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1、1新东方大学英语四级全国统一模考专用试题大学英语四级(CET-4)模拟试卷Part I Writing (30 minutes)注意:此部分试题在答题卡1 上。Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Studying Abroad. You should write at least120 words following the outline given bellow:1. 近几年来越来越多的学生选择留学2. 出现这种现象的原因3. 这种现象可能带

2、来的影响Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. Forquestions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N

3、(for NO) if statement contradictsthe information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For question 8-10, completethe sentences with the information given in the passage.A history of EnglishThe English language we speak today went through three stages

4、 called Old English, Middle English and Modern English. But agesbefore Old English came into being, many other languages had to arise and develop. The oldest of these, as far as we know, was theIndo-European family of languages, which were beginning to be spoken clear back during the Stone Age.Durin

5、g the Stone Age, some Indo-European people lived on the island of Britain. The earliest known of these British Indo-European split into two groups called the Scots and the Celts. There was another group, who were not Indo-European, called Picts.Together these three peoples are known as Britons. The

6、Britons were a fierce, Stone Age people constantly making war on each other.They dressed in animal skins, lived in caves or rude wooden huts. These people had their own languages.After conquering all of Europe, Rome invaded Britain and made it part of the empire, in AD 43. Romans brought their advan

7、cedculture to the Britons. Not only did they bring their art, literature, law and Latin language, they established schools, built buildingsand roads and provided an army to protect themselves against invaders.Meanwhile, the Germanic peoples of northern Europe, known as “Norsemen” or “Northmen” , wer

8、e developing another,separate European culture. Some groups of Norsemen came to be known as Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Goths. They were warriors, butalso sailors and traders. In very early times the Angles and Saxons began to trade with the Celts in England. This was probably the firsttime the Briton

9、s came into contact with other peoples.2新东方大学英语四级全国统一模考专用试题During the four hundred years Britain was part of the Roman Empire, Rome was getting weaker and weaker, and the Norsemenwere getting stronger and stronger. By AD 409, Rome had lost all control of Britain. As soon as the Roman armies pulled o

10、ut of Britain,the Picts and Scots began to destroy the Celts. The Celts turned for help to the Angles and Saxons across the sea in Sweden and Denmark.The latter were quick to respond, because they loved war. They saved the Celts; they also destroyed practically all the culture whichhad been brought

11、by the Roma: literature, sculpture, schools and roads. The Germanic languages of the Angles and Saxons combinedto become Anglo-Saxons. Since the Angles and Saxons had become the power in England, the Anglo-Saxon language became the veryearly beginning of English.Gradually, between the sixth and elev

12、enth centuries, the feudal estates of Europe give into powerful kingdoms. Of these, the Frenchkingdom of Normandy became very important to the development of English.The various peoples in England were coming together as a nation also, under the rule of more powerful kings such as Alfred theGreat, w

13、ho ruled between 871 and 899. Alfred was not only an efficient ruler and a great defender of his people, he was also an eagerscholar. He was able to preserve some of the learning which had been left behind when the Romans left England. In Anglo-Saxon hebegan a detailed diary of events in his own tim

14、e known as the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Although Alfred encouraged reading and writingin Anglo-Saxon as well as in Latin, most works continued to be written in Latin.Alfreds efforts to unity England and established a national language apart from Latin were interrupted by an invasion of yetanother grou

15、p of Norsemen, the Vikings. The Vikings who invaded England were called Danes, and those who invaded France wereknown as the Normans.Gradually, as invaders do eventually, the Danes settled down and became peaceful farmers. Their language mixed with Anglo-Saxon and became what we know as Old English.

16、 Old English was established as the language of the land by the tenth century. Forthe next hundred years or so after the Danish invasions, the English people lived in peace. If they had continued that way our languagetoday might be quite different form what it is; it would be something similar to Dutch, Danish and German. But about nine hundredyears ago, English was invaded again, and another, very different language was brought to the country. When this language arrived,Englis



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