量不仅关系着其自身的使用寿命和价值, 而且关系着人民生命和财产安全,关系着社会的稳定和发展。随着福利分房制度的彻底终结,我们迎来了“个人购房

2、时代”,商品房成为众多家庭必需的最大件的消费品。商品房有其特殊性, 它的建设周期长, 使时间长,交易价格巨大, 这使得住房成为大多数家庭中价值最大、投资最多的生活必需品。近几年来, 随着商品房销售量的不断增长,关于商品房的投诉也在不断地上升。有资料显示,自1998 年以来,关于建筑质量的投诉在历年的投诉总量中一直保持在 50% 或者更高的比例,有关商品房的投诉已成为一个热点。要想从根本解决这些问题, 必须加强对商品房的质量管理。要保证商品房的质量, 在施工过程中一定要遵循规范科学的施工程序,突出新工艺、新机具、新材料、新管理方法的应用, 施工中应重视质量管理目标的制定、质量体系的建立等, 及时

3、发现问题,采取有效措施解决问题,进而确保商品房质量,提高客户满意度。了解商品房的质量状况和存在的问题, 并有针对性地提出质量改进对策,这对于改善住房质量、促进住宅产业发展和整个国民经济的协调发展都有十分重要的现实意义。关键词: 商品房;居住环境;使用功能;质量管理;质量体系II Abstract Since the reform and opening up, Chinas rapid development of the national economy, Chinas real estate market is gradually entered a “brand “ of the tim

4、es, people on housing demand increases ceaselessly, housing sense also produced major change. With the improvement of living level, people gradually focus on the living environment and living conditions, commercial housing for the increasingly high quality requirements, to the use of commercial hous

5、ing function also more and more attention. Commercial housing is available for people to live and engage in a variety of activities, and it is a kind of people for permanent use products. The quality of commercial housing is not only related to its service life and value, but also the safety of peop

6、les lives and property, related to social stability and development. With the end of the welfare housing distribution system, we ushered in “the era of personal property“,commercial housing as many families required the large consumer goods. Real estate has its particularity, its long construction p

7、eriod, the time is long, the transaction price is enormous, which makes the housing has become the greatest value in most families, the largest investment the necessities of life. In recent years, with the constant growth of sales of commercial housing, commercial housing on the complaints also cont

8、inues to rise. The data shows, since 1998, about the construction quality complaints in the calendar year of the total number of complaints has been maintained at 50% or higher proportion, the commercial housing complaints has become one of the hot spots. In order to fundamentally solve these proble

9、ms, must strengthen to the commercial housing quality management. To ensure the quality of commercial housing, in the construction process must follow the norms of scientific construction procedure, outstanding new technology, new equipment, new materials, new management method application, should b

10、e paid more attention in construction quality management objectives, the establishment of quality system, discover a problem in time, take effective measures to solve the problem, and to ensure that the commercial housing quality, improve customer satisfaction. To understand the quality of commercia

11、l housing conditions and the existing problems, and puts forward the quality improvement countermeasure, to improve housing quality, promote the development of housing industry and the entire national economy coordinated development has very important real sense. III Key Words: commercial housing; r

12、esidential environment;function; quality management ;quality system IV 目 录引 言 . 1一、我国商品房质量控制的现状 . 2(一)商品房及质量特点. 31. 综合性 . 32. 隐蔽性 . 33. 重大影响性 . 3(二)商品房施工技术和质量监管现状. 31. 施工技术现状 . 32. 质量监管现状 . 3(三)商品房施工技术和质量监管趋势. 41. 施工技术发展趋势. 42. 质量监管发展趋势. 4二、提高商品房质量的重要性 . 5(一)提高客户满意度. 5(二)增强企业竞争力. 5三、商品房质量存在的主要问题及原因 . 5(一)商品房建设工程质量问题及原因. 61. 钢筋绑扎不规范 . 62. 混凝土浇筑及养护存在质量缺陷. 63. 选材和施工工艺不合理. 64. 商品房建筑工程施工中的偷工减料现象严重. 6(二)商品房使用功能质量问题及原因. 71. 渗漏问题 . 72. 门窗等质量问题. 73. 户型问题 . 84. 建筑保温、防热和节能问题. 85. 小区配套设施不足. 8(三)商品房环境质量问题及原因. 91. 容积率高 .



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