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1、携手共建互利共赢之合作 中国驻印度大使张炎在“中印贸易与投资对话会”上的讲话 2011 年 8月 26 日Build a Synergy for Win-Win Cooperation -Speech by H.E. Zhang Yan at Presentation on India China Trade & Investment Opportunities 26 Aug 2011, Ahmedabad, Gujarat尊敬的印中经济文化促进会主席P. S. Deodhar先生, 尊敬的各位来宾, 女士们,先生们:Honorable Mr. P S Deodhar, President o

2、f ICEC, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 很高兴能再次访问古吉拉特, 这是一个美丽和充满活力的地方,也是圣雄甘地的 故乡。能为印中经济文化促进会古邦分会揭幕,并与在座的各位商界代表们共同 探讨中印贸易与投资机遇,推进双边经贸合作,我感到十分荣幸。首先,我谨代 表中国驻印度大使馆, 向在座的所有朋友表示感谢, 感谢你们对推动中印友好合 作发展的鼎力支持。 今天,我想利用这个机会与大家分享我对中印关系和中印合 作的看法。I am very happy to visit Gujarat again, a beautiful and vib

3、rant state and also the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi. I also feel greatly honored to attend this gathering to inaugurate the Gujarat Chapter of India and China Economic and Culture Council and participate in a presentation on “India China Trade and Investment Opportunities“ to exchange views with yo

4、u on how to advance our bilateral economic and commercial cooperation. First of all, on behalf of the Chinese Embassy in India, I would like to express my gratitude to all friends present here today for your keen interests in and valuable support to the development of China-India cooperative relatio

5、ns. Today, I want to use this occasion to share with you my views on our relations and cooperation. 第一,关于中印关系。First, on China and India bilateral relationship. 我们都知道,经济关系不能脱离政治关系。 政治关系始终对经济合作有导向作用, 中印关系更是如此。中印建交61 年来,除了短暂的跌宕期,中印关系在整体上 保持稳步发展。As we all know, economic relations can not be separated fr

6、om political relations. The political relations always have direct bearing on economic cooperation. This is more so in China and India relations. In the past 61 years since China and India established diplomatic relations, our bilateral relations on the whole enjoyed a steady development, except for

7、 a very short period of ups and downs. 进入 21 世纪,中印关系迈上了快速发展的轨道。特别是过去几年,中印关系取 得了积极和丰硕的成果。2005年,中国国务院总理温家宝访问印度。双方建立 了面向和平与繁荣的战略合作伙伴关系。2006年,中国国家主席胡锦涛访印期 间,两国制定了深化合作的“十项战略”。2008年,印度总理曼莫汉辛格访 华,两国宣布了关于二十一世纪的的共同展望。去年,中印建交60 周年, 双方举办了“中国节”和“印度节”,印总统帕蒂尔和温家宝总理实现成功互 访。今年是“中印交流年”,旨在推动教育、文化、人文等领域的友好交流与合 作。所有这些高

8、层互访和交流活动增加了彼此互信,并为各领域关系的发展提供 了坚实的政治基础。Since the beginning of the 21st century, the relationship between China and India has entered into a fast track of development. The past few years in particular have witnessed active and fruitful interactions between two countries. In 2005, Chinese Premier Wen J

9、iabao visited India. Two sides established strategic cooperative partnership for peace and prosperity. In 2006, two countries formulated the “Ten Pronged Strategies“ to deepen the partnership during Chinese President Hu Jintaos visit to India. In 2008, during Indian Prime Minister Mamohan Singhs vis

10、it to China, two countries announced A Shared Vision for the 21st Century. Last year, President Patil and Premier Wen Jiabao paid successful visits to each others country on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations as well as the China Festival and

11、Indian Festival. This year has been declared as China-India Exchange Year, aiming at pushing the friendly exchanges and cooperation in education, culture and people-to-people to a new height. All these high level exchanges and related events have increased mutual trust and provided solid political a

12、ssurance for the development of our relations in all aspects. 再则,令人鼓舞的是, 两国领导人均从战略和长远角度看待中印关系,高度重视 发展互利合作关系。 胡锦涛主席曾经说过, 印度是中国的重要邻国。 中方愿与印 方一道,保持进一步发展中印战略合作伙伴关系的良好势头,努力维护两国的共 同利益。印度总理辛格在不同场合多次表示,世界上有足够的空间供中印度共同 发展。在此基础上,温家宝总理说,世界上有足够的空间供双方开展合作。在两 国领导人的关心和支持下,中印关系已超越双边范畴,具有全球和战略意义。Moreover, it is enco

13、uraging to see that the leaders of our two countries have viewed our relationship in a long and strategic perspective, and attach increasing importance to the development of our mutually beneficial cooperative relations. President Hu Jintao once said India is an important neighbor of China. China is

14、 ready to work with India to maintain the sound momentum for further advancement of the China-India Strategic and Cooperative Partnership and work with India for the common interests of our two countries. Indian Prime Minister Dr. Mammohan Singh stated on several occasions that there is enough room

15、in the world for India and China to achieve common development. On top of this, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao added that there is enough space in the world for China and India to cooperate with each other. With the personal care and support of our leaders, China-India relations have gone beyond the bil

16、ateral dimension and assumed global and strategic significance. 我们充分认识到, 由于历史原因, 中印关系还存在分歧和挑战。但两国关系日趋 成熟,能够妥善处理这些分歧与挑战,不会影响两国其他领域的合作。We are fully aware of the fact that there are differences and challenges left over by history in our relations. But two countries are matured enough to properly handle them and not let them to hinder our cooperation in other fields. 尽管有媒体炒作中印关系, 我始终坚信中国和印度是合作伙伴而非对手,更不是 如某些人所称的带有火药味的竞争对手。如果中印两国共同发声, 世界必须对此



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