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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福口语备考,真题来助攻-智课教育旗下智课教育在托福口语考试中需要大家掌握一些真题,现在就跟着智课教育小 编一起来看看这则托福口语备考资料吧!希望可以帮助大家在托福口语 考试中取得好成绩! 本次智课教育小编要和大家分享的是一则托福口语备考资料,希望 可以帮助大家备考 托福口语 ! 1. Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. (06. 4.8; 06. 12.15考题) Sample answer: The most effective means of transport, Id

2、 say, is bicycle, an indispensable companion of most Chinese even though the private cars are on the rise. Each Chinese family possesses at least one bicycle and it is especially popular among college students. Compared with cars, bicycle still has some advantages. First, it is very convenient due t

3、o its small size. It does not need special parking space and can be parked almost everywhere. Second, driven by man power, it doesnt need fuel, so it has nothing to do with air pollution and energy crisis. Third, most people can afford a bicycle, but not a more advanced car. With so many advantages,

4、 bicycle will remain to be the most effective means of transport in China in the following years. 2. Describe one of the most important inventions in the last 100 years. (06. 4.28; 07.3.10考题) Sample answer: Some people might think computer is one of the most important inventions in the last century.

5、 But Id say television. Since the invention of TV, human history has started a new page. First, TV allows people to learn about whats going on in the world. With such information, they are able to get a better understanding of the world they live in. Whats more, TV provides a lot of interesting prog

6、rams that many people enjoyafter a long days work. Its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and more relaxed. Most important of all, Television has a great influence on the way people think and talk. 3. If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? (06. 7.29; 06. 11.18; 08.3.2考题) S

7、ample answer: If I could freely choose any job, I would choose a job where I could do something constructive and beneficial for ordinary people. Definitely it would be something helping people. Teaching of course is sort of that kind of job- if you do it properly you can certainly help people. Tradi

8、tionally in China teachers have been very respected; we have a saying a teacher for a day is a father for life. Nowadays, attitudes are changing, and perhaps people are more realistic. But my dream isnt changing. I wouldnt be helping them materially but I could give them a lot of pleasure and lighte

9、n their days. I love teaching and I want it to be my whole lifes career cause I feel I really am contributing something to peoples lives, to help them.4Talk about an composition that is important to you, ex: essay, poem, letter, and explain the reasons. (07. 3.23; 08.5.17考题) Sample answer: The most

10、important letter that I can remember was a letter applying for a job. I had seen this job advertised in a local newspaper, the evening editon. It suited me very much and I was immediately attracted to it. It said to apply in writing, giving details of your experience, your education and when you wer

11、e available,and you had to give the names and contacts of two references. I was qualified for the job and eager to get it.When I was finished writing I was pretty satisfied and a little pleased, posted it off to the address given and waited! Thankfully, before I sweated too much, I got a letter afte

12、r a couple of days, saying they wanted me to come in for interview. I was very pleased to go for the interview and got the job, my first job! 【地方类】about places 5. Where do you like to go when you are with friends? And why? (06. 1.14; 06. 2.11考题) Sample answer: When Im with friends, I like to go to t

13、he restaurant. We would head for some exotic (异国情调的,外国的)restaurant where we would choose our favorite dishes. And also, it should be one of the restaurants where the waitresses do not talk too much or disturb you. I would like to find a secluded(隐蔽的,角落里的) table just for 3 or 4, perhaps with a panora

14、mic view(全景) over a river or the lights of the city. We would have some very mellow(醇香的), warming red wine in sparkling glasses twinkling in the candlelight, the hues(色调) and aroma(香味) filling our senses. We would eat slowly and carelessly for the joy of sharing and of being together. Our senses heightened, breathing deeply to the point of silent sighs, we would enjoy an endless evening there. Thats the right place where I dont want to end our gathering. 以上就是智课教育小编要和大家分享的托福口语备考资料,希望可 以帮助大家备考。如果想了解更多备考资料,欢迎登陆智课教育论坛, 最后预祝每一位考生都能考出好成绩。



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