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1、高一英语学案Unit 3 Travel journal 1 Unit 3 Travel journal (Warming up ,pre-reading and reading 第一课时 ) Learning aims: 1. Learn new words and expressions. 2. Talk about traveling. Before class: (课前自主学习)重点词汇 1、日记、杂志、过期刊物2、运送、运输3、更喜欢4、不利条件、 不便之处5、费用6、路线、路途7、流动8、从那以后重点短语1、计划做某事2、渡假3、利用4、日常生活5、流过难句突破Think about

2、 the _ and _ of each form of transport. 请思考每种交通方式的优势和劣势。List the countries that the Mekong River flows through. 翻译: _ “ that”引导 _从句,修饰先行词_ In class:(课堂探究)Step1 课堂预习导学1Lead-in: Discuss the following questions: a) Do you like travelling? b) Where would you like to travel? c) Which kind of transport do

3、 you like? d) Did you make a plan before travelling? How will you make a plan? 2Warming up Fill in the chart on page 17 of the students Book. 3 . Pre-reading Answer the three questions of pre-reading on page 17. Step2 要点解读:1、Which kind of transport do you prefer to use: bus or train?你更喜欢哪一种交通方式:汽 车还

4、是火车?完成新教材新学案32 页重点单词:“transport”和“ prefer” 。2. Think about the fare for different kinds of transport and decide how to get there. 考虑不同交通工具的票价并决定怎样到达那里。 fare n(1)C 车(船、航空)票价(费)taxi/bus/air fare 出租车(公共汽车、航空)费a single/one-way fare 单程票价(2)C (出租车等)乘客(= passenger) 高一英语学案Unit 3 Travel journal 2 (3)U 饮食,伙食H

5、ow much is the air fare to Beijing? 到北京的飞机票价是多少钱?All fares ,please!请买票!(公共汽车售票员用语)Bob, who is a taxi driver, had only three fares last night. 鲍勃是一个出租车司机,他昨晚仅载了三名乘客。-How do you like the school fare? 你认为学校的伙食怎么样?-Well, I dont actually enjoy it; yet it is free. 我可不喜欢吃,虽然那是免费的。拓展 fee n (可数)(付给专业人员如律师、医生

6、等的)酬金,入场(会)费charge n (可数或不可数)费用,索价;记账,赊账cost n (可数或不可数)代价,价格,费用;(常用复数)成本【对应训练】选词填空:It takes much more money now to travel around as the _ have all gone up.现在各处 旅行花费的钱多多了,因为各项车船费全涨价了。A.fees B.fares C.charges D.costs Step 3 Test in class: (当堂达标) 单项选择:1. What would you like to eat? Id prefer_some pizza

7、. A. to have B. have C. having D. had 2. Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefersa bicycleAride; rideBriding; ride Cride; to ride Dto ride; riding 3. Did you walk to school this morning? No, we went by bus _ Ainstead of feet Binstead walking Cinstead of on foot D instead on foot 4. They wil

8、l leave for Japan _two o?clock this afternoon and we?ll fly to America _ _a few weeksAafter; in Bin; after C on; in Dafter; after 5. How long _ you _ in Singapore? For just the weekend I?ll be back next Monday morning Ahave; stayed B are; staying Cdid; stay Ddo; stayAfter class: Review the new words

9、. Unit 3 Travel journal 高一英语学案Unit 3 Travel journal 3 Reading (Part1)第二课时单元背景链接:湄公河( Mekong River), 干流 全长 4880 公里,是亚洲 最重要的跨国水系,世界 第六大河流;主源为扎曲,发源于中国青海省玉树藏族自治州杂多县 。流经中国、老挝 (Laos、 缅 甸(Myanmar) 、 泰 国 (Thailand) 、 柬 埔 寨(Cambodia)和越南 (Vietnam) ,于越南胡志明市流入南海 。流域 除中国和缅甸外,均为湄公河委员会成员国。湄公河上游在中国境内,称为澜沧江,下游三角洲在越南

10、境内,因由越南流出南海有9 个出海口,故越南称之为九龙江 ,总程度长2139 公里。Learning aim: 1.Review the new words and expressions in the unit. 2.Reading and Comprehending Before class: (课前自主学习) .重点单词1vt.运输,运送n运输业2vt.更喜欢n偏爱;爱好;喜爱3n.不利条件;不便之处n有利条件,优势4vt.说服,劝说n说服,劝说5vi 骑自行车n骑自行车运动 、重点短语1 从 那 以 后2 喜 爱 , 喜 欢3改变主意4下决心;决定5屈 服,投降,让步6从 毕业7心,忧

11、虑,惦念8说服某人做某事9使某人对某事感兴趣10. 有一次做某事的机会. 难句翻译1. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. _ 2. They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countrie

12、s. _ The Chinese part 为 the Lancang River 的 _。In class:(课堂探究)Step1 Lead-in Review the important words and phrases. Step2 Skimming: 1) Decide which is the main idea of the passage: A. The author and his sister?s plan about their winter holiday. B. The experience during the author and his sister ? s t

13、rip in Qinghai. C. The author and his sister?s plan and preparations for their trip. D. anecdotes(轶事) that happened during their trip. 2) Find out the main idea of each paragraph:(choose A.B.C ) Paragraph 1:_ 高一英语学案Unit 3 Travel journal 4 Paragraph 2:_ Paragraph 3:_ A. Preparation B.Dream C. A stubb

14、orn sister Step3 Scanning:Choose the best answers according to the passage. (1)What?s the author?s attitude towards his sister, Wang Wei? A. He doesn?t like her at all.B. He is a bit proud of her and admires her. C. He has to obey her because she is his sister. D. He thinks that her knowledge of geo

15、graphy is very poor. (2)Altogether there are people who have to take the great bike trip. A. one B .two C. three D. four (3)According to the text, which of the following statements is not true? A. Wang Kun thinks that it is too cold and too high to start their trip in Qinghai. B. They found a large atlas with good maps in the library. C. At first, the Mekong River is small, and the water is clea



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