公开课_高中英语写作课件 (2)

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1、英语书面表达English Composition WritingWhat makes What makes a good a good essay?essay?The essayThe essayA good essay is usually made up ofA good essay is usually made up of a topic paragraph, some supporting a topic paragraph, some supporting paragraphs and a concluding paragraph.paragraphs and a conclud

2、ing paragraph.Topic paragraphTopic paragraphSupporting Paragraph 1 Supporting Paragraph 1Supporting Paragraph 2 Supporting Paragraph 2Supporting Paragraph 3 Supporting Paragraph 3Concluding paragraphConcluding paragraphTo many students, school life is To many students, school life is boring and tiri

3、ng. However, I boring and tiring. However, I find my school life meaningful find my school life meaningful and and colourfulcolourful. .general statementgeneral statementtopictopic statement statementTopicTopic paragraph paragraph (Introduction (Introduction paragraph)paragraph) General General stat

4、ement statementTopicTopic statement statementSupporting ParagraphsSupporting Paragraphs (Body) Paragraphs(Body) ParagraphsTSTS SSSS SSSS SSSS SSSSFirstly, .Firstly, . Secondly, Secondly, . Moreover, .Moreover, . Finally, Finally, . . . . .However, .However, . In addition, In addition, Furthermore, .

5、Furthermore, .ConclusionConclusion Personally, Personally, inin conclusion, conclusion, inin brief, brief, From what has been discussed above, From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that . we may draw the conclusion that . In summary, it is wiser . In summary, it is wiser . T

6、he paragraphThe paragraphWhat What makesmakes a a good good paragraph?paragraph?A good paragraph is one that consists ofA good paragraph is one that consists of a topic sentence and supporting sentences.a topic sentence and supporting sentences.There are different kinds of bee. Some live in There ar

7、e different kinds of bee. Some live in large groups like the honey bee, and make large groups like the honey bee, and make their nests in trees or holes in the rocks. Other their nests in trees or holes in the rocks. Other species make their nests in holes in the ground. species make their nests in

8、holes in the ground. There are also varieties that do not live in There are also varieties that do not live in groups at groups at allalltopic sentencetopic sentenceWherever you go in our school, you see Wherever you go in our school, you see green lawns and trees and beautiful green lawns and trees

9、 and beautiful flowers. Dotted among these trees and flowers. Dotted among these trees and flowers are many buildings of different flowers are many buildings of different styles. A stream runs through our styles. A stream runs through our school and you always see everything school and you always se

10、e everything reflected in the water. reflected in the water. Topic Topic sentence:_sentence:_just like a garden.just like a garden. Our school isOur school is just like a garden.just like a garden. Our school isOur school is just like a garden.just like a garden. Our school isOur school isA good par

11、agraph is one A good paragraph is one that contains proper linking words.that contains proper linking words.I believe English is more important than other I believe English is more important than other foreign languages for many reasons.foreign languages for many reasons. First of First of allall, E

12、nglish is spoken by a large number of , English is spoken by a large number of people, and these people are the most widely people, and these people are the most widely spread across the world in a great many spread across the world in a great many countries. countries. SecondlySecondly, English is

13、the most widely , English is the most widely used language on the internet. It has become used language on the internet. It has become an on-line language. an on-line language. ThirdlyThirdly, the 2008 , the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in our country Olympic Games will be held in our country and

14、 English will be very useful. and English will be very useful. Lastly,Lastly, 正确使用有关连接词 时间先后:first, then, later, in the end, eventually, since then, after a while 转折关系:but, however, on the contrary, nevertheless 因果关系:because, since, as, thanks to, owing to, as a result of, for the reason that 让步关系:t

15、hough, although, even if, even though, in spite of the fact that 递进关系:whats more, in addition, furthermore on the one hand on the other hand, 条件关系:if, unless, as long as, on condition that 表 列 举:for example / instance, takefor example, thats to say, in other words, as follows 表 总 结: in short, in bri

16、ef, in conclusion, in a word, on the whole, as has been statedA good paragraph is one A good paragraph is one with varied sentence patterns.with varied sentence patterns.丰富的句式:(常用到的句型结构)利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思,能增加文章的文采。e.g. What a kind boy he is! How disappointed he was !感叹句强调句e.g. It was this young boy that helped the old granny. I do ho



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