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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福综合口语task6专项练习-智课教育旗下智课教育在托福综合口语task6中,考生应该采取哪些技巧和方法才能取得 高分呢?应该从哪些方面入手准备呢?本次智课教育小编就来和大家分 享一下! 托福综合口语task6专项练习 如果考生想要在托福口语task6中取得高分,除了要掌握答题技巧 和方法,还要学会利用历年真题进行练习,本次智课教育小编就来和大 家分享一下托福综合口语task6中的答题技巧和方法。 一.回顾 实际上综合口语第六题部分只有听力部分,并且听力部分和第五题 有不同,是教授一个人在做讲座。在大纲中,是这样要求的,An expert from a le

2、cture (60-90s,230-280words)that explain a term or concept and gives concrete examples to illustrate the term or concept。作答的时候The question asks the test taker to summarize the lecture and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the examples and the overall topic. 总结概 括阅读文章,并且要说清楚自己对于

3、例子和文章中讨论话题的关系的理 解。这个题目的答题结构是Part1总结文章讨论话题即,part2解释第一 点及例,part3解释第二点及例2。 二.例题 1.题目 Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain the two adaptions of animals enduring extreme environments.这个题 目的准备时间是20秒,答题时间是60秒。即要运用讲座中的观点,来解 释动物为了使用两种极端的环境而采用的方法是什么。 2.答题 Part1-summarize the topic Animal Ad

4、aptations All animals live in habitats. Habitats provide food, water, and shelter which animals need to survive, however there is more tosurvival such as mammals, also depend on both their physical fane behavioral adaptions to help them survive extreme environments. 考生应该注意文章的开头,在文章中说标黑色的字体直 接回答了两种ad

5、aptation是什么,一种身体上的,另一种是行为上的。 To help you better understand the concept, I will show you examples of both physical and behavioral adaptions by camels in desert environment. 因此,我们可以转述为:According to the lecture , animals have both physical and behavioral adaptations to help them survive in extreme envi

6、ronments. The professor takes the camel as an example to explain the two adaptations. part 2-explain point1Camels, well known for their humps, live a harsh desert life. They have a remarkable capacity to endure extreme temperatures. However, their humps not only store water, as is commonly believed,

7、 but also help keep them cool by absorbing heat from sunlight. A camels hump can therefore act like a sunshade , taking in the brutal rays of the sun while keeping the whole body cool.这一部分解释了动物为了适应环境,身体上的适应。 骆驼因为驼峰而著名,它们有很强的能力去适应极端高温,但是驼峰除 了可以帮助骆驼储水,同时,还可以帮助它们保持通过吸收太阳的热量 ,来保持身体的凉爽。所以考生可以这样转述:First,

8、as far as the physical adaptation concerned, camels humps can absorb heat from sunlight and thus help them keep cool. In this way, their humps play like a sunshade by absorbing the brutal rays of the sun to keep their body cool in a desert environment. part 2-explain point2 Moreover, camels, like ot

9、her desert mammals, adapt to the extreme environment with specialized behavior. Camels usually sit without moving during the day to reduce their energy demand and generate less heat. They also like to gather in groups, shading each other to keep cool.骆驼在白天几乎不动,为了产生更少的热量和消耗,而且他们会聚 集到一起,去乘凉。 因此我们可以转述为

10、Also, camels have adapted to desert life with their unique behavior. They always sit still during the day so that they are able to conserve energy and produce less heat. Besides, sitting together can also create shade for them to cool down.这里体现了语言转化的能力,conserve energy=reduce energy demand 三.然后来听一段问题

11、答案。 All animals has habitats, the habitats provide food, water and shadows, and other else for survival. The professor give an example for this. That physical and behavioral by desert mammals, like camel.这一部分并不是我们想要的答案,它只是为了要 引出我们后面的内容,对我们的答案根本就没有太多的信息。Habitat 读错了,has应该改为have,give应该改为gives,原文中是shelt

12、ers, 她用到的是shadows。而且physical和behavioral是形容词,是不可以 做主语的。The camel live in extreme temperature place, and they always store waters and make it cool and away the sunlight to hold their body cold. And the camel behavior like other desert mammals stay a place to reduce their energy and they live in a grou

13、p to shades their bodies cool. Extreme读错了,water不可数, it指代不明,away放在此处不符合语法逻辑,使身体梁爽不应该用hold 。而且后边一句话中canmel和mammal读错了,而且这句话的主语和 谓语搭配不一致。Stay in a place不是stay in place。 它的答案中常见的问题,首先答案未切题,组织结构混乱,语法错 误过多,发音错误。 这样的文章,在托福口语考试中,最多只能得两分,接下来我们来 看看托福口语考试中2分的评分标准 两分的评分标准answer to question ANSWER TO QUESTIONThe

14、student discusses information from the task but does not answer the question directly. COMPREHENSIBILITY The student is not always intelligible. ORGANIZATION The students response is not clearly organized and is incomplete or contains some inaccurate points. FLUENCY The students speech is not very f

15、luent and has a number of problems. PRONUNCIATION The students pronunciation is not very clear, with a number of problems. GRAMMAR The student has a number of errors in grammar or uses only very basic grammar fairly accurately. VOCABULARY The student has a number of errors in vocabulary or uses only very basic vocabulary fairly accurately.托福口语考试中的task6并不像考生想象的那么困难,因此小编建 议考生在掌握以上信息的基础上,学习利用历年真题进行练习,争取在 考试中取得高分!


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