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1、Unit 2 Text B Language Study (Text B) (语言学习) The Restoration of Jimmy Carter 吉米 .卡特的复元1.as comfortable as lazing in a porch swing on a summer afternoon, sipping iced tea. (Line 3-4) .就如同在夏日午后坐在门廊的秋千椅上呷冰茶那么舒服。laze: v. test; relax; be laze 闲散;懒散e.g. Since there was no plan to go further, the hikers la

2、zed by the river chatting merrily. 因为没有计划继续行进,这些徒步旅行者闲散地在河边愉快地聊天。laze round 闲散;懒散2.Just such a swing overlooks a roaring mountain stream at the Carters log cabin retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains. (Line 4-5) 卡特夫妇幽居的蓝岭山脉原木小屋前,恰好有这样的秋千椅,往下看去是一条咆哮的山间溪流。overlook: v (1)have or give a view of (a place)

3、from above俯瞰,俯视(2) fail to see or notice (something); miss; ignore没注意;漏看;忽略e.g. The house on the hill overlooks the village. 从小山上的房子可以俯视村庄。You have overlooked several of the mistakes in this work. 你忽略了这个工作中的几个错误。retreat: n. place for quiet thinking or privacy静居处;e.g. They spent their weekend in the

4、mountain retreat in Virginia. 他们在弗吉尼亚山上的幽居度过了周末。3.He then strips off the bark and shapes the wood into furniture and other items. (Line 8-9)他剥去树皮,将木料制成家具和其他用品。strip off: (1) remove a thin covering of (a material) little by little剥去;除掉(2)take off one s clothes 脱掉(衣服) ;裸露e.g. He stripped the paper off

5、 the wall. 他把墙纸撕掉了。John stripped off his wet shirt as fast as he could. 约翰快速地脱掉身上的湿衬衫。4.His woodworking relent served Cater well during his political campaigns particularly when meeting factory workers. (Line 23-24)他的木工才能在政治竞选中发挥了很好的作用,尤其是在与工人见面时。campaign: n.(1)series of military actions战役(2) series

6、 of planned activities with a particular social, commercial or political aim (政治或商业性)活动,运动v. take part in a campaign 参加(或领导)战役(或运动)e.g. a presidential election campaign 总统竞选活动a campaign to stop people smoking 一项阻止人们吸烟的运动She spent her life campaigning for women s rights.她毕生致力于女权运动5.Once he campaigned

7、 his way to the presidency, Cater occasionally managed to slip in a few hours at the carpenter s shed at Camp David, because, in his opinion, “ What we need in our lives is a stock of factors that never change” (Line 29-32) 卡特一路竞选当上了总统之后,偶尔也设法悄悄溜到戴维营运的木工场干上几小时。因为在他看来,“我们在生活中需要一些永远不变的要素.”slip: v. (1)

8、 go somewhere quietly or secretly in order not to be noticed 溜走;悄悄过去(常与in, out, away 连用)(2) put something somewhere, often quietly or secretly 将某物放在某处(常常指悄悄地或偷偷地)e.g. She slipped away without being seen. 她悄悄溜走未被人看见。He slipped the money into his pocket. 他悄悄地把钱塞进口袋。stock: n supply or amount of somethi

9、ng available for use, ect供给;e.g. We have a large stock of tinned fruit. in stock(商店等中)有现货out of stock无现货6.I think that skill with one s own hands-whether it s tilling the soil, building a house, making a piece of furniture, playing a violin or painting a painting-is something that doesn t change wit

10、h the ups and downs of life. (Line 32-35)我认为一个人的手艺-不管是耕地,造房子,做家具,拉小提琴,还是画图- 这些东西不会因生活的起起落落而改变。ups and downs: alternate good and bad luck 盛衰,沉浮e.g. Every relationship has ups and downs 每层关系里面都有起起落落。7.And for me, going back to the earth or going back to the woodshop have always been opportunities to r

11、einforce my basic skills. (Line 35-36) 至于我,回到农场或重返木工场一直是我加强技能的机会。reinforce: v. give more support to(something) 加强;增援e.g. This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy. 这个证据证实了我认为他是间谍的看法。8.It s a kind of therapy, but it s also a steadying force in my life-a total rest for my mind.(Line 40-41) 这是一

12、种理疗,也是我生活中的一种稳定力量-是身心的彻底休息。steady: a. (1) constant, unchanging 固定的,不变的(2)developing or progressing in an even continuous way without interruption 持续的,稳定的e.g.Have you got a steady boyfriend? 你有关系稳定的男朋友吗?The teacher said that there was steady progress in Mark s performance in class. 师说马克在课堂上的表现持续进步。9.

13、In Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter s recently published book, Everything to Gain ,they explained frankly how they used back-to-basic skills to confront and resolved their painful political defeat, a sudden departure from Washington and their fears of an empty future.(Line 47-50)在吉米和罗莎琳.卡特最近出版的好处说不尽一书中,他们直

14、言不讳地解释了在遭受政治失败的痛苦、突然告别华盛顿以及对迷茫的未来感到惧怕时,他们是如何使用返璞归真的技能来面对和化解这些问题的。confront: v. (1) stand or meet (someone or something) face to face 面对;面临;遭遇(2) appear or be placed in front of (someone) so as to unsettle ot threaten them 使面对;使面临(与with 连用)e.g. confront danger 面对危险I am confronted with many difficultie

15、s我面临很多困难。. resolve: v .solve or settle(problem, doubt, ect) 解决(问题,疑问等)e.g. The couple resolved their differences and mad an effort to get along. 夫妇俩解决了分歧,努力和睦相处。10 .we try to relate our lives, not to the White House, but to Plains (Line 51-52) .我们试图将我们的生活与普兰斯而不是跟白宫联系在一起. relate: v. be connected with

16、 someone or something 使联系,与(某人、某事)有关(常与to 连用)e.g. Wealth is seldom related to happiness.财富很少与幸福连在一起。11 .it s also written for the average person who loses a job, has an unexpected career change, has to move to a place not of his or her choice, has a last child leave home. (Line 55-57).它也是写给普通人看的,例如一个失去工作的人,一个突然遭到职业变迁的人,一个并非出于自己的选择而不得不迁居的人,一个自己最小的孩子也长大成人而离家的人。of one s choice某人所选定的by choice出于自己的选择,如果选择的话have no choice but to do无选择余地 ,只能做某事make one



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