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1、 申请经济学学士学位论文 海尔集团海外海尔集团海外营销战略的研究营销战略的研究 Dissertation for Bachelors Degree of Economics (The second degree undergraduate) THE STUDY ON OVERSEAS MARKETING STRATEGY OF HAIER GROUP College of Economics, Tianjin Polytechnic University June, 2008 摘 要 在全球经济走向一体化和我国加入 WTO 的大背景下, 民族企业面临着如何应对来自于国内外的强大竞争,如何在全球

2、化竞争的环境中更好的生存和发展的艰巨任务。与国外的跨国巨人相比,国内企业在资金、技术、人才、资源等方面的差距很大,不可同日而语。这是优劣势极不平衡的较量,不公平,但又必须现实面对。为了迅速壮大,国际化成为国内企业首选的发展战略。但是,多元化和国际化不是简单的概念,而是腥风血雨的拼杀,需要企业在扑朔迷离的机遇和风险中战略运筹,纵横整合。国内多元化浪潮的高涌和过低的成功率昭示着选择的必然和过程的艰辛。 既然几乎是别无选择,通过实证研究找出海尔公司走向成功的一些可遵循的规律,可借鉴的经验,甚至对失败的根源的分析, 以帮助其他企业在国际化之路上少一些挫折, 多一些成功。 本文试图通过分析海尔公司的营销

3、方式, 来了解海尔是如何发展自己的跨国经营核心竞争力,如何打开了苛刻的国外市场并能在竞争激烈的国外市场立足,讨论究竟是什么原因造就了海尔的国际品牌。 中国各行各业的企业可以从海尔的发展经历和经验中得到启迪。 关键词:海尔集团;海外营销;策略 ABSTRACT With the global economys integration and Chinas accession to the WTO, national enterprises faced the arduous task that how to respond to the strong competition at home an

4、d abroad, how to survive and develop better in the global competitive environment. Compared with foreign multinational corporations, domestic enterprises have great disadvantages such as capital, technology, talents, resources, and so on. This is like a boxing which the two fighters are not in the s

5、ame class, with many respects unbalanced and unfair, but we must face it. In order to rapidly expand, the strategy of win-win and internationalization became the first choice for the national enterprises. But multiplication and internationalization arent just simple concepts, it means furious compet

6、ition and we need a rigorous strategy to fight through the circumstance filled with opportunity and risk. In China, the danger of multicultural tide and the low probability of success indicate tough progress and no choice but to do like above. So it has a practical and profound meaning to look back

7、on such successful example as Haier, seeking for the laws of success, absorbing the experience of achievement and even the failure. And the papers purpose is to help other enterprises to endure less frustration and get more achievements during the international competition. By analyzing the marketin

8、g approach of Haier group, this paper wants to tell readers how Haier group develops its core international competitive strength, how opens the rigorous abroad marketing and stays steady. This paper also discusses the reasons for establishing the international brand of Haier. All kinds of domestic e

9、nterprises will get enlightenment from Haiers experience of development. Key words: Haier group;overseas marketing;strategy 目 录 引 言 . 1第一章 海尔的历史与发展 . 2一、海尔公司简介 . 2二、海尔公司发展的四个阶段 . 2三、海尔公司创国际名牌的三个阶段 . 3四、海尔公司出口的三个战略 . 3第二章 海尔公司海外营销的成就 . 4一、海尔在美国 . 4二、海尔在欧洲 . 5三、海尔在中东 . 6四、海尔在日本 . 7第三章 海尔海外营销战略及优劣势分析 . 8一、海尔在国际市场的品牌化战略分析 . 8二、海尔海外营销的优势分析 . 10三、海尔海外营销的劣势分析 . 11第四章 海尔公司未来展望及战略规划 . 12一、海尔海外营销的未来展望 . 12二、海尔海外营销的战略规划 . 12结束语 . 13参考文献 . 14致 谢 . 151 引 言 几乎所有当今公认的经济强国如:美国,德国,日本等,都有人们耳熟能详的世界级企业。然而我国在经过经济高速增长近二十年的今天有世界影响力的企业却少之又少。原因何在?不可否认



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