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1、智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料2014年7月雅思大作文预测(一级)1、独善其身 Individuals and countries cannot help everyone who needs help in the world, so we should be only concerned about our own communities and countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 2、人们变得冷漠 Nowadays, more and more people feel isolat

2、ed from families and friends. Why is that? What can we do to prevent it? 3、丢弃与修补 Nowadays, people like to throw away damaged things and buy new ones whild people in the past would always reuse them by repair. To what extent do you agree or disagree that this is a negative trend? 4、现代化农业的利弊 Modern te

3、chnology such as chemical fertilisers and machinery, provide people wiht cheaper food, but it causes negative impacts on peoples health. Do you think the advantages of it overweight its disadvantages?5、健身器材是否能提高人们的健康 Some people believe that to improve public health, we should increase the number of

4、 sports facilities; others believe that it has little effects and need other measures to improve it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 6、旅游利弊 Some people think international travel brings benefits. However others believe it does damage to local areas. Discuss both these views and g

5、ive your own opinion. 7、富爸爸和穷爸爸 Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life thanchildren who are brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 8、儿童的伦理道德教育应该由父母还是学校来承担 Some people think that parents sh

6、ould teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 9、媒体的不真实报道 Some people think that we should set news as our knowledge of society, but others dont make sure how far we trust in

7、journalists. What qualities do you think journalist should have? Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 报读智课外语名师班,大量学习礼包持续发放中。 报名即可享受现金优惠 1 、 报名即可享受课时费优惠,根据报读课时最高可享受5000 元现金折扣 。 2 、 智课教育内部名师托雅高频词汇大全一套. 报名就送课程 1 、报名 2 万以上课程, 赠送高段系列课程及能力英语课程。2 、报名 2 万以下课程, 赠送英语能力课程,最高可赠送所报读课时 50%. 智课学霸奖学金 报读智课托雅课程,并在学完之后三个月内考出成绩刷新学霸记录 ,即可获得智课学霸奖学金。



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