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1、加粗字体为答案 第一部分: 1. The buyers shall, about 20days prior to the date of delivery, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit with the Bank of China, Guangzhou, in favor of the sellers. The Credit shall be payable against the presentation of draft drawn on the opening bank and the shipping documents specified

2、 in Article 10 of this Contract. The letter of Credit shall be valid until the 15th day after the shipment is effected. 买方应于装运期前20 天由广州中国银行开出的以卖方为受益人的不可撤销 的信用证。该证须凭向开证行开出的汇票和本合同第10条规定的装船单证 支付。该信用证直至装船后15 有效。2. The sellers make no warranties, as to suitability, of the goods sold under this Contract f

3、or any other purpose. 关于本合同项下售出的货物是否适合其他用途,卖方不作任何保证。3. If the buyer fails to dispatch the vessel in time, the Seller shall have the right to claim compensation for their losses. 如买方不能及时派遣货运船只,卖方有权要求赔偿损失。2.检验之后,将提出一份检验报告(inspection) A survey report will be submitted after inspection. 6.我们有理由要求取消该合同(r

4、escind) We have reasons for wanting the Contrast rescinded. 9.由于价格不稳定的缘故,大多数买房已推出市场(in consequence of ) Most buyers have withdrawn from the market in consequence of unstable prices. (7)INSURANCE POLICY or CERTIFICATE in accordance with Art.(12) covering 110% of the Invoice Value bearing the clause “

5、 in the event of loss of damage, application for survey upon arrival of cargo in Chinese Area must be made to the China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. ” 保险单或保险证明书,按第(12)条规定项目投保,保额为发票金额110%, 注明“货物到达中国境内倘发现残存情况,须由中国出入境检验检疫局办理检 验公证” 。(1)On the date of shipment, the Seller or his Shipping

6、Agent shall advice the Buyer immediately by far of the shipping marks, name of commodity, quantity actually loaded, invoice value, name of steamer, date of sailing and port of loading. 卖方或其发货代理人应于货物起运之当日立即将唛头,货物名称,实装数量, 发票金额,船名,开船日期及口岸,以传真通知买方。(2)In case of transshipment at other port, the Seller sh

7、ould instruct the shipping company at the port of shipment to advice the Buyer by fax, at the time of transshipment, of the shipping marks, name and quantity of commodity, name of vessel and date of sailing. 如需在其他地方转口者,卖方需通知转船口岸之船行与转船时将唛头,货物名 称,数量,船名,开船日期以传真通知买方. 3.这是一件没有预料到的事件(occurrence ) This is

8、an unforeseen. 第二部分:4. 有关买方已向主管当局申请进口许可证。 (competent)The buyer concerned has applied to the competent authorities for import license. 6. 我们一定准时执行你们的订单(execution)We assure you of the punctual execution of your order. 9.争论点似乎是延迟交货的原因是否应看做是不可抗力。(at issue )It seems that the point at issue is whether the

9、 cause of delayed shipment should be considered as Force Majeure. 11. 仲裁的决定对买方有利。 The award of the arbitration is in favor of the buyers. 1. During the period of validity of this Agreement, Party B agrees not to act as an agent for and/or undertake to sell any kind of tea originated from other count

10、ries. 在本协议有效期间,乙方同意不代理、不售卖任何其他国家出产的茶叶2. During the period of validity of this Agreement, Party A and its Branches shall pass on to Party B enquiries, if any, received from commercial shops or clients within the territory represented by Party B for the purchase of the said commodities. 在本协议有效期间,甲方及其分

11、公司如收到代理区内的其他商品或客户购买 上述商品的询盘均应转给乙方办理。4. Party A shall supply Party B with catalogues, illustrated pamphlets relating to the commodities concerned. Party B shall do this its utmost in advertising and promoting the sale of China tea by way of display in show cases or widows. If Party A is required to p

12、ay the cost of advertising and promoting, Party B shall submit the scheme to Party A for approval beforehand. 甲方应向乙方提供商品目录和插图说明小册。乙方应以橱窗展览的方式努力宣 传推销中国茶叶。 如需甲方负担广告和推销费用, 乙方应事前讲计划报送甲方 批准。1. 关于你们建议做我公司代理的问题,我们认为商讨此事的时机尚未成熟。As regards your proposal to act as our agent, we deem it premature to discuss th

13、e subject of this nature. 2. 请继续努力推销,以便我们考虑建立代理关系。 Please exert your best to push the sale so ass to justify our entering into the agency agreement. 3. 尽管我们的价格已很低,但我们例外地给你方2%的折扣作为特殊照顾。 In spite of the fact that our price is quite low, we exceptionally allow you a 2% discount as a special accommodati

14、on. 第三部分: 7. 我们愿指出此项限制不仅仅是针对你们的。 We wish to point out that such a restriction is not intended for you only. 8. 在这种情况下,我方歉难照顾,但相信你方应能理解我们的处境。 Under such circumstances, we regret we cannot accommodate you but trust you will fully appreciate our position. 1. The two industries embody both import and ex

15、port in a single transaction. The purpose of importation is to create exportation. 这两种工业的每一笔交易都包含进口和出口两个方面。进口的目的是创造出口。3. The foreign client is both the exporter of materials or parts and the importer of finished products, and the Chinese enterprise is both the importer of materials or parts and the

16、exporter of finished products. 国外客户既是原料和零件的出口者,又是制成品的进口者;而中国企业则既是 原料零件的进口者,又是制成品的出口者。4. If the foreign client provides the Chinese enterprise with equipment in addition to materials or parts, this kind of processing or assembling partakes of compensation trade. The Chinese enterprise can use the processing or assembling fee to pay the price of the equipment. 除原料或零件外,如果国外客户还向中国企业提供设备,这种加工或装配业务 就带有补偿贸易的性质。中国企业可以用加工费或装配费来偿付设备的价款。3. Party B shall guar



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