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1、智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料2016-01-28更新GMAT逻辑机经-智课教育2016-01-28更新GMAT逻辑机经 8. 【黑脸】企业外包 V1 考了一个bode face .是讲企业外包的的,求考古,是有原题的。 。企业可以讲一些部分外包给supplier如果supplier能提供更合适的价 格,但是企业就会依赖supplier,会对企业本身造成威胁,所以还是不 要外包了。请大家原谅我的语文! 考古 V1 有个BF题,大意是先介绍了一下outsourcing,然后说理论上只要 outsource的成本比较低就应该选择outsource,但是实际上这个推理 是相反的(黑脸),讲

2、了outsource可能带来的一些坏处,所以有时还是 需要选择自己来生产(黑脸) 我选了两个都是main conclusion。 V2 企业原来都采用外包来降低成本。黑一:但是为了更省钱,他们应 该不外包。然后霹雳巴拉。黑二,所以他们应该选择不外包。 狗主选两个都是结论。V3 (OG CR122原题变体) Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself. Sinc

3、e a companys chief objective is to realize the highest possible year-end profits, any product or service that can be obtained from an independent supplier for less than it would cost the company to provide the product or service on its own should be outsourced. 后面还有半句是原题正确选项的改良,就是说outsourcing的缺点 是暴露

4、隐私,会受supplier的制约,所以影响盈利,因此outsourcing 不一定好正确答案: 第一个是一个definition of key term,第二个是一个evidence to support mediate conclusion(中间结论是影响盈利)that in favor of the final conclusion(outsourcing不一定好) 9. 【黑脸】冰河世纪海底生物 V1 还有一个bode face,以前也考过的。就是讲冰河世纪让一群海底 的生物死掉的说法其实是misguided,因为海底温度并不受影响。海面 温度会受影响,有一种生活在海面的生物被冻死了,而

5、这种生物是海底 生物的食物,这就解释了为什么海底生物会死了。 V2 说是在冰川时代,某一种生物的数量下降,但其实该生物生活在海 底,海底温度不受海表面温度影响,要求解释为什么该生物数量会下降 。我选了该生物的食物是会生活在海表面的。 V3 还有个黑脸是气温下降某海底生物死了,第一个黑脸说说海底气温 不低。第二个黑脸说是因为它的食物在表面冻死了下沉到了海底。 考古 V1BF题直接原文呈现 BF部分就是下面题中BF部分,连接词的位置就 是我下面放的位置,十分肯定 说的是古生物学家对之前一种理论的回应,那种理论认为在考古中 发现,在海洋底部生活的一些生物在某一时期出现了大量的死亡,这一 时期正好赶上

6、了ice age,所以认为海洋底部生物的大量减少是因为被 冻死的,however,海洋底部的温度变化非常小,nevertheless, ice age 导致生物冻死可能是一个导致海底生物大量死亡的一个间接原因。研究 发现,海底生物大量吃的一种plankton 是生活在海洋的surface的,他们在海洋的表层会因为ice age而冻死。他们的尸体会降到海底,所以不是因为ice age导致海底动 物的大量减少死亡,因为它根本不会冻死海底动物。问以上两处bf是什 么作用我选的是1是古生物学家用来反驳一个假说的例子,2是古生物学家 证明自己观点的evidence 大家仔细读题,(大概这个意思)很绞。

7、V2 逻辑bold face一个是prep里的还是什么,就说低温冰面不是导致 海底底层生物死亡的直接原因,是间接原因,因为低温导致食物减少, 但海底底层温度不变 V3 老prep Paleontologist: About 2.8 million years ago, many species that lived near the ocean floor suffered substantial population declines. These declines coincided with the onset of an ice age. The notion that cold ki

8、lled those bottom-dwelling creatures outright is misguided, however; temperatures near the ocean floor would have changed very little. Nevertheless, the cold probably did cause the population declines, though indirectly. Many bottom-dwellers depended for food on plankton, small organisms that lived

9、close to the surface and sank to the bottom when they died. Most probably, the plankton suffered a severe population decline as a result of sharply lower temperatures at the surface, depriving many bottom-dwellers of food.In the paleontologists reasoning, the two portions in boldface play which of t

10、he following roles? (A) The first introduces the hypothesis proposed by the paleontologist; the second is a judgment offered in spelling out that hypothesis (Answer) (B) The first introduces the hypothesis proposed by the paleontologist; the second is a position that the paleontologist opposes. (C)

11、The first is an explanation challenged by the paleontologist; the second is an explanation proposed by the paleontologist.(D) The first is a judgment advanced in support of a conclusion reached by the paleontologist; the second is that conclusion. (E) The first is a generalization put forward by the

12、 paleontologist; the second presents certain exceptional cases in which that generalization does not hold. 10. Political races V1 某市长won的twoperson political races比任何其他的politicia ns都多,lost的也比任何其他的politicians多,所以political races的end从来没有tie过。楼主当时没太读懂,纠结了很久 考古 v1 有一个市长 是关于哪方面的忘了 但是是说他赢了两次输了两次 结论是他ended i

13、n tie 问这个结论的assumption V2 The mayor of X was famous for winning 2 more person political ran in the the course of her political and losing 2 more person political in the course of political . and as known, political races never end in a tie. which of the following must be true.11.胃癌 V1 胃癌:说在调查的人当中,得胃

14、癌几率最小的是那些diet中含大量 某raw 物的人,所以这个raw物一定含有一种或更多种物质可以抗癌 削弱 楼主答案:这种raw 物能够让胃不舒服,然后这些人会去检查,所以avoid了患胃癌 考古 V1 有一个大蒜题 和寂静不一样 大蒜有一两个物质可以对付胃癌 所以可以解释为什么 吃大蒜的地区得胃癌少 削弱题 答案是 大蒜在烹饪的过程中 很多营养都丢失了 V2遇到几道狗狗,但是原来狗狗里garlic和stomach cancer的关系的那个答案好像给错了。 正确答案是E, 有胃癌的人吃蒜会痛所以不乐意吃。 迷惑选项时蒜在cook的时候ingredient都破坏掉了(原文讨论的是r aw garlic) V3 题目貌似是说1000个人一起做了实验,结果说40%其中有胃癌, 他们吃了大蒜以后就好多了, (也许是1000人都是胃癌.然后一定比例给吃大蒜,然后都痊愈了) 因此得出吃大蒜的人都不容易得胃癌, 问Weaken, 答案和狗狗一样. V4 地方的人被调查,发现吃大蒜多的人很少得一种cancer,所以大蒜对 cancer有治疗作用,问weaken. 完整机经版本点击下载: 2015-1-28更新GMAT逻辑机经 以上就是智课教育出国考试向大家介绍的2016-1-28最新GMAT逻 辑机经,正在准备GMAT逻辑的学生可以一起来看看上面的介绍。


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