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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福阅读长难句精析系列二十二-智课教育旗下智课教育本文是智课教育小编向大家分享的托福阅读长难句精析系列文章之 二十二,托福阅读长难句是托福阅读备考必攻项,希望大家可以从这篇 文章中的长难句分析中有所收获。 托福阅读本来就比较长,所以考生的阅读需要足够的耐心;但是托福 阅读中的句子也很长,这就意味着如果大家不能够掌握分析长难句的方 法,即使有足够的耐心也无济于事。所以,智课教育小编向大家分享托 福阅读长难句精析系列文章,希望大家可以从文章中的长难句分析中有 所收获。 1.The end of the nineteenth century and the earl

2、y years of the twentieth century were marked by the development of an international Art Nouveau style,characterized by sinuous lines,floral and vegetable motifs,and soft evanescent coloration. (特殊结构marked by以为标志、characterized by特征是) 19世纪末与20世纪早期以一种国际新艺术风格的发展为标志,这一 艺术风格的特征是:线条弯曲、以花卉和果蔬为主题,颜色柔和飘逸。 分句1

3、:The end of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth century were 分句2:marked by the development of an international Art Nouveau style 分句3:characterized by sinuous lines,floral and vegetable motifs,and soft evanescent coloration. 2和3并列 1和2、3嵌套 2.Although its influence continued thr

4、oughout the mid 1920s, it was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since theturn of the century. (特殊结构known as被称为) 尽管其影响在整个20世纪20年代中期继续存在,但最终还是被世纪 之交以来就存在的新的思想流派功能主义所替代。 分句1:Although its influence continued throughout the mid 1920s 分句2:it

5、 was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism 分句3:that had been present since the turn of the century. 1和2并列 2和3嵌套 3.This new design concept,coupled with the sharp postwar reactions to the styles and conventions of the preceding decades,created an entirely new pub

6、lic taste which caused Art Nouveau types of glass to fall out of favor. (特殊结构coupled with加上) 这一新的设计概念,加上战后对过去数十年风格与传统的强烈反应 ,产生了一种全新的公众品味,使得新艺术类型的玻璃不再受人欢迎。 分句1:This new design concept分句2:coupled with the sharp postwar reactions to the styles and conventions of the preceding decades,created an entirel

7、y new public taste 分句3:which caused Art Nouveau types of glass to fall out of favor. 1和2并列 2和3嵌套 4.Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability.decades of research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of “natural leaders.” (同位语从句evide

8、nce that)尽管领袖常被人认为是个人能力非比寻常的人,但是数十年的研究 迄今未能提供一致的证据表明存在任何“天然领袖”类型。 分句1:Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability 分句2:decades of research have failed to produce consistent evidence 分句3:that there is any category of “natural leaders.” 1和2并列 2和3嵌套 5.Furthermore,althou

9、gh it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader,research suggests that there are typically two different leader ship roles that are held by different individuals. (复合句) 而且,尽管一般人认为社会团体只有一位领袖,但是研究表明通常 存在由不同个体担任的两个不同的领导角色。 分句1:Furthermore,although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader 分句2:research suggests分句3:that there are typically two different leader ship roles that are held by different individuals. 1和2并列 2和3嵌套



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