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1、 7. n. 日常饮食;食物 vi. 节食5. n. 化学制品;化学药品4. vi. 起作用;运转n. 功能;作用3. n. 营养2. n. 燃料;营养物6. vt. 增加;获得1. v.aux. 应当;应该ought tofuelnutritionfunctionchemicalgaindiet 8. n.胃;肚子_ pl.12. n.产品;产物 v.生产;制造 n.生产,制造11._n.精力;能量 _ adj.精力充沛的10._n.充足;大量;富裕adj.丰富的;充足的9. vt.检查 n.考试;检查 n. 主考者stomachstomachsexamineexamination exam

2、iner plenty plentifulenergy energetic product produceproduction14._adj.健康的;适合的(同义词)健康的 15._vt.消化(食物);领会 n.消化;吸收16. adj.好吃的;可口的 _(同义词)美味的;可口的17. n.混合;混合物 _adj.混合的fit well/healthy digest digestion tastydelicious mixturemixed13. vt.& vi.& n.平衡 _ adj.平衡的balancebalanced1.examine vt. 检查;审查;为检查身体;考核(1)exam

3、ine sth. (the quality/bill /eyes/teeth.)检查检查 ;细细看 (质质量/账单账单 /眼睛/牙齿齿等) examine sb.in physics 对对某人进进行物理考试试 (2)examination n.考试试,检查检查 take an examination参加考试试 pass/fail an examination 考试试及格/不及格 under examination 在检查检查 中,在调查调查 中The doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong.医生给她作了检查,但没发现什么问题。 The

4、teachers often_ _.教师们常测试学生的英语。 When will the physical examination be held?什么时候进行体检?examine the students in Englishexamine,check(1)examine强调“对身体或某物的检查”,看是否有毛病;也指“对物品的检查”,看是否有违禁的东西。(2)check 查证,核实,看是否正确、属实。Youd better your answers before you hand your paper in.交卷前你最好再检查一遍答案。Ill go to the hospital to ha

5、ve my eyes .我要去医院检查一下我的眼睛。checkexamined2.energy n.U 精力,活力,能量; (pl )工作能力,活动力I didnt have the energy to argue with her. 我没有精力与她争吵。The suns energy will last for millions of years.太阳能将维持数亿年。Ill the work.我要全力以赴做好这项工作。devote all my energies toenergy,power,strength(1) energy指生理上的“精力”,物理学定义中的“能”。(2)power“指能

6、力、权力”,着重行动所根据的能力、本领或职权;还指人开发出的动 力,如“电源;推力”。(3)strength指人或物所固有的力量和能量,侧重于表示人的“气力,意志,毅力”。Sorry,I cant do that for you because its beyond my .对不起,我为你办不了那事,因为它超出 了我的能力。 It is said that a station will be built in the city.据说将在这个城市里建立一个发电站。 He does weight training to build up his physical .他练举重以增强体力。powerp

7、owerstrengthHe is full of .他精力充沛。In the future,we will make full use of nuclear .在将来,我们会充分利用核能。energyenergy3.diet n.C 日常饮食;食物 vi. 节食put sb.on a diet 限制某人的饮饮食be on a diet 在节节食,吃规规定的食物go on a diet 节节食,吃规规定的食物a balanced diet 均衡饮饮食A balanced diet and regular exercise are both important for health.均衡的饮食和

8、有规律的运动对健康都是很重要的。Every person needs water and (a) diet of healthy foods.人人都需要水和健康的食品。No sugar in my coffee,please.Im dieting.请不要给我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。The doctor advised him to to lose weight.医生建议他节食减肥。go on a diet4.balance vt.& vi. 平衡;比较;权衡 n.天平,秤 keep/lose ones balance 保持/失去平衡Off balance 不稳稳Balance beam 平衡木b

9、alancedadj. 平衡的You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。 There is work and play in his life.生活中他很好地平衡了工作与玩的关系。 The child couldnt keep his balance on his new bicycle.那个孩子骑在他的新自行车上不能保持平衡。 is good for our health.均衡饮食有利于身体健康。a nice balance betwe

10、enA balanced diet5.fit vt.& vi.合身,适合,安装 adj.适合的,健康的,称职的 n.适合,合身 (1)be fit/unfit for 适合/不适合 be fit/unfit to do 适合/不适合做某事keep fit 保持健康 (2)fit on 试试穿(衣服)fit in with 适合;与一致,使与 一致 (3)a nice/perfect fit 很合身fit,suit,match(1)fit vt.(做)合适(多指衣服尺寸、大小合适)(2)suit vt.(发式,衣服款式等)相配;适合(职业;年龄等)(3)match vt. & vi.(go wi

11、th)匹配,表示大小、颜色、形状、性质等方面的搭配。The climate here me very well.这里的气候非常适合我。The tie the color of the suit.这条领带与西装的颜色很匹配。This coat doesnt meits so big.这件上衣不适合我穿太大了。suitsmatchesfit(2008天津高考)Her shoes her dress;they look very well together.A.suit B.fitC.compare D.matchD 1. twice a year,whether it is a car or a

12、bus or a truck,is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.A.Examining B.ExaminedC.Being examined D.Having been examinedC2.Would you like some more chicken?No,thanks,I am a diet and Im trying to _weight.A.on;lose B.on;put onC.in;have D.in;loseA3.How about seven oclock outside the park?That me fine.A. satisfies B.suitsC. meets D.fits解析:suit me fine相当于suit me very well,对我很合适。B4.Before choosing a career you should spend time thinking about your personal and weak points.A.forces B.strengthC.energy D.advantagesD10. 适用于;应用于1. 许多;大量的 2.



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