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1、Pergamon Archs oral Biol. Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 869-876, 1997 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain PII: S0003-9969(97)00005-8 0003-9969/97 $17.00 + 0.00 EFFECTS OF CAPSAICIN IN TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT ARTHRITIS IN RATS J. CARLESON, 24* P. KOGNER, 3 I. BILEVICIUTE, l

2、 E. THEODORSSON, 5 A. APPELGREN/ B. APPELGREN, 2 S. KOPP, 2 N. YOUSEF 12 and T. LUNDEBERG 14 *Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, S-171 77 Stockholm, 2Center for Clinical Oral Science, School of Dentistry, Karolinska Institutet, S-141 04 Huddinge, 3Department of Clinica

3、l Chemistry, 4Department of Surgery and Rehabilitation, Karolinska Hospital, S-171 76 Stockholm and SDepartment of Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital, S-582 30 Link6ping, Sweden Summary-Teraporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthritis was induced in female Lewis rats by unilateral injection of a suspen

4、sion of heat-killed Mycobacterium butyricum in paraffin oil into the TMJ. Control rats received paraffin oil by the same route. Arthritic and control rats were pretreated either with cap- saicin or denervation of the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve. Tissues were collected for neuropeptide

5、extraction and analysed by radioimmunoassay and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatograpky. In all groups, the levels of substance P- (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide- (CGRP) and neuropeptide Y- (NPY) like immunoreactivity (LI) were higher in the trigeminal ganglia than in the TMJs. I

6、n control rats, capsaicin significantly lowered the levels of SP-LI in the trigeminal ganglia and TMJ, but aot CGRP-LI and NPY-LI. In the arthritic rats, capsaicin pretreatment significantly low- ered the SP-LI and CGRP-LI in the trigeminal ganglia and TMJ, but not the NPY-LI. In the trigem- inal ga

7、nglia th,: unilateral denervation significantly lowered SP-LI in control rats, and in arthritic rats SP-LI and CGRP-LI. On the denervated side of the arthritic TMJ, NPY-LI, SP-LI and CGRP- LI were significancly lowered as compared to the arthritic control rats and to the contralateral side. In this

8、rat model, prelreatment with capsaicin and surgical denervation decreased the neuropeptide content in the trigeminal ganglia and the TMJ. The results clearly demonstrate a close interaction between increased neuropeptide release from sensory and sympathetic neurones after induction of arthritis in t

9、he rat. ;) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Key words: arthritis, capsaicin treatment, surgical denervation, substance P, calcitonin gene-related pep- tide, neuropeplide Y, temporomandibular joint, trigeminal ganglia. INFRODUCTION The nervous system contributes to the development of jo

10、int inflammation in rats (Levine et al., 1988). Increased concentrations of the sensory neurotrans- mitters substance P and CGRP (Marshall et al., 1989) and neurotransmitter found in sympathetic nerves, neuropeptide Y, have been found in syno- vial fluid from patients with various forms of in- flamm

11、atory joint diseases (Larsson et al., 1991). This agrees with previous reports showing an increase in the concentrations of the sensory neuro- peptides substance P and CGRP in dorsal root ganglia of rats with adjuvant arthritis (Donaldson et al., 1992). Yet controversy prevails about the involvement

12、 of substance P and CGRP in inflam- matory joint disease, as both an increase and a decrease in the number of peptidergic nerve fibres have been reported :in rats with arthritis (Mapp et al., 1990). Also, there is a suggestion that the auto- nomic nervous system participates in the develop- *To whom

13、 all correspondence should be addressed. Abbreviations: CGRP, calcitonin gene-realted peptide; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography. ment of arthritis (Appelgren et al., 1991, 1995). This is supported by the finding that sympathec- tomy attenuates adjuvant-induced arthritis in the rat (Levin

14、e et al., 1985). Like substance P, CGRP is found in C-nociceptive afferents (Lundberg et al., 1985), and CGRP may co-operate with substance P in mediating local reflex reactions. In addition, CGRP has a strong vasodilatory effect in joints and muscles, and it is several times more potent as a vasodi

15、lator than substance P (Brain et al., 1988). Clinically, CGRP was found in higher concen- trations in arthritic knee joints than in controls (Larsson et al., 1991) and in concentrations much above that in the plasma in rheumatoid arthritis of the temporomandibular joint (Appelgren et al., 1991). Neu

16、ropeptide Y was also suggested to be a modulator of arthritis. Low intra-articular tempera- ture and accordingly impaired blood flow occurred frequently in the temporomandibular joint in human chronic rheumatoid arthritis and were as- sociated with high levels of neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in joint aspirates (Appelgren et al., 1993). Such immunoreactivity has also been as- sociated with pain in the temporoman



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