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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料新托福阅读指代关系题解析-智课教育旗下智课教育本文和大家分享的是新托福阅读指代关系题解析,正在准备托福阅 读的学生可以一起来看看下面的介绍,希望能给大家的托福考试准备带 来帮助。 托福阅读指代关系题考查读者认定代词与篇章中其他词语的指代关 系的能力,所有选择大体上都可用一个词、词组或其所表达的意思,指 代词可使句与句之间的过渡衔接顺利。以下通过几个托福阅读例子来具 体说明。 例题1: Passage: “These laws are universal in their application, regardless of cultural beliefs,

2、geography, or climate. If pots have no bottoms or have large openings in their sides, they could hardly be considered containers in any traditional sense. Since the laws of physics, not some arbitrary decision, have determined the general form of applied-art objects, they follow basic patterns, so m

3、uch so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits” The word they in the passage refers to A. applied-art objectsB. the laws of physics C. containers D. the sides of pots 正确答案是A。 例题2: Passage:“The first weekly newspaper in the colonies was the Boston Gazette,established in 1719, the sa

4、me year that marked the appearance of Philadelphias first newspaper, the American Mercury, where the young Benjamin Franklin worked. By 1760 Boston had 4 newspapers and 5 other printing establishments; Philadelphia, 2 newspapers and 3 other presses; and New York, 3 newspapers. The distribution, if n

5、otthe sale, of newspapers was assisted by the establishment of a postal service in 1710, which had a network of some 65 offices by 1770, serving all 13 colonies” The word which in the passage refers to A. distribution B. sale C. newspaper D. postal service 正确答案是D。 以上就是智课教育为大家整理的关于托福阅读指代关系题解析,希 望能够帮助大家备考,智课教育祝大家都能取得理想的托福考试成绩。


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