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1、业主:四川华乘万青置地发展有限公司 Client:Sichuan Huacheng Wanqing Zhidi Development Ltd.成都温江万春英郦庄园景观概念设计Chengdu Wenjiang Wanchun Yingli Garden Landscape Concept Design .03_设计愿景及定位 03_Design Vision net land use areas are about 56.66 mu (1mu=666.667 sq.m), to the southeast of the site is Jiangan river- side Zhixin Xi

2、angYiLiDu phase 3s plot; its southwest boundary will be adja- cent to the municipal planning road, and also opposite to the under constru- cting office building for Wanchun local government. The overall site plot is in a irregular U-shaped. Its western boundary is adjacent to Wenpi road; north bound

3、ary is adjacent to Wanmin road, to the east and south where wi be the municipal planning roads.场地照片 Site Photo1.2 项目建筑风格理解 Existing Architecture Style Comprehension 本案住宅主要是多层洋房,共十栋单体拼合体。公建有临街商铺 和独立商业。建筑风格为泛地中海,公建以南加州圣芭芭拉风格为原 型,并融入地中海托斯卡纳风格的某些元素,住宅以托斯卡纳风格为蓝本。 红瓦、白墙、木构架、毛石墙面等元素体现出朴实、自然的山野气息。The Reside

4、ntial including 10 multilayer buildings,and include commer- cial street and clubhouse for individual commercial central.The Archi- tecture is Extensive Mediterranean Sea Style.The clubhouse follow St.Barbara Style within South California and combine the Tuscany character; Red tile,White Wall,Timber

5、Trellis,Stone wall to express na- trual,simple village elements and mountain atmosphere.1.3 周边用地关系及空间分析 Proposed Land use therefore, propose to adopt multi-layer green buffers as barriers.中心庭院 Central Garden北入口庭院 North Entrance Garden半公共 活动空间 Semi-public Space半公共 活动空间 Semi-public Space临时绿地 Temporary

6、 Landscape南入口庭院 South Entrance Garden公共花园活动空间 Public Space半公共花园活动空间 Semi-public Space绿化屏蔽 Buffer住户私家花园 Private Garden商业街景观 Commercial Streetcape临时绿化景观 Temporary Landscape主入口 Main Entrance次入口 Secondary Entrance图例 Legend半公共 活动空间 Semi-public Space半公共 活动空间 Semi-public Space半公共 活动空间 Semi-public Space1.4

7、景观视线分析 View Analysis主要观景点 Main Focal Point 次要观景点 Secondary Focal Point 主视线 Main View俯瞰视线(从建筑俯瞰) View from Building 外部视线 View from Road 图例 Legend1.5 建筑日照分析 Sunlight Analysis通过对夏至、冬至一天三个时间段内(上午9:00,中午12:00,下午16:00)的日照进行分析,南部及中央庭院区域日照比较充足,建议将主要活动空间设置于此处,植栽方面考虑采用冠幅较大,遮荫能力强, 喜阳性植物进行配置,植物形态要大气、典雅,充分体现西班牙皇

8、家庭院的高雅氛围。北部入口庭院由于地形狭长,日照稍弱,建议采用较耐荫的乔木、树篱烘托西班牙风情入口。组团庭院属于围合空间,日照最弱, 建议安排休憩性、私密性的活动空间,树种采用耐荫性强的乔灌木,为弱化阴影对周边环境的影响,中下层植物建议采用色彩丰富的花园式手法设计。The sunlight analysis at three different times (9: 00am, 12:00am, and 4:00pm) in the summer solstice and the midwinter days shows: there will be adequate sunshine in s

9、outhern and central garden areas, thereby, major activities spaces advocate to be set here, for trees species, sun-loving trees species with large canopy, and able to provide large shade spaces underneath will be preferred, for the profile selection stretched, elegant tree species which can fully re

10、present the elegant characteristic of Spanish royal garden will be preferred. The courtyard near to north entrance will be long and narrow; the sunshine there supposes to be abated, so that recommends to adopt shade-tolerant tree species and hedge to create a Spanish style entrance. The courtyard en

11、closed by residential buildings supposes to be inadequate sunshine, in that case leisure and private activities spaces suggest to be laid there, for plants selection, shade tolerant tree and shrub species will be preferred; in addition, in order to minimize the shadow effect to the space, plants wit

12、h colorful flowers in middle and low landscape level will be proposed in design.各区域日照强度分析 Sunlight Intension Analysis 日照较充足区域 Abundant sunlight area日照普通区域 Ordinary sunlight area日照较弱区域 Weak sunlight area夏至Summer Solstice冬至 Winter Solstice16:0012:009:0016:0012:009:0002_案例研究 02_Case Study2.1 阿罕布拉宫殿 Cas

13、e Study 01_ Alhambra欧洲最为著名的中世纪晚期城堡宫殿建筑群阿尔罕布拉宫, 位于西班牙格拉达城外西南方的山岗上。为中世纪摩尔人所建, 它是宫殿庭院建筑的优秀代表之一。 “阿尔罕布拉宫”阿拉伯语即“红色城堡”。狮子院和石榴 院是王宫的两个主要建筑群。其中狮子院因院子正中喷水池上水 盘的十二只石狮群雕而得名,水池庭院空间秩序感良好,比例完 美,建筑造型和雕饰富于伊斯兰纤细精致的特色。The best and most famous late-medieval castle gardens in Euro- pe stand on a fortified plateau, acro

14、ss a valley from the Generalife and surrounded by the Sierra Nevada mountains.Before reaching Spain, the Moors had seen and occupied Roman villas. The overall plan of the plateau resembles that of Hadrians Villa. In Arabic, Alhambra means Red Castle.The Lion Fountain, from which the brilliant Court

15、of the Lions takes its name, dates from the eleventh century. The Court of the Pool is ordered, beautifully proportioned and rich in Islamic detail. The palace windows frame views of the surrounding landscape, as though they were oriental minatures.2.2 拉里弗花园 Case Study 02_Generalife Garden拉里弗花园中的长形水

16、池庭院或许是欧洲曝光率最高的花 园庭院之一。庭院的四周被建筑和墙体围合着:两座亭子分别位 于庭院两端,其余两个面则分别被拱券式的走廊和高墙围合着。 水池长轴两边的喷泉口喷射出的拱形水柱横跨于水池之上,使庭 院呈现出美好,宁静,优美的景象。整个庭院表现了一种永恒的 美感。The Court of the Long Pond (Patio de la Acequia) is perhaps the most photographed garden feature in Europe. It has pavillions at both ends, an arched gallery on the third side and a high wall on the fourth side. The Court, with echos of a Roman peristyle garden, or a cloister, has jets of water arching over the Long Po- n


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